Hey, I’m Dr. Kyrin and I totally get it! I’ve been where you are, suffering with the symptoms of Midlife Metabolic Mayhem, worrying about disease and early demise, not realizing I was in hormonal poverty or what to do about it. Surviving life at midlife with no gas and no joy, overweight, tired, sexless and confused about what to do to fix it and finding NO answers in my mainstream medical profession as a Board Certified OBGYN. Everything changed when I discovered ALL the root causes of the hormonal poverty that we women experience at midlife as the cause of the 60+ symptoms of Midlife Metabolic Mayhem, disease and early demise and followed the reqrding path back to hormonal prosperity and successful weight loss, energy, libido, hair and so much more! I share these truths with you here so that you too can get off the couch, into your jeans and back into your joy filled life!

7 days ago
7 days ago
Are you finding yourself avoiding kisses, hugs, or even the thought of intimacy with your partner? Do you feel like your personality has shifted since menopause, making you more independent but less connected?
You’re not alone, and you’re not imagining things. But here’s the truth—it doesn’t have to be this way.
Welcome back to The Hormone Prosperity Podcast with me, Dr. Kyrin, your trusted hormone prosperity coach. In this empowering episode, we’re answering a candid and relatable question from Tiffany about losing that spark of intimacy and connection in midlife. Together, we’ll unpack myths, reveal truths, and equip you with the guidance you need to not just survive this stage of life—but thrive.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
- Why libido is essential, not optional: Discover why your sex drive is one of the most powerful indicators of your overall health and vitality.
- The myths we’ve been sold: Find out why the belief that losing your sex drive is “normal” after 40 is a damaging lie—and how societal norms perpetuate this misconception.
- The secrets of cultivating vitality: Learn about Master Mantak Chia’s teachings on preserving and transforming sexual energy (Jing) into Qi—a powerful force to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit.
- Unpacking "common vs. normal": Just because many women experience midlife symptoms like low libido, hair loss, weight gain, and exhaustion doesn’t mean it’s something you have to accept.
- Empowering questions, powerful results: Shift from asking “What’s wrong with me?” to “What would hormonal prosperity do?” (#WWHPD).
- Practical steps to finding your spark: Identify what’s holding you back, learn how to address unresolved health issues, and explore the energetic and functional practices to reclaim your vitality.
- The ripple effect of intimacy: How rediscovering passion with your partner can increase love and positive energy in your family, community, and even the world.
Episode Highlights:
This episode is packed with game-changing insights and practical solutions tailored to empower midlife women. You'll feel understood, inspired, and equipped with supportive tools to reclaim the passion and intimacy that’s your birthright.
From Master Mantak Chia’s wisdom on multiple orgasms (yes, really!) to understanding how healing your Jing benefits your entire life, you’ll leave this episode ready to take action.
Your Call to Action
Take the Free Hormonal Poverty Quiz
Could you be in hormonal poverty? Find out in just 90 seconds!
👉 CLICK HERE to take the quiz and assess where you stand.
Help Other Women Get Their Bliss Back
Enjoyed this episode? Please share it with a friend who’s also struggling with hormonal imbalance or midlife metabolic mayhem. Together, we can help more women reclaim their vitality and health. Don’t forget to leave us a review or rating—your support helps build this empowering community!
No one deserves to live in hormonal poverty. 🛑 Drop the disempowering question, “What’s wrong with me?” and start asking, “What would hormonal prosperity do?” (#WWPD)
Catch the full episode now and start crafting the vibrant, healthy life you deserve.
✨ Listen Now ✨
Words to Keep Close to Heart:
“Just because something is common, doesn’t mean it’s normal. You don’t have to settle. Bliss, vitality, and intimacy are your birthright—go reclaim them!”
Podcast Episode Transcript:
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (00:00):
Are you hating, kissing and other sexual things with your partner right about now? If so, this is definitely part of hormonal poverty and we need to have a serious talk. The health consequences are devastating of having no libido and what this means for your health and your vitality and your life. Up next,
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (00:24):
Greetings friend. Welcome to the Hormone Prosperity Podcast with me, the hormone prosperity coach, Dr. Kyrin. Here's where intelligent women over 40 go to get credible guidance and inspiration on getting out of hormonal poverty and into hormonal prosperity and the joy and vitality that brings. Go from asking disempowering questions like, what's wrong with me, to asking empowering questions like, what would hormonal prosperity do? Hashtag ww HPD. Join me as we dive into today's episode and get started on your journey off the couch, into your gene and back into life, because bliss is your birthright and a healthy body filled with hormonal prosperity is the vehicle that gets you there. Welcome. Let's get started.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (01:16):
Hey everybody. Welcome back to another episode of the Hormone Prosperity Coach. We're gonna answer Tiffany's question today about, she says, fully in menopause now, hate kissing. Anyone else moods. Just curious. Have heard others complain about zero interest in sex? Definitely have that issue. Poor husband kissing now just completely grosses me out and hubby kisses a lot. His dental health is excellent, takes great care of his teeth slash gums. It's just gross. It's so surprising how much my personality has changed since menopause arrived. I'm not snugly where I used to hold hands. Sit next to hug, touch all the time now. No thanks. Please give me space. I've talked to hubby about how I've changed since and he understands, but I do miss how I was in that way. I do like now how I feel way more independent and give less about what others think.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (02:10):
I was a people pleaser for sure before. Anyway, just wondering if anyone else is grossed out by certain things. Now, I love this question, Tiffany <laugh>. I absolutely love this question. So this was me back in my forties when I was going through the change. And here I am ob, GYN and midlife and all my patients are at midlife with the same problems. And I didn't, I felt the same way. I didn't wanna kiss, I didn't wanna, I didn't want anything to do with sex. I didn't wanna ever have sex again. In fact, I told my husband, maybe you can relate. Go get a girlfriend. I'm not doing that <laugh>, it's not funny really. But I did say that. And every woman who would come see me in their forties and fifties and beyond would say the same thing. I don't care if I ever have sex again.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (02:58):
And maybe you're there. So let's talk about this. I love this question. So why is this so vital in the West? We very much take it for granted as a fact of life that we are going to lose our sex drive as we age. Whether you believe it or not, there is a part of you, whether you admit it or not, that probably believes this. And we foster this belief among each other as women by believing that there are no answers. There was menopause the musical a a few years ago where they had musical numbers. It did traveled all around the world, I think musical numbers about menopause. And I didn't see it, but a friend of mine who's a colleague also went and saw it and she said, Kyrin, all these women were in this theater with their friends. They give you a fan when you walk in the door before you go to your seat.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (03:54):
And they're fanning themselves and they have songs about how we're just fat and sexless and we wind up with coffee and wind down with wine. And we, we just, that's all we have to look forward to in life. And we just make the best of it. And chocolate makes us happy. And we fan ourselves. And she said, they're all laughing. And I, I'm crying tears. Were rolling down my face. And I would've been crying too if I had been there because it's insanity. What we women have been told to accept as the truth about our health that is nothing but pure lies. We can and should have an excellent, healthy sex drive and sex life throughout our lifespan. In fact, our sex drive is in my opinion, one of the best, if not the best barometers of our overall health. Don't tell me your temperature, your blood pressure, your weight to your pulses, your respiratory rate, all these things.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (04:52):
That's nice. Tell me what your sex drive is doing and I'll tell you how healthy you are. And it really should be va vavo at every age. And in fact, so I'm here at Dow Garden at a DAOs retreat learning from Master Montauk Chia, and I've now become a certified associate instructor to start teaching the practices. Why is this important? He is one of the teachers of these philosophies and practices that help women to preserve and cultivate their life force energy that heals their body, their chi, but their jing also, which is their sexual force energy. And how to turn that into q that helps and nourishes your body. You have a fountain ever giving fountain of this coming to you. So if you're not experiencing it as a drive to sexuality, something is wrong. And it means that you're losing Qi life force.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (05:54):
And when all your qi life force is gone, guess what time's up. And that is the ending date on your tombstone. The day that you die when you have no more chi life force. So this is crucial. It is vital. And and master chia says menopausal women, super woman super superwoman. We shouldn't only be having one orgasm, we should be having multiple orgasm. That's one of the things that he teaches, is the techniques for how do women do that with or without a partner. So within the next year, I'll be rolling out programs to teach you how to do these things. Yay. along with other energy practices we should be having multiple orgasms and how these orgasms take this jing sexual energy and you can create she vital life force energy to heal your brain and your body and your organs and store it to use for energy.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (06:50):
How does that sound to go do all the things you wanna do. Like go to musicals and go to plays and hang out with your friends and travel. So menopausal woman superwoman and you should be hot superwoman, really, Tiffany. So this is something that we women in the west really take for granted that we're going to lose our sex drive and then we think it's no big deal 'cause all our friends are experiencing that. So we think it's quote unquote normal. So what I want to key you in, in this video too, there's always the answer to the question and then there's some adjunct that is important for you to understand about why that question is important and how you are understanding and going about answering that question that will help inform you to make, ask better questions about your health so you can get better results.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (07:44):
And here it, it has to do with what we come to believe is normal. We believe that the 60 plus symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem are quote unquote normal because we look around and all our friends are having the same things. We go to book club, we go to church, we go to luncheons, we go to family reunions. Every woman over 40 is talking about the 60 plus symptoms of midlife metabolic. Ma'am, oh, my hair's falling out. Oh, I have no sex drop. Oh, I can't lose this weight. Oh, I I have this rash that won't go away. Oh, my eyelashes won't grow. Oh, my gut is crazy. I don't know what's happening. You name the symptoms. Oh, I got this autoimmune condition. My doctor doesn't know what it is. It's some non-specific autoimmune marker. They're gonna recheck it in six months, right? It's all these health things that we don't have answers to that make our life difficult to live.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (08:38):
We think it's normal. It is not normal. It is not normal to have any of this. It's common, but it is not normal. Common does not equal normal. Stop believing that they are different. Just because something's common doesn't mean that it's normal and you shouldn't have to, to put up with it. There is always a reason I say there is always, always, always a reason. If you have symptoms that with your health that remain unresolved, there is always a reason. And if the healthcare providers that you're going to don't have explanations for you and can't help you reverse it, you're going to the raw, you're going to the hardware store for milk. So stop going to the hardware store for milk. They don't sell milk, they never will. And drive your car on over to your computer like where I do my work right online or find another provider who can help you with these energetic practices and the functional practices.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (09:37):
It is absolutely vital. So Tiffany, you and your husband deserve, and this is for Tiffany and everybody else with this question and this difficulty. Some of you are living as a roommate with your spouse of decades whom you have shared a home with, built a life with foster, had children, with birth children, with raised them. You have all these rich, beautiful life experiences together. Did you really go through all of that to get to this stage of life where you don't even wanna kiss your partner and hold hands with them and cuddle with them and make sweet, passionate, hot stank, sexy love with them and enjoy their company and have that close physical emotional intimacy that can occur for you? Did you really go through all of that to just be like me? Meh, it's normal. I don't want it. No, you didn't. You're just giving up because you don't think you can have anything different.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (10:39):
And that's a whole other meta called lured helplessness, which is very common among women in Western countries. We are taught at a very young age that we have to accept what is given to us and only ask the questions and get the answer, receive the answers to the questions that we're told we can ask. And what I'm telling you is it's time to break out of that crap and start asking the empowering questions that are gonna get you what you really want, not what you think you can have to settle for. When you start demanding what is yours for your health, you start saying, I will not put up with a sexless marriage.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (11:22):
You'll start, they say when the student is ready, the teacher appears. So when you are really ready to receive that, the teacher will appear me or someone like me who can help you with the energetic pieces, the g the jing, all of it, and the functional pieces. And then you'll watch the miracles that happen and what is restored for you, for your body, your hormonal prosperity, your life, your marriage, your family. This doesn't only affect you by the way, that's another thing I wanna point out. You think that it's just you and your husband, it affects him. I find the men more than they say they don't like to say. But it also affects your whole family and your friends and your community because love is probably the most powerful force there is. Sexual love being one of those forms. And the sexual love fosters the love between a couple and that ripples out into everybody else in your environment.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (12:29):
And energetically it ripples out actually to the whole world. So being in love with your husband and wanting to be close and physically close and sexual with him actually is your duty not only to yourself, but to the globe to increase the level of love. The the energy will go out as free radicals to the environment to counteract all of the negative hateful energy that we're encountering in our globe right now. Do your part, Tiffany <laugh>, do your part. You gotta do your part. So get this fixed so you and your husband can get right and then you're doing everybody a service. So I love this question, Tiffany, thank you so much for that. So much more to learn. If you're not sure, if you're in hormonal poverty, please take the quiz. It will really help you. I created it free to help you.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (13:22):
You can find the link in the show notes. It takes less than 60 seconds. I'll give you free my blueprint from hormonal poverty to hormonal prosperity. And consider joining me for the Hormonal BLIS challenge where I really dive in with you one-on-one face-to-face. We do it as a group all your questions and really help you understand what are all the pieces, what are the anatomic, biochemical, physiological, functional, energetic pieces that I need to address to get the hormone prosperity that I want. So I look forward to seeing you there. Thanks so much for joining me. Welcome your questions. I really love answering them. Until next time, peace, love, and hormones. Y'all,
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (14:14):
Thank you so much for joining me on your journey from hormonal poverty into the promised land of hormonal prosperity. Loved today's episode. Share it with someone you care about, love the show. Consider writing a review and help other women find it too. Remember, we're all in this together right now. There are well over 100 million women suffering in hormonal poverty without answers. Please be of service by sharing, rating and reviewing the show. Help us reach at least 1 million of these women this coming year from one previously suffering woman to another. I thank you. See you next week.

Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Ever find yourself lying awake at night, heart racing for no reason? Or maybe you’ve noticed your heart skipping beats out of the blue? If you’re in midlife or menopause, this episode is for you. 💗
Join Dr. Kyrin as she tackles Trina’s important question about irregular heartbeats during menopause. Could these unsettling symptoms be connected to low hormone levels? And more importantly, are they warning signs of something bigger?
Here’s What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode:
- Why irregular heartbeats during menopause deserve your full attention—not just your worry.
- The role estrogen and other key hormones play in protecting your heart (and how hormonal imbalances could be contributing to your symptoms).
- Why mainstream medicine might dismiss your symptoms and how to advocate for yourself.
- The “hidden” dangers of hormonal poverty and the steps you can take to shift into hormonal prosperity.
Dr. Kyrin shares her own story of struggling with irregular heartbeats, how mainstream medicine failed to provide answers, and the holistic steps she took to restore her vibrant health. Spoiler alert—it’s not about masking symptoms; it’s about addressing the root cause. 💡
Key Takeaways:
- Hormones matter: Did you know low estrogen during menopause can alter how your heart functions?
- Mainstream medicine isn’t enough: Traditional tests may miss functional issues that could jeopardize your heart health.
- Empower your health: Make proactive choices to move out of hormonal poverty and unlock hormonal prosperity.
This episode is packed with actionable advice to help you tune into your body, identify red flags, and take the steps you need to thrive.
Your Call to Action
Take the Free Hormonal Poverty Quiz
Could you be in hormonal poverty? Find out in just 90 seconds!
👉 CLICK HERE to take the quiz and assess where you stand.
Help Other Women Get Their Bliss Back
Enjoyed this episode? Please share it with a friend who’s also struggling with hormonal imbalance or midlife metabolic mayhem. Together, we can help more women reclaim their vitality and health. Don’t forget to leave us a review or rating—your support helps build this empowering community!
No one deserves to live in hormonal poverty. 🛑 Drop the disempowering question, “What’s wrong with me?” and start asking, “What would hormonal prosperity do?” (#WWPD)
Catch the full episode now and start crafting the vibrant, healthy life you deserve.
✨ Listen Now ✨
Podcast Episode Transcript:
Dr. Kyrin Dunston
Coming up next. Irregular heartbeat in menopause. Are they related? And could this be signs of bigger trouble to come find out Next.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston
Greetings friend. Welcome to the Hormone Prosperity Podcast with me, the hormone prosperity coach, Dr. Kyrin. Here's where intelligent women over 40 go to get credible guidance and inspiration on getting out of hormonal poverty and into hormonal prosperity and the joy and vitality that brings. Go from asking disempowering questions like, what's wrong with me? To asking empowering questions like, what would hormonal prosperity do? Hashtag ww PD. Join me as we dive into today's episode and get started on your journey off the couch, into your genes and back into life, because bliss is your birthright and a healthy body filled with hormonal prosperity is the vehicle that gets you there. Welcome. Let's get started.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston
Hey everybody, it's Dr. Kyrin. Welcome back to another episode of the Hormone Prosperity Coach. So glad that you're joining me today as we dive into a question from Trina who says another symptom post menopause. Anyone else experience irregular heartbeat with menopause? It scares me. It should scare you, Trina. This is big, huge problem. It's not uncommon though, one of those 60 plus symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem that we women might have to contend with. So with estrogen dropping progesterone, dropping testosterone, dropping oftentimes cortisol dysfunction, insulin dysfunction, thyroid, DHEA, right? These are the seven main metabolic hormones we've got to contend with that inform hormonal poverty or hormonal prosperity and inform all our cells and all our systems to be healthy and thriving and growing and healing or deteriorating and cause getting ready to cause us problems that we may not know about it yet. So estrogen in particular, but all of these hormones have a role in every cell, in every system in your body, including your arteries that carry the blood throughout your body, from your heart to every cell in your brain, to every cell in your feet, to every cell in your precious abdominal cavity, chest cavity, everywhere, very intimately involved with artery function.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston
This is why menopause is associated. So lack of estrogen is associated with increased risk of the number one cause of death of women over 50, which is heart disease and heart attack. We're all worrying about breast cancer over here. Meanwhile, our body is like, Hey, pay attention to your heart and you're having an irregular heartbeat. So this could be a sign, Trina, that your arteries around your heart are being affected and it could be affecting the conduction system in your heart. Your heart is an electrical apparatus. Yep, it's electrical and that's why it has this internal electrical system that causes it to pump, pump, pump every day of your life. It pumps from about five weeks of birth. We can see it on an ultrasound all the way till you take your last breath, and then usually even a little bit farther if you haven't died from a heart attack, it still will pump depending on the cause of death.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston
It does its job. Sun, moon, shine. It doesn't care rainy, sunny deadlines. It doesn't. It just pumps. It does its job well, it needs to be nourished properly. And one of the things it needs is estrogen, but it also needs all the other hormones probably that your doctor isn't talking to you about that I wanna make sure you know about your insulin, thyroid, cortisol, DHEA, progesterone, testosterone. Your heart depends on all of these. So you need to go to your doctor. You need to start at least probably with an EKG. Now, I'm not your doctor. And this is just for educational purposes. So anything that you have a health concern about, please go see your doctor. What we do here is not, does not replace medical advice. So you need to talk with your doctor about what you're having. They probably will start with your evaluation with an EKG electrocardiogram to see if there are any abnormalities.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston
But if not, they'll probably put you on a Holter monitor to track your heartbeats over a 24 hour period and then have a reading to see if maybe there's something they missed on the EKG. 'cause The EKG is only for a few seconds in time. The Holter monitor is about 24 hour period, or they might do a echocardiogram to look at how your heart is functioning, how the ventricles are emptying, are they emptying properly? Is the blood flowing through your heart properly? Or they might do other imaging tests depending on what they find might send you to a cardiologist. But this is something that should scare you, Trina. Thank you for sharing it. So if you haven't already, you need to talk to your doctor about this as quickly as possible and get it evaluated. Now, let's say they evaluate you and they don't find anything and they say, we're going to check you again in six months, Trina, you're good and you're still feeling this <inaudible>.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston
I have to say that I had that too <laugh> when I was in the perimenopause and weighed 243 pounds, had chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, irritable bowel gastritis. I had so many things, my health was a mess. And I had that too. And I told my doctor and they sent me for the Holter and the cardiogram and all this, and they didn't find anything. And when I realized that I was in hormonal poverty and I had so many inputs causing my body to be in hormonal poverty that I teach you about in my hormone bliss challenge when I corrected them all, it went away. It went away naturally because nothing happens in your body without a reason. But when you don't look at your health from a functional or energetic perspective, which are higher levels, I'll say energetic is up here, then there's functional anatomic is down here, and mainstream medicine is really looking for have you had a heart attack that we missed and did, did part of your ventricle wall die?
Dr. Kyrin Dunston
So now you're having a car anatomic cardiac problem, or maybe it's disrupted the electrical conduction system in your heart. So they're looking for anatomic problems or they're looking for, do you have a partial occlusion of one of the arteries feeding blood to your heart, another anatomic problem? And pretty much if it's not an anatomic problem or a conduction problem in that electrical system, which is usually due to an anatomic problem, then they're gonna say, we don't know. We don't know why you have it. And that was the case for me. And when I fixed my hormonal poverty, I stopped having that. Now, I'm not gonna say that that's gonna happen for you. I'm not your doctor. You need to go to your doctor and talk about that. But yes, Trina, thanks for the question. Anybody else? Irregular heartbeat, talk to your doctor about it, get it checked out.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston
But if they tell you it's nothing what they're really saying, you need to understand what mainstream doctors are saying to you. It's nothing that we can find with the tests that we have to look for anatomic problems. We don't look for a lot of the functional problems that could be contributing to this bi hormonal poverty. So you might have a problem there. Go find a doctor who can help you with that, like me and my colleagues who have done training in anti-aging, metabolic and functional medicine and energy medicine also. So start to listen, really listen to what your $30 H-M-O-P-P-O copay doctors are telling you, because if you take what they're telling you as the gospel and meaning that we don't find anything wrong, and you take that to mean that I'm in perfect health, you are going to be very misguided and confused when the boulder drops into your life.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston
The big fat boulder health problem drops into your life and you're gonna go. But my doctor said I was fine, but my doctor did blood work. But my doctor listened to my heart, but my doctor did an EKG, but my doctor said I was fine. So I like to say that health problems don't come out of the blue. She didn't get ca breast cancer out of the blue. She didn't get a heart attack and die out of the blue. She didn't get a stroke out of the blue. She didn't get multiple sclerosis. You think of the disease, she didn't get it out of the blue. She got it out of the oblivious. That is where disease or dis disease comes from in the body out of the oblivious. We are not getting all the information that we need to inform us from mainstream medicine. We never will.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston
That's not what it's designed for. It is about disease management. It's going to wait till you get sick, and then they're gonna manage that disease for you. That is mainstream medicine. If you, on a higher level of healthcare, it requires you, yes, requires you to go to different type of practitioner who has functional and energetic health training, and look for the things that mainstream medicine isn't looking for, the functional problems, the energetic problems, and address those so that you are no longer oblivious. That means you've gotta get out of hormonal poverty and into hormonal prosperity. Mainstream medicine will never get you completely out of hormonal poverty and into hormonal prosperity. So you've been warned, <laugh>, discredit this advice at your own risk. I want you to have all the health and vitality that you deserve in this lifetime. You deserve to have the best vitality, health, joy, connection, self-expression in this life.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston
Thank you so much, Trina for the question. I hope you'll take this seriously and get some answers that can really take your health to the next level and get you to the hormonal prosperity that you deserve. If you're not sure if you're in hormonal poverty, look at the show notes and look for the quiz link. You can take the quiz in less than 60 seconds. It'll give you a good idea. I'll give you a free program that I have outlining the blueprint steps that I've taken thousands of women through to help them on the path, the journey from hormonal poverty to hormonal prosperity for free, and consider joining my Hormone Bliss challenge, which will be starting up right before Valentine's Day. Thanks so much for joining me. I look forward to answering more of your questions. Until next time, peace, love, and hormones. Y'all,
Dr. Kyrin Dunston
Thank you so much for joining me on your journey from hormonal poverty into the promised land of hormonal prosperity. Loved today's episode. Share it with someone you care about. Love the show. Consider writing a review and help other women find it too. Remember, we're all in this together right now. There are well over 100 million women suffering in hormonal poverty without answers. Please be of service by sharing, rating and reviewing the show. Help us reach at least 1 million of these women this coming year from one previously suffering women to another. I thank you. See you next week.

Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Tuesday Feb 18, 2025
Welcome to another energizing and empowering episode of The Hormone Prosperity Podcast with Dr. Kyrin! This week, we’re tackling a pressing question from our listener, Mavic, who’s confused about the various ways to dose Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).
Are you wondering if that HRT pill, patch, or cream is the best choice for your body? Curious about the hidden risks of oral estradiol or why your patch might be causing skin irritation? Dr. Kyrin breaks it all down with heartfelt clarity and solid science, as she explains why the method you use to dose hormones can spell the difference between prosperity or problems for your body.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
- The First Pass Effect: Find out why oral estradiol and testosterone are problematic—hint, it’s harming more than helping by overloading your liver.
- Better Dosing Methods: Discover why transdermal creams are the healthier alternative to patches, and how compounded bioidentical hormones can open up new possibilities for vitality.
- Progesterone Done Right: Why oral progesterone is Dr. Kyrin’s go-to method for stress relief and sleep enhancement—but only when it’s crafted properly!
- Myth-Busting Mainstream HRT: Are you still trusting the advice of a general physician or weekend-trained bioidentical hormone practitioner? Learn what to look for in a credentialed HRT expert.
- The all-important balance of estradiol and estriol to protect your health and happiness.
Why This Episode Matters
Hormones hold the key to midlife joy, vitality, and a stronger, healthier you—yet too many women are left confused by mainstream advice or trapped in hormonal poverty. Dr. Kyrin’s insights will help you leave behind one-size-fits-all solutions and make confident, informed decisions about your HRT treatment.
Empower Your Journey
Dr. Kyrin invites every intelligent woman to stop settling for "good enough." This episode gives you the knowledge to question your current treatments, explore more effective options, and step into the hormonal prosperity you deserve!
Your Call to Action
Take the Free Hormonal Poverty Quiz
Could you be in hormonal poverty? Find out in just 90 seconds!
👉 CLICK HERE to take the quiz and assess where you stand.
Help Other Women Get Their Bliss Back
Enjoyed this episode? Please share it with a friend who’s also struggling with hormonal imbalance or midlife metabolic mayhem. Together, we can help more women reclaim their vitality and health. Don’t forget to leave us a review or rating—your support helps build this empowering community!
Podcast Episode Transcript:
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (00:00):
Coming up next, could your hormone dosing route be putting you at risk for greater problems? Find out next.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (00:11):
Greetings friend. Welcome to the Hormone Prosperity Podcast with me, the hormone prosperity coach, Dr. Kyrin. Here's where intelligent women over 40 go to get credible guidance and inspiration on getting out of hormonal poverty and into hormonal prosperity and the joy and vitality that brings. Go from asking disempowering questions like, what's wrong with me? To asking empowering questions like, what would hormonal prosperity do? Hashtag WW HPD. Join me as we dive into today's episode and get started on your journey off the couch, into your genes and back into life because bliss is your birthright and a healthy body filled with hormonal prosperity is the vehicle that gets you there. Welcome. Let's get started.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (01:01):
Welcome back to another episode of the Hormone Prosperity Coach. As we dive into talking about a question from Mavic, who wants to know about different dosing routes for HRT, which is a question that I see often, a lot of you are confused about. Should using a patch, should I be using a cream, a pill, a shot? Oh, like a pellet? What should I be doing? So let's dive into this question that Mavic proposed. She says, what's the latest on oral versus patches versus gels? For HRTI was initially prescribed patches, but that horribly irritated my skin. The adhesive question mark. So I'm on oral estradiol and progesterone, but are these oral pills less effective? I'm wondering about trying gels or spray that I've read a bit about in case the oral isn't as helpful pro slash protective. So thank you for this question, Mavic, I love it.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (01:55):
There is so much to dive into here for all of you, hormone seekers, hormone finders, hormone users because oh, so much to dive into. So the first thing I'm gonna like circle with my red pen, the things that really catch my attention that are crucial alerts that need to be addressed. So number one is you say, I'm on oral estradiol and progesterone, oral progesterone, no problem. Cool. That's my favorite way, way to dose it for women, because it help can help with anxiety. When it goes through the gastrointestinal tract, it stimulates the nerves and neurotransmitters that go directly to your brain. Your gut is your second brain and it helps your GABA nerve neurotransmitter, which is your calm anti-anxiety, and it helps with sleep, love, progesterone, orally. Now estradiol or any estrogen orally or testosterone, no step away from the oral estradiol, the oral testosterone.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (03:02):
Why? Because when you take estradiol or testosterone orally and it goes into your gastrointestinal tract, there's something that happens called the first pass effect. First pass effect, where these hormones go into the bloodstream that go right to your liver through the portal vein. They go from the gastrointestinal tract, collects the blood in the veins, and then it goes right up to your liver, the portal vein into your liver. Now your liver is the main sanitation department or detox central for almost everything in your body, most things, and especially your sex hormones. So you have a flood of sex hormones, estradiol and testosterone coming to the liver. And what that does is it overloads your detox profile and it causes biochemical changes that can actually increase your risk for well heart disease for one, but other health problems as well. And we call that the first pass effect you do.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (04:10):
It doesn't happen with progesterone. So you do not want to take estrogen or testosterone in an oral capsule. Why? It's still on the market. I don't know. Now I say I don't know, but why? If you wanna ask anything about the pharmaceutical industry and why it's allowed, it's always a for-profit motive <laugh>, because a lot of women are not comfortable with the idea of using a patch. And that's really the only other route that we have right now for estrogen, for women that's commercially prepared by one of the big pharma companies. So that's an aside. You wanna step away from the oral estrogen and testosterone. It can contribute to all kinds of hepatic and systemic problems. So one thing you said is you were horribly irritated with the patches by your skin. The adhesive. Yes. The adhesive is made up of chemicals, primarily petrochemicals that come from fuel.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (05:09):
Most of the medical industry's products, even the medications that we take are made and synthesized from petrochemical byproducts. You probably didn't know that. And that actually was part of the inception of the big pharma industry many decades ago was Rockefeller and a bunch of these other wealthy magnets had all this petroleum leftover byproducts and they were wondering what to do with it. And some genius scientists came up with, oh, we can use it to manufacture pharmaceuticals, <laugh>. And so that was one of the reasons why the pharmaceutical industry at its inception grew so rapidly because they had to use up these very cheap products. So anyway, I'm off on a tangent back to the estradiol. So adhesive, using the patches, the adhesive can be irritating to people and probably to more people than admit or realize it. They tell you to rotate the location of your patch every time you place it.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (06:14):
So that probably is to minimize the chemical sensitivity reaction of your skin. A healthy normal reaction to a toxic substance, albeit a mildly toxic substance for most people, most people will react to some type of bandage that has a petrochemical byproduct in it. It's not a naturally occurring substance. So I'm not surprised that you had that. I've had that with a lot of patients too. I love the transdermal creams. That's my first choice for estradiol for women. Because usually there is no sensitivity. They put it in an organic hypoallergenic base without perfumes, dyes, or petrochemical additives. So I, it's a rare, rare patient whoever has a reaction to the transdermal cream. Now it sounds like you're working with a mainstream doctor because they've put you on an estradiol pill and a progesterone pill that you're taking two of in the morning, that's for sure a mainstream medical prescription because that's what I used to prescribe when I didn't know what I know now.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (07:28):
So they're probably not comfortable or versed in prescribing transdermal cream. So you'll need to find a doctor who knows and is trained in prescribing dosing transdermal creams and the management and proper testing of it. You cannot follow cream dosing with blood tests. You can't follow any of these sex hormones dosing with blood tests. Let's just put it there. And the only way that mainstream doctors know to test anything if they know to test sex hormones is in blood tests and they will be incorrect. So you're going to need find someone who is trained, and I don't mean someone who went and took a weekend course. You need to actually check, did they do a fellowship in functional medicine, anti-aging medicine? Did they do on a naturopathic medicine? What is their training? You really gone are the days when you can just go to someone who says, oh, I do bioidenticals.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (08:24):
And you're, you're knowing that you're getting the highest level of care because there are so many of these little mom and pop courses that pop up just for a weekend. And doctors and nurse practitioners and physicians' assistants can go and take these and then they can hang out a shingle and say, I do bioidentical hormones. But you as the consumer don't know what you're getting. And you need to question, what is your training and how long have you been doing this? Make sure they've been doing it like I've been doing this 30 years working with women and their, their hormones as a board certified ob, GYN. They really should have that type of experience. And then they probably should have done an entire fellowship in anti-aging, metabolic and functional medicine like I have. So they don't only know this little sliver about hormones. They know about how the hormones interact with every cell and every system in your body.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (09:15):
Alright, so back I'm off on a tangent. So the reason why I'm pretty sure you're working with a mainstream doctor is 'cause you're on estradiol, orally nono, you are on two progesterone a day. So pretty much that's the commercially available a hundred milligram ones that are mixed in peanut oil. Note a lot of peanut oil is high, highly inflammatory. And there's a high allergen rate with that allergic reaction rate with people. So it can increase the inflammation in your body. So while you think you're doing something good for your hormones, you are actually causing inflammation in other areas that are hurting you in other areas. So I do not like that commercially available progesterone, but mainstream doctors prescribe it because it's inexpensive, it's covered by insurance and they don't really understand the bigger picture of hormonal poverty and getting to a hormonal prosperity. So, you know, and some is probably better than none, right?
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (10:11):
An oral progesterone, oral estradiol, and oral progesterone. Two of the over the counter is probably better than nothing. I'll say that. Yes, that's for sure. But it's kind of like there's bad and that's nothing. Doing nothing about your hormonal poverty. That's way bad. Don't do that. Big, big problem. You are looking for trouble. Then, you know, better is or good is use these mainstream pharma preparations better is go to a doctor who has training in bioidenticals and maybe they don't do the proper tests, but they're gonna do some type of treatment that's above that, like a transdermal cream and maybe an oral organic progesterone. But the best is do the proper tests, do the right test, breathe in the right way, and then give your body exactly what it needs. So not only estradiol, that's one of the types of estrogen, but there are three, there's estro, estradiol, and s trial.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (11:16):
We do not replace estro. It more often promotes breast cancer. So we replace estradiol and estriol. And estriol helps to prevent breast cancer. And most women feel their best when they have a certain amount of estriol. There is no estriol available in a commercially available big pharma preparation, whether oral or any other. It's just not available. But if you get a compounded prescription, you can get the estradiol along with the estriol compounded. It's called bi est by estrogen, bi for two estrogen, two types of estrogen, estriol and estradiol. So that's really the best gold standard of what you want, if you can. So we've talked about the estradiol, we've talked about the progesterone. So you would rather have one that's not big pharma company with peanut oil. It's also an immediate release progesterone, the big pharma one. And I find that women do much better myself and the women I work with, with a slow release preparation, which they can create in a compounded formulation at a compounding pharmacy for you so that it's not like you take consume it and then your level goes way up and peaks and then drops within a few hours.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (12:36):
I think the half-life of the commercially available progesterone is six hours. So it's pretty quickly out of your system. So the slow release, it builds up less rapidly and then it dissipates less rapidly. So it stays in your system longer. And if you're dosing once a day, six hours isn't enough. If that were an antibiotic, they would have you dosing four times a day for a six hour half-life. So you really want the slow release, which more likely has a about a 12 or more hour half-life. So that's the only other thing I would say. But again, you'll need to get that compounded and the prescription will need to be written by someone who has the expertise to know how to dose that. And is it appropriate for you and the drawbacks. All right. What other things did you bring up here? I, I'm wondering about trying gels or spray that I've read a bit about in case the oral isn't as helpful, protective spray.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (13:34):
I don't believe that there is a pharmacologic spray or gel for progesterone or estrogen or testosterone for women that is commercially readily available unless it's an over the counter preparation. That means it hasn't met FDA regulatory standards for potency and purity and all the regulations that companies have to meet to prove that their drug has in it, what they say it has in it, that it's pure and that it's effective because to my knowledge, there is no commercially available or even compounding farm formulary gel or spray. You will find it compounding pharmacies trophies, which look like little, remember the gum chiclets and it's a little wax chit and you stick it inside between your gum and the side of your mouth and it, it melts and dissolves. So that's one way you can dose them. And there are sublingual drops that you can put under your tongue.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (14:40):
And there are injectables. I don't ever recommend those. They used to be extremely popular back when I was a resident and came out of my residency and some of the older docs used to give their women this. But so these sex hormones, just briefly on this tangent, 'cause some of you might find this interesting, they are steroid hormones and they do stimulate the endogenous opiate system in your body. The opiates are like opium, right? We have natural receptors for that, and it makes us feel good. It makes us feel euphoric and it can make us addicted to something. So because testosterone and estrogen can stimulate these endogenous opiates, opiates you have in your own body, you can become addicted to them. And because the intramuscular injections are so direct and the peak, the levels go up so quickly, they stimulate your endogenous opiates so quickly that people typically get addicted and they need more and more of the hormone more frequently.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (15:44):
And they're coming in, they're supposed to get a shot every month and then they're coming in every two weeks and then every two weeks. And I want more. And can you raise my dose? And I once saw a woman early in my career who came in and she had this really low voice because she was on this huge dose of testosterone. Her estrogen was also way high because she had become addicted to them. So I don't like the injections and I forgot to mention the pellets. Those are also very valid ways of dosing these hormones. However, I am not a fan of, there's a certain branded type of pellets that the doctors are trained to follow blood levels and not do the proper urinary metabolite testing like the Dutch test that I recommend. And most all the colleagues that I respect use that test test too.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (16:29):
And they use blood tests and it's very inaccurate. And they also don't give progesterone because they'll tell women, oh, you don't have a uterus. You've had a hysterectomy. You don't need progesterone. No, yeah, you do. For instance, your breasts, they need not only estrogen, but your progesterone to balance it out. And when you don't have that balance and you only have the estrogen that's causing unbridled growth, which is going to increase your risk for breast cancer. All right. Great question. Maik, thank you so much for this. It's giving us a chance to dive in a little more deeply to these different dosing alternatives. We've talked about methods of testing, we've talked about a whole bunch. So thank you for this very fruitful question. Hopefully you all learn something that can help you on your journey from hormonal poverty to hormonal prosperity. Thanks so much for joining me. I welcome your questions. Until next time, peace, love, and hormones. Y'all,
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (17:40):
Thank you so much for joining me on your journey from hormonal poverty into the promised land of hormonal prosperity. Loved today's episode. Share it with someone you care about, love the show. Consider writing a review and help other women find it too. Remember, we're all in this together right now. There are well over 100 million women suffering in hormonal poverty without answers. Please be of service by sharing, rating and reviewing the show. Help us reach at least 1 million of these women this coming year from one previously suffering woman to another. I thank you. See you next week.

Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Tuesday Feb 11, 2025
Is your favorite glass of wine doing more to your body than you think? It’s time to find out.
This week on the Hormone Prosperity Podcast, Dr. Kyrin dives into an often-overlooked yet essential topic for midlife women — the connection between wine consumption and hormonal health. Sparked by a brilliant question from Alicia, a 51-year-old listener navigating hormone replacement therapy (HRT), this episode unpacks the complex relationship between alcohol, gastrointestinal health, and hormonal balance.
Grab your favorite cup of tea (or rethink that Chardonnay 🤔) and join us as we explore how that glass of wine might be silently impacting your hormones.
Here’s what’s brewing in this episode:
- Alicia’s Story
What caused post-wine symptoms like diarrhea? Is it the wine, hormones, or something more? Dr. Kyrin uses Alicia's experience to address a question many of us have wondered about but were too unsure to ask.
- Hormonal Poverty and Prosperity
Why just focusing on estrogen and progesterone isn’t enough. Dr. Kyrin explains how hormonal balance is influenced by insulin, thyroid, cortisol, and even your digestive health.
- The Hidden Power of Your Gut
Did you know that your gastrointestinal health is the foundation of your hormone health? Learn how functional stool testing differs from the traditional approaches and why it’s key to unlocking hormonal prosperity.
- The Wine Dilemma
Does wine disrupt hormonal harmony? Discover how alcohol impacts your body’s ability to properly detoxify and balance your sex hormones.
- Practical Next Steps
Dr. Kyrin shares actionable advice on proper hormone testing, the importance of addressing your gut health, and how hormonal prosperity can help you regain control over your midlife well-being.
This episode is for YOU if…
- You’re over 40 and navigating hormone imbalances.
- You enjoy a glass (or two) of wine but wonder if it’s doing more harm than good.
- You’re tired of “cookie-cutter” approaches to menopause and want a comprehensive plan tailored to your body.
- You’re ready to move from hormonal poverty to hormonal prosperity.
🎧 Tune in now to discover how your gut, your hormones, and that beloved glass of wine are interconnected. Don’t miss this eye-opening and empowering conversation with Dr. Kyrin, designed to help you take charge of your health!
Your Call to Action
- Take the Free Hormonal Poverty Quiz
Could you be in hormonal poverty? Find out in just 90 seconds!
👉 CLICK HERE to take the quiz and assess where you stand.
- Join the Hormone Bliss Challenge
Want step-by-step guidance from Dr. Kyrin? The Hormone Bliss Challenge will walk you through actionable steps to rebalance your body, reclaim your sleep, and say hello to vitality.
Help Other Women Get Their Bliss Back
Enjoyed this episode? Please share it with a friend who’s also struggling with hormonal imbalance or midlife metabolic mayhem. Together, we can help more women reclaim their vitality and health. Don’t forget to leave us a review or rating—your support helps build this empowering community!
Podcast Episode Transcript:
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (00:00):
It's Dr. Kyrin. And in this episode we're going to answer a question by Alicia who is wondering if wine is messing with her hormones. And I love this question because it can apply if you're not doing anything to try to address your hormonal poverty. Wine can mess with your hormones. We're gonna talk about why, and it can apply if you are doing something to manage your hormonal poverty and get to hormonal prosperity. So we're gonna talk about both of these and it definitely applies to you because a large majority of people in western nations actually consume alcohol. So it's an important question for us women over 40 to ask, is wine messing with our hormones? <Laugh>? Here's the answer. So Alicia writes, I'm 51-year-old female. I just started HRT. She's using an estradiol patch and a progesterone oral daily. She's sleeping better and has more energy and she thinks her mood is better overall.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (01:03):
She takes magnesium malate at night and she takes two progesterone at night. Last night she had two glasses of wine this morning she had diarrhea. Could this be caused by the wine? Is it common? Please help. I love this question. So let's talk first about somebody who's already addressing some of their hormonal poverty, poverty issues. So Alessia, if you're watching, you are addressing some, I heard you me mention estradiol and I heard you mention progesterone. So yay you. And there are other issues that go into creating hormonal poverty that you might not know about that could predispose you to having diarrhea when you consume wine and be contributing to your hormonal poverty. Because if you're only looking at two hormones, estrogen and progesterone, you're missing the point of hormonal poverty, which is not only about estrogen and progesterone. Mainstream medicine would have you believe that it's pretty much only about estrogen.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (01:58):
And a few select doctors who are in the know will know that progesterone is a part of that too. But the large majority of them won't know that insulin, thyroid, cortisol, DHEA, are involved with creating hormonal poverty and that these hormones like cortisol, are directly informed by other parts of your health, namely your gastrointestinal health. Yep, I said it. Most of you don't think that your GI tract has anything to do with your hormones. And what I wanna tell you is that your GI tract is the center of your body, literally and figuratively is the center of your hormonal health. It is the main pillar of health for women's hormones. So when you're talking about diarrhea, that's a gastrointestinal problem. What does it have to do with hormones? Well, part of what you need to have done as a proper evaluation for hormonal poverty is a functional gastrointestinal evaluation. That's not a regular
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (02:59):
Stool test that looks for specific parasites and bacteria and viruses that can infect humans that mainstream medicine would recognize and treat with antibiotic or an antiviral or an anti parasitic medication. But this includes a functional evaluation of your gastrointestinal tract. How much inflammation do you have going on in there? Or is your body overgrown with abnormal bacteria and undergrown with healthy bacteria? You might know as probiotics. Do you have enough prebiotics? How are your digestive enzymes doing? How are your bile acids doing? How is your body digesting food processing it? Is it not processing fats properly? Proteins, carbohydrates? It's really a functional evaluation. Mainstream medicine is very focused on anatomic problems in the gastrointestinal system. So if you have a functional problem like irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is the most common one I used to have that, then they're just gonna go based on symptoms.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (04:09):
They're not really going to do any other diagnostic tests 'cause they don't know about functional stool testing or food sensitivity testing. They're gonna skip over it. Then they're gonna go looking for an anatomic problem by doing a endoscopy or imaging study of the upper or lower gastrointestinal tract. Maybe you've had that. I had that and they put a scope down when I weighed 243 pounds and looked at my stomach and, oh, you have gastritis. Well, that's all they found. And they put me on high powered proton pump inhibitors. Maybe you're there too. Well that stops you from digesting your food. So it actually causes more problems downstream. But that's a whole other topic. So back to the functional stool testing. They might in mainstream medicine, scope you from the bottom. They did that to me looking for Crohn's, ulcerative colitis. They might do a biopsy and they might look for celiac disease a genetic sensitivity to gluten.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (05:07):
But if you don't have any of these anatomic problems, they might look for gallstones, right? Or fatty liver. They're pretty much gonna say, Hmm, well you have irritable bowel and they're gonna give you a medication that calms down the muscle of gastrointestinal tract. And when your bowel is less spastic, they're gonna claim victory. But what you need to know is that there are problems happening at a sub anatomic level, at a functional level that can predispose you to hormonal poverty, to immune system dysfunction, and to getting diarrhea whether or not you are taking hormones. So Alicia, I like this question because it's interesting that you, it sounds like you believe that you, your progesterone and estrogen have something to do with the diarrhea.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (05:57):
And what I'm here to tell you is it doesn't, okay? You have a gastrointestinal problem that is functional, right? That's pretty much most often what causes diarrhea less often. It's an anatomic problem like Crohn's or ulcerative colitis or diverticulitis. And the wine is a toxicant. It is a solvent that is a poison. If you drink enough, it will kill you and it doesn't actually take that much to kill a human being. So it's a poison. We just don't drink enough of it usually to kill us. We just drink little bits and then we wonder why we have a problem, which is kind of a conundrum, but it kills cells in the gastrointestinal lining. It clogs up your liver from processing these hormones. So here's where there can be an interaction between alcohol and estrogen, progesterone and other sex hormones is that your liver is the main processing plant or sanitation department for these sex hormones.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (07:02):
Meaning it has the job of packaging them up and getting rid of them through the stool. So alcohol actually is also metabolized by some of the same enzymes in the liver. So if your liver is busy detoxifying alcohol that you've drunk, and that's from wine, beer, hard alcohol, vodka, tequila, it doesn't matter what type of alcohol, it's all processed through the same system in the liver. If your liver is busy processing it, and you better believe that it prioritizes that because it recognizes it as a toxicant and says, oh my gosh, we've gotta get this out of here. It is not going to properly detoxify your sex hormones. So you drink a glass of wine at night and you think, oh, I'm good. Some people take it 'cause it helps them sleep, it's gonna help me sleep. And that's not usually the case. It actually disrupts your healthy restorative sleep.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (07:58):
But nonetheless, most people who do that think that they're sleeping well. So they're good. Then you wake up and you have diarrhea. And so yes, here is where the alcohol can be interfering with your estrogen and progesterone. So your body has been busy detoxifying the alcohol all night, not worrying about your hormones. So your hormonal prosperity and balance that you might have achieved before starts dropping and you go into a temporary state of hormonal poverty. So yes, it could be the alcohol, but most people don't get diarrhea when they drink alcohol, which tells me that you probably have a functional stool problem contributing to your hormonal poverty that's informing other hormones that you probably haven't looked at, like your cortisol, which needs a salivary test, checking it four times in a day, your insulin,
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (08:55):
Your thyroid, most likely you'll have a cortisol problem. And that directly relates to your gastrointestinal problem. And that's a whole other video and a whole other topic. If you wanna hear about that, please let me know 'cause I'm happy to do a video about it. But your cortisol stress hormone and your gastrointestinal system hormone intimately involved with your sex hormones. So if you're not using any sex hormone replacement therapy, what are you waiting for is my question. Get your hormones properly checked, and if you are deficient and you're not able to make enough of your sex hormones, replace them after a certain age. Once we go through menopause, we lose the ability to make the majority of our estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. We lose the ability to make enough to keep us in hormonal prosperity, to keep us out of heart disease, heart attacks, osteoporosis, bone fractures, dementia, immune system dysfunction, autoimmune disease cancers.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (09:55):
We lose all of that. So
if you're not taking care of that, go do that. But do not neglect all the other things, factors in your body that go into either keeping you in hormonal prosperity or putting you in hormonal PO poverty like your gastrointestinal health. Because this is where I see a lot of women and I say, yay you if you're dealing with your estrogen, your progesterone, and or your testosterone, yay. And there's more work to do. I see women like this all the time complaining that something about their health isn't right. Usually it's more than one thing. Those 60 plus symptoms of midlife, metabolic mayhem, and they keep scratching their head, I'm I on the right dosing route? Should I be using a pill or a shot or a transdermal cream or a patch, or sh should I go to trophies or should I use pellets?
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (10:49):
And they're thinking that the dosing is wrong or that the way they're dosing is wrong. And what I'm saying is you're look un looking under the wrong street light. You need to move into the dark corners where there's no street light shining where people aren't telling you to look that I'm telling you to look because I know to tell you to look professionally, personally is you need to look at these other factors that go into informing your health. And key for what you described, Alicia, is your gastrointestinal health. There's something going on there. Your regular doctor isn't gonna know how to evaluate this. They're just gonna do tests looking for anatomic problems, or take your symptoms and give you a drug. That's all they're gonna do. And I know I've been treated that way. It didn't fix my problem. You need functional testing and food sensitivity testing, and I teach you more about this in my hormone blist challenge. If you're not sure if you're in hormonal poverty or I could be talking about you and you're wondering, how would I know, go ahead and take my quiz. We'll have the link
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (11:53):
In the show notes and you can take, the quiz takes less than two minutes and that will give you a good idea. But ultimately there are specific tests and if you want to have dialogue with me about this personally, come join my challenge that will be launching in February for the Hormone Bliss Challenge to help you learn the exact steps that I've taken and that I have helped thousands of women take to get out of hormonal poverty into hormonal prosperity so that you can get off the couch into your genes and back into life. Thanks so much for joining me. I so welcome and enjoy answering your questions. Thank you for them. And until next time, peace, love, and hormones, y'all.

Thursday Feb 06, 2025
Dr. Kyrin Dunston | It’s Not “Just” a Hormone Problem—Here’s What You’re Missing
Thursday Feb 06, 2025
Thursday Feb 06, 2025
Have you been told your depression is random? That it just came out of nowhere?
Maybe your doctor prescribed synthetic hormones to manage your heavy periods or irregular cycles, and now… things just feel off. You're questioning, “What’s wrong with me?” even though your life looks great on paper.
This week on the Hormone Prosperity Podcast, Dr. Kyrin dives into why depression, anxiety, weight gain, and other midlife struggles often aren’t the isolated issues they seem to be—and why a simplistic approach to “hormone problems” might be actually making things worse.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
- It’s Not Just About Sex Hormones
While estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are critical to your physical and emotional wellbeing, they’re just one piece of a much bigger hormonal puzzle. Insulin, thyroid, cortisol, DHEA, and even oxytocin all play a role in your mood, energy, and vitality.
- Why Synthetic Hormones Fall Short
Mainstream solutions like progestin IUDs and birth control pills don’t address the root causes of hormonal poverty—in fact, they can suppress your body’s natural systems and create more problems like depression, low libido, or fatigue.
- Symptoms Are Signposts, Not Problems
Just like water on your bathroom floor isn’t the problem—it’s a sign of a leak—heavy periods or mood swings are symptoms, not root issues. Treating symptoms alone won’t bring you the health and joy you deserve.
- The Path to Hormonal Prosperity
With proper testing, a holistic approach, and the right guidance, you can uncover the deeper issues behind hormonal imbalances and take action to reclaim the vibrant, joy-filled life you’re meant to have.
Your Call to Action
- Take the Free Hormonal Poverty Quiz
Could you be in hormonal poverty? Find out in just 90 seconds!
👉 CLICK HERE to take the quiz and assess where you stand.
- Join the Hormone Bliss Challenge
Want step-by-step guidance from Dr. Kyrin? The Hormone Bliss Challenge will walk you through actionable steps to rebalance your body, reclaim your sleep, and say hello to vitality.
Help Other Women Get Their Bliss Back
Enjoyed this episode? Please share it with a friend who’s also struggling with hormonal imbalance or midlife metabolic mayhem. Together, we can help more women reclaim their vitality and health. Don’t forget to leave us a review or rating—your support helps build this empowering community!
Podcast Episode Transcript:
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (00:00):
It's a sex hormone problem, but it is not just a sex hormone problem. And that's what I wanna educate you about so that you're not looking in the wrong place for the answers that you're never gonna find. Greetings friend. Welcome to the Hormone Prosperity Podcast with me, the hormone prosperity coach, Dr. Kyrin. Here's where intelligent women over 40 go to get credible guidance and inspiration on getting out of hormonal poverty and into hormonal prosperity and the joy and vitality that brings. Go from asking disempowering questions like, what's wrong with me? To asking empowering questions like, what would hormonal prosperity do? Hashtag wwp d, join me as we dive into today's episode and get started on your journey off the couch, into your genes and back into life because bliss is your birthright and a healthy body filled with hormonal prosperity is the vehicle that gets you there. Welcome. Let's get started.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (01:07):
Great question from Christine about use of the progestin IUD to control menstrual symptoms and it causing depression. Maybe you've had that problem. Maybe you can relate. When I practiced mainstream gynecology, progestin containing IUDs like the marina, were standard of care to use to help control women's abnormal bleeding with their menses, particularly in the perimenopausal period. So right before you go through menopause, one of the main symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem caused by hormonal poverty is irregular, prolonged pain, painful bleeding. And standard of care for that in mainstream medicine is some type of hormonal suppression using synthetic artificial hormones like the birth control pill or the maneuvering or implants or progestin containing IUD. So I used to use those as part of my mainstream practice routinely, but depression was often the side effect. And maybe you are on some type of hormonal suppression in the perimenopausal period, not realizing you are in hormonal poverty and you are experiencing depression too.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (02:26):
So I wanna talk to you about what exactly is happening that's causing the depression. No, you didn't all of a sudden get a mood disorder out of nowhere. Most of these women will tell me, I don't have any reason to be depressed. My life is actually pretty good. I have everything that I want and need. I have great relationships, I love my job, but I just feel depressed for no reason. I can't tell you how many times I have heard that complaint when I practice mainstream medicine. And so what is happening here is that these artificial synthetic hormones, whatever form they come in, are used to shut down the brain's signaling to the ovaries to make their naturally occurring hormones, right? Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone that keep you healthy, your neurotransmitters balanced, keep you happy, no anxiety, no depression, and feeling good and joyful in your life.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (03:27):
So if this is shut down, sure it stops your uterus, ovaries from functioning and your uterus. So the outward sign of that function, the bleeding goes away. And most women will become what we call amenorrheic, meaning no periods when they are suppressed with these medications that are given in a certain way, like continuous birth control pills or the implants or the ring or the progestin containing IUD. So your doctor suppresses your uterus from bleeding and then claims victory. Oh, you're not bleeding, symptom is gone and you actually claim victory too. You think it's great, but then, oh, what's wrong with me? I'm depressed. Well, I actually, when I practice, mainstream medicine would draw women's hormone levels just to see where they were. And a lot of these women that were experiencing depression using these hormonal methods were in the menopausal level. So I would sometimes have 20 and 30-year-old women with menopausal women's hormone levels and that what was causing was what was causing their depression.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (04:38):
So in perimenopause, if that's you that can be contributing to your depression and way better with a functional energetic approach, is to do the proper testing and look at what are your specific levels of your three types of estrogen, estro, estradiol, estriol, your naturally occurring progesterone, which is not in those medications and your testosterone because that's equally important for women, especially for their neurotransmitter function, for their dopamine, the get up and go drive initiative in life. Neurotransmitter is often primarily regulated by your testosterone levels. So super important for women too. Well, these synthetic hormones are suppressing all of that. You're going to get depressed. I'd say it's the rule rather than the exception. So if you do the proper test and you look at your specific levels of those sex hormones, that's one piece of the puzzle. But like I teach women in my hormone bliss challenge, it's not just about sex hormones.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (05:46):
We doctors teach women to hyperfocus on, oh, it's sex sex hormones. It's a sex hormone problem. But it is not just a sex hormone problem. And that's what I wanna educate you about so that you're not looking in the wrong place for the answers that you're never gonna find your whole life. Because that's actually what I see is most women never truly find the answers, never experience the health and life joy and vitality that's possible for them because they don't have the proper information. And it is my mission in life to make sure that you have the proper information. There are so many other hormones in your body. So namely, you probably have heard of insulin, thyroid, cortisol, DHEA, there's oxytocin, there are growth hormone. There's so many other hormones that go into making you hormonally prosperous or hormonally impoverished and causing depression, anxiety, or not causing joy and vitality.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (06:53):
So you need way more tests than just your sex hormones tested. And if you don't wanna have the side effects, like depression would just be one of them. Other side effects women will get when they have their menses suppressed with these synthetic hormones is no libido, difficulty to orgasm. These are some very common ones. Anxiety is another one. People will gain weight. That's huge. Brain fog fatigue. So 60 plus symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem caused by hormonal poverty might not be your naturally occurring hormonal poverty. It might be due to the treatment that you're getting from your mainstream doctor. So I love this question because it really highlights that if you go after symptom management for your symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem using mainstream medicine and synthetic hormones, you actually might be causing more problems for yourself. Sure, your periods have stopped, but if you're experiencing depression, anxiety, weight gain, fatigue, then that's a problem for you living your life.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (08:07):
And also it's increasing your risk for other diseases. Seven out of 10 of the main causes of death are increased by being in hormonal poverty. So don't fall for the mainstream lie that just because you got rid of the symptom, you've created health, you have not created health or vitality, all you've done is gotten rid of the symptom. So I want you to stop looking at symptoms as if they are the problem themselves and start looking at symptoms as if they are the signpost pointing to the problem. You know, if you're a tourist and you go to a city, a lot of the cities, they'll have these signposts with all these different arrows attached to them saying how far you know catman do how far Kenya, how far? You know Lucerne is from there, right? This many kilometers. So is that sign pointing to that place actually that place?
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (09:11):
No. It's a signifier pointing to the place and telling you how to get there. It's the same with the symptoms in your body. The symptoms are not the problem themselves. So you need to stop claiming victory when the symptom goes away because you took a drug or did a surgery. And you need to start looking at the symptoms as the signifiers pointing to the problem and learn how to read the symptoms by doing the right tests so you can address the underlying root cause that is the problem. Thank you so much for this question, Christine. I'm gonna give you another example of that because it really highlights this. So if you come home from work one day and there's water on the bathroom floor, what do you do? You clean it up, right? Okay, well you come home the next day, there's water on the bathroom floor.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (10:01):
What do you do? You clean it up after how many days coming home and there's water on the bathroom floor, do you do something different? Usually after 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 days, somebody's gonna say, what are you gonna do? You're gonna look for the cause of the water on the bathroom floor. You're gonna see did the toilet get clogged up and overflow? Did someone run a bath and didn't pay attention and it overflowed? Is the sink leaking? Did someone leave the window open? It rained and it came in. Did the dog come in and pee? Is the roof leaking? You're going to look for the cause of the leak water on the bathroom floor because is the water on the bathroom floor the problem? No, it's a symptom of the problem. Correct? Correct. So it's the same with your crazy crime scene periods that are irregular, prolonged heavy clotty, you know that you can get at any age, but especially after 40, when we start, most women start to go to into hormonal poverty. That is not the problem. It is a symptom of the problem. So stop treating symptoms. Your mainstream doctor's only gonna treat the symptoms. Start reading them like the tea leaves that they are pointing to the problem and start addressing the underlying root cause. I teach you all about how to do this in my Hormone Blist challenge, and if that can be a benefit to you, please, please join me. I welcome having you. Thanks so much for the question. I'll see you in the next video. Until then, peace, love, and hormones, y'all,
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (11:59):
Thank you so much for joining me on your journey from hormonal poverty into the promised land of hormonal prosperity. Loved today's episode. Share it with someone you care about, love the show. Consider writing a review and help other women find it too. Remember, we're all in this together right now. There are well over 100 million women suffering in hormonal poverty without answers. Please be of service by sharing, rating and reviewing the show. Help us reach at least 1 million of these women this coming year from one previously suffering woman to another. I thank you. See you next week.

Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Dr. Kyrin Dunston | Heal Hair Havoc By Addressing The Root Cause
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Have you noticed your hair thinning, becoming brittle, or seemingly refusing to grow? You're not alone, and it's not just about your hair. This week on The Hormone Prosperity Podcast, Dr. Kyrin shatters the myth that hair issues are purely cosmetic and dives deep into the systemic imbalances that could be wreaking havoc on midlife women’s health.
Abby shared her story this week—her hair has become so thin that even her hairdresser hesitates to cut it. Despite trying hair vitamins, special shampoos, and unique pillowcases, she’s still frustrated and seeking answers. Sound familiar? If so, this episode is for you.
Beyond the Hairbrush
Dr. Kyrin reveals a profound truth many doctors overlook—struggles with hair are often the symptom of something much bigger. It's not just your hair. Every cell and every system in your body could be waving a red flag that points to "hormonal poverty," a condition that affects your vitality, confidence, and long-term health.
Hair is the canary in the coal mine, signaling global systemic dysfunction. While mainstream doctors might treat hair loss as a minor inconvenience, Dr. Kyrin shows why it's crucial to dig deeper and uncover the root cause—what she calls the "root and soil" problem.
Signs You’re Experiencing More Than Just a ‘Hair Problem’
Dr. Kyrin explains that hair loss often goes hand-in-hand with other seemingly unrelated issues, which she terms "midlife metabolic mayhem," including:
- Poor sleep quality
- Fatigue, even after rest
- Brain fog or difficulty concentrating
- Weight gain
- Gastrointestinal discomfort
She encourages listeners to assess the entire picture of their health instead of hyper-focusing on individual symptoms.
What Your Doctor Might Be Missing
Traditional medicine tends to treat symptoms rather than searching for underlying causes. Many doctors aren't trained to connect issues like hair loss with deeper hormonal imbalances. But Dr. Kyrin flips the script, guiding you on how to look beyond the surface for answers.
She uses the analogy of a tree—your hair might be the wilting leaves, but the problem lies in the roots and the soil. By tackling the foundational health issues, you don’t just fix your hair; you heal from the inside out.
Your Call to Action
- Take the Free Hormonal Poverty Quiz
Could you be in hormonal poverty? Find out in just 90 seconds!
👉 CLICK HERE to take the quiz and assess where you stand.
- Join the Hormone Bliss Challenge
Want step-by-step guidance from Dr. Kyrin? The Hormone Bliss Challenge will walk you through actionable steps to rebalance your body, reclaim your sleep, and say hello to vitality.
Help Other Women Get Their Bliss Back
Enjoyed this episode? Please share it with a friend who’s also struggling with hormonal imbalance or midlife metabolic mayhem. Together, we can help more women reclaim their vitality and health. Don’t forget to leave us a review or rating—your support helps build this empowering community!
Podcast Episode Transcript:
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (00:00):
When you have a skin hair nail problem, it is indicative of global systemic dysfunction coming from serious root and soil problems that need to be identified. 'cause It's not only your hair that's being affected, I promise you it's every cell in every system in your body. Greetings friend, welcome to the Hormone Prosperity Podcast with me, the hormone prosperity coach, Dr. Kyrin. Here's where intelligent women over 40 go to get credible guidance and inspiration on getting out of hormonal poverty and into hormonal prosperity and the joy and vitality that brings. Go from asking disempowering questions like, what's wrong with me? To asking empowering questions like, what would hormonal prosperity do? Hashtag ww HPD. Join me as we dive into today's episode and get started on your journey off the couch, into your gene and back into life, because bliss is your birthright and a healthy body filled with hormonal prosperity is the vehicle that gets you there. Welcome. Let's get started.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (01:12):
In this video, we're gonna answer Abby's question, which is a wonderful question that I get. So often. She's saying that her hair stopped growing when she went into menopause and she's really struggling. So much so that her hairdresser, the last time she went for her hair, told her she was uncomfortable cutting Abby's hair because it had become so thin and sparse and wasn't growing that she wasn't willing to do it. And she's extremely frustrated. She says she takes hair vitamins, she sleeps on a special pillow case. She uses very special shampoo and conditioner, and she takes extra special care of her curly hair. Where are my curly hair girls? Because curly hair is a little bit more fragile, it becomes knotted and tangled. But even if you have straight hair, if you have fine hair, even if you have traditionally thick hair, it can get thinner and sparser and stop growing as you go into perimenopause and menopause.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (02:16):
So I love this question. Thank you Abby. We're gonna tackle this. So lack of hair growth, hair loss, sparse hair, this is a huge problem. That is one of the symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem that you might have experienced or maybe someone you know and love is experiencing. And as Abby pointed out, she talked to her doctor about this, maybe you have too. And her doctor basically just scratches their head and doesn't have any answers for her. That used to be me when I practiced mainstream medicine as well, because we are not really taught about hair and, and as a gynecologist or a GP or internal medicine practitioner, that's not really our main concerns. It's considered more cosmetic. And so it's not something that's focused on. But as a woman myself, I know how important your hair is to your sense of wellbeing and how good you feel in your skin, your quality of life, how you present yourself and your confidence, right?
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (03:21):
We all know that for women and men and, and also that it is very important. So let's dive into this. What is your doctor missing? So what your doctor is missing. So first I would say to you, Abby, that probably hair loss or hair sparsity, lack of hair growth is not your only problem. So I like to say when I help women identify what's causing their hormonal poverty at any age is you've got to get honest with yourself. And this is actually the first chapter in my book. You gotta get honest because it's never one health problem. And the reason why it's important to identify all the symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem that you're having is because if you don't identify all the symptoms, you won't come to the right conclusion about the cause of those symptoms. We talked in another video about how the symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem are actually the signposts pointing to the problem.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (04:27):
They are not the problem themselves. So you've got one symptom signpost pointing hair loss to certain types of hormonal poverty. But what are your other signposts telling you? Probably, I would bet, you know, I say that symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem like ants at a picnic, there's never one, right? You're at a picnic. There's never just one ant at the picnic. You see one, you know, there are hundreds more somewhere, right? That's just how ants at a picnic are, and that's how symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem are. But I find that most women get so hyper-focused on the one problem that's causing them the most distressed at the moment, and they become myopic and don't see or talk to their doctor about the others. Now, there may not be any point in talking to your mainstream doctor about the other symptoms because they don't have the lens that, that I've been taught to look at these problems and to look down into the soil for the root cause that's causing all the leaves and branches of the tree or different ones, right?
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (05:36):
So one of your leaf and branch problems is you have a hair problem. What are on your other leaf and branch problems, right? Do you have difficulty sleeping? Are you sleeping all night but you're waking up and you're not rested or you want a nap in the afternoon or you're needing coffee, caffeine in the morning, you've become caffeine dependent. Or maybe on another branch you've got gastrointestinal problems that you don't even think are related to your hormones, but they are secret, they are. So maybe you're going to the gastroenterologist because you have irritable bowel and you don't know if you're gonna poop seven times in one day or not for seven days, right? So these are all your leaf and branch problems, but what I help you do is go down the chunk of the tree into the roots and the soil. These are all the causes of all your leaf and branch problems, right?
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (06:27):
Because if a tree has a problem, the symptoms are gonna be in the leaves and branches, but the cause is going to be in the roots and the soil. So you, your mainstream doctor probably isn't gonna see it that way because that's not how they're taught. They're taught what is the symptom? What's the diagnosis? What drug do I need to give? What surgery do I need to do? It's kind of like a reflex. Like when the doctor hits your knee with the reflex hammer, your foot kicks out. So you tell your doctor the symptoms and then they treat the symptoms, but they don't have a drug for your hair symptom, right? So that's why they kind of scratch their head and go, maybe your doctor has kind of looked that way at you. But what I wanna tell you is if you have symptoms, there is always a reason why.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (07:14):
Do not take no for an answer and just keep digging until you find the doctor who can help you, who knows how to go down into the soil and the roots and fix it. So you've got to Abby, identify and everybody else. What are all the other symptoms you have? Maybe you've got a fatigue problem, a sleep problem, a weight problem. These are some of the most common a brain fog problem, which we talked about in another video. Gastrointestinal problem, which we'll be talking about in another video. Maybe you've got a neurologic problem. Maybe you have an arthritis problem, joint problem, musculoskeletal problem. Every system, every cell in your body contributes to the whole, and I like to say skin, hair and nails are like the canary in the coal mine. So what do I mean by that? When you have a skin hair nail problem, it is indicative of global systemic dysfunction coming from serious root and soil problems that need to be identified.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (08:19):
'Cause It's not only your hair that's being affected, I promise you it's every cell in every system in your body is affected by hormonal poverty, which increases your risk for seven out of the top 10 causes of death, right? And you don't know this and your mainstream doctor isn't possibly aware of this or telling you this. So you, you know, gone are the days when you can just abdicate control of your health to your doctor and say, oh, they poked and prodded me, drew some blood, and they told me I'm fine. Right? If that's all you're getting, what you're missing is huge, right? You're only looking at the top of the iceberg that's sticking out of the water and saying, you're fine. But what sunk the Titanic was what was underneath the massive iceberg, right? And it's the same with your health. It's all the things you are not looking at, you are not aware of.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (09:13):
So it's, that's why I'm doing this, is to teach you and educate you about all the things you are not aware of. So Abby and everyone else with these hair problems, look at all the symptoms, get honest, and I help you with an inventory and my hormone list challenge to really start reading the tea leaves and understanding what are all my hormone poverty symptoms. You can start with the hormone poverty quiz. That will give you a good idea because even everyone you tick on there says, Hmm, she could be in hormonal poverty, which is very serious. And I don't, I want you to stop, I gotta shake you awake to stop thinking, oh, it's just my hormones. It's not a big deal. Stop as a woman, your hormones form the foundation of your health and vitality. If your hormones aren't right, nothing else will be right.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (10:10):
And I know doctors have not taught you this. They act like hormones are some little accessory pack that just gives you the capacity to reproduce children. And what I want you to know is that that is a lie. Your hormones as a woman form the very foundation of your entire health system, how it communicates and how it functions. So if your hormones aren't right, your health will never be right. So it's imperative upon you to identify why you're in hormonal poverty and get to hormonal prosperity because everything that you want happens inside hormonal prosperity, right? And so, hashtag ww PD, what would hormonal prosperity do? So you can start thinking about Abby and everybody else with these health problems. When you get your hair straight, when you get your sleep weight, all these symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem straight, how are you gonna spend all the energy and vitality that you have with hormonal from the hormonal prosperity that you create?
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (11:16):
Thank you so much for this question, Abby. Hopefully this has helped, gave you some insight into what goes into making healthy hair that there is always a cause. If you're not getting the answers that you want from your mainstream doctor, you're not alone. It is not your fault. You just need to stop going to the hardware store for milk. They don't have milk at the hardware store. They mainstream doctor doesn't have answers to these symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem. And I hope you'll consider taking the quiz if that would be of service for you. Or join me for the Hormone Bliss Challenge so you can learn more about how to identify why you're in hormonal poverty and get out of it and get into hormonal pupi. Thanks so much for the question, Abby and I will see you in the next video. Until then, peace, love, and hormones. Y'all,
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (12:20):
Thank you so much for joining me on your journey from hormonal poverty into the promised land of hormonal prosperity. Loved today's episode. Share it with someone you care about, love the show. Consider writing a review and help other women find it too. Remember, we're all in this together right now. There are well over 100 million women suffering in hormonal poverty without answers. Please be of service by sharing, rating and reviewing the show. Help us reach at least 1 million of these women this coming year from one previously suffering woman to another. I thank you. See you next week.

Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Tuesday Jan 28, 2025
Welcome to The Hormone Prosperity Podcast with Dr. Kyrin Dunston, your guide to moving from hormonal poverty to hormonal prosperity. This episode dives into the often-overlooked struggles of midlife women navigating the turbulent waters of hormonal imbalances and metabolic mayhem—and the surprising connection between sarcasm and hopelessness.
Dr. Kyrin starts by unpacking sarcasm’s deeper meaning (did you know the word literally means “to tear the flesh”?). Sarcasm can be a subtle weapon women use against themselves when they feel powerless or unheard, especially when dealing with frustrating symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, and mood swings. Using this as a lens, Dr. Kyrin addresses a real question from a listener, Jenny, who sarcastically lists her midlife symptoms and wonders whether estrogen cream will fix them. Dr. Kyrin’s answer? No—and here’s why.
This episode challenges the reductionist “symptom-fixed-by-one-thing” approach to health. Dr. Kyrin explains why a holistic, multifactorial approach to hormonal health is the ultimate key to achieving vitality, balance, and freedom. She also shares her personal transformation from morbid obesity and chronic fatigue to thriving hormonal prosperity, offering so much hope for women who feel stuck, broken, or frustrated with conventional medicine.
If you’ve been accepting hormonal poverty as your fate, this episode will inspire you to reclaim your birthright to hormonal prosperity. Stop asking, “What’s wrong with me?” and start asking, “What would hormonal prosperity do?” (WWHPD). Tune in now for actionable tips, candid insights, and an invitation to design the thriving health story you deserve.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode
- How sarcasm can reveal deeper feelings of hopelessness about your health—and why it’s time to shift to self-compassion.
- The all-too-common symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem, from fatigue and brain fog to weight issues.
- Why estrogen cream (or any single-solution approach) won’t fix your health woes—and what you really need to do instead.
- The truth about hormonal poverty versus hormonal prosperity—and why mainstream medicine is failing midlife women.
- How to recondition your perspective and uncover the roots of your symptoms for sustainable healing.
- Why you deserve so much more than symptom management—and how to start your transformation today by understanding your holistic health.
Join the Conversation
Have sarcasm and self-deprecation crept into your health story? Were you surprised to learn how they might signal hopelessness? Share your reflections and stories with Dr. Kyrin and the Hormone Prosperity community. Your voice matters, and we’d love to hear your thoughts!
Your Call to Action
- Take the Free Hormonal Poverty Quiz
Could you be in hormonal poverty? Find out in just 90 seconds!
👉 CLICK HERE to take the quiz and assess where you stand.
- Join the Hormone Bliss Challenge
Want step-by-step guidance from Dr. Kyrin? The Hormone Bliss Challenge will walk you through actionable steps to rebalance your body, reclaim your sleep, and say hello to vitality.
Help Other Women Get Their Bliss Back
Enjoyed this episode? Please share it with a friend who’s also struggling with hormonal imbalance or midlife metabolic mayhem. Together, we can help more women reclaim their vitality and health. Don’t forget to leave us a review or rating—your support helps build this empowering community!
Quotes to Inspire You
- “Sarcasm is one of the most hostile forms of violence—it’s using words to cut someone. And when you turn it on yourself, it’s a sign that you’ve lost hope.”
- “Mainstream medicine thrives on the reductionist model—but your body doesn’t work like that. It’s time to reject quick fixes and focus on multifactorial solutions for true healing.”
- “You have a birthright. Hormonal prosperity is waiting for you. It's time to reclaim it.”
Tune into this empowering episode and begin the new chapter in your midlife health story today!
Podcast Episode Transcript:
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (00:00):
Also sarcasm means to tear the flesh. And it's actually one of the most hostile forms of violence that can be rendered without a physical weapon on someone. It's using words to cut someone.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (00:15):
Greetings, friend. Welcome to the Hormone Prosperity Podcast with me, the hormone prosperity coach, Dr. Kyrin. Here's where intelligent women over 40 go to get credible guidance and inspiration on getting out of hormonal poverty and into hormonal prosperity and the joy and vitality that brings. Go from asking disempowering questions like, what's wrong with me? To asking empowering questions like, what would hormonal prosperity do? Hashtag wwhp d, join me as we dive into today's episode and get started on your journey off the couch, into your genes and back into life, because bliss is your birthright and a healthy body filled with hormonal prosperity is the vehicle that gets you there. Welcome. Let's get started.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (01:06):
We're going to talk about many of the myriad symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem that a viewer named Jenny wrote in about and in a somewhat sarcastic tone. So I wanna talk about that too. If you started to be sarcastic and make fun about your symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem caused by hormonal poverty because you feel so helpless that you don't have any other ability to cope with it, rather than make fun of yourself, that's one thing I wanna address because you're not alone. And the other is she's in perimenopause and she's asking if an estrogen cream will help with her symptoms, her urinary symptoms of incontinence, her mood symptoms. She has symptoms in so many different areas, weight gain, low energy, forgetting words and actual people frequent ut eyes hemorrhoids. And after, in her question she actually said hemorrhoids, like LOL and the fun things like forgetting words and actual people.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (02:18):
So I can tell from your question, Jenny, and maybe this is you watching that this has been going on for a while and you're not getting the answers from your medical providers that are supporting and nurturing you and creating the health and vitality that you're seeking and you're feeling pretty hopeless. How do I know this? And this is for all of you watching because you're, you're venting sarcasm at your self. So, so sarcasm means to tear the flesh and it's actually one of the most hostile forms of violence that can be rendered without a physical weapon on someone. It's using words to cut someone. And when you turn it on yourself and you're saying you have these symptoms, not I have these symptoms, I need help, please, but you're actually saying these symptoms with LOL, the fun using it sarcastically of these symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem, then I know when you start venting that sarcasm at yourself, that you're in a pretty hopeless place.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (03:32):
And maybe that's you watching, you have plenty of other things that you could be doing with your free time rather than searching on YouTube or on podcasts for videos to help you answer your health questions as a woman at midlife then to be doing this right? That means you're in a pretty hopeless, desperate, confused position that you really shouldn't have to be in. And we women have come to accept that we are not going to get the answers to our biggest health concerns from our doctors. So much so that we've stopped advocating for ourselves and stopped demanding our birthright to get appropriate medical care that helps us identify hormonal poverty and get out of hormonal poverty into hormonal prosperity. So I wanted to highlight this person's question because I know she's not alone. And I know just by the fact that you're here watching this video, that you are included in this too.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (04:44):
You're feeling pretty helpless. And so I wanna say, I'm glad you're here because this is where help lives. This is where hope lives. I am you <laugh>. I'm not only a board certified O-B-G-Y-N, but I am where you, I was where you are now. And now I'm on the other side with vitality and hormonal prosperity and getting to live out hashtag wwp d what would hormonal prosperity to do? And I am here to help guide you to the other side so that you can experience what is possible for you and what you deserve in terms of your health. So I love this question because it really highlights the pain that many of you are experiencing, but also gives me the opportunity to highlight the hope that is available to you. So back to the original question, will an estrogen cream help all these myriad symptoms? And the short answer is no way.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (05:51):
Why? Because you're looking at your health from a symptom management perspective. It's not your fault. We doctors have taught you this. We have taught you these lies. We have taught to you to treat your health in a very reductionist fashion that is symptom drug. And then when the symptom goes away, victory symptom, drug, victory, symptom surgery, victory, we have taught you to have this mentality. And it is wrong. It's downright wrong. The truth about how your health works, you have such a beautiful complex system of health, particularly your hormones, which are the communicators in your body, which tell all your cells and systems how to function is that there is no one input for one problem and one solution. It does not work that way in nature. It doesn't work that way in your body, which is a part of nature. It does not work that way with your health.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (06:56):
Now, mainstream medicine has you believe that it works that way because that is the belief system and the foundation of mainstream medicine. It was made to prove that symptom drug or surgery reduction or removal of symptom victory. So we've taught you that it's not your fault, but I wanna shake you awake and say, if that's how you're treating your health, you will never experience the health and vitality and hormonal prosperity that is available to you. And I want you to experience the highest. That's why I went into OB GYN. And so when I saw that mainstream medicine wasn't serving my needs or my health or my patients, I sought other answers and found them to fix my health and get out of being morbidly obese, chronic fatigue, hair loss, no sex drive, depression, anxiety, irritable bowel gastritis, all the things I was suffering with and have helped other women to get out of that as well.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (08:00):
So your question really highlights your whole perspective about how you're looking at your health and you're not alone. This used to be me is perverted yes, perverted. I said it. I had a perverted view as a mainstream ob, GYN, your doctor has a perverted view. It's not their fault. We're taught this and most women have a perverted view. So in order for you to experience the hormonal prosperity that's available to you, you have to recondition your perspective and you have to have an expansion and awakening of how you understand your health that is beyond your basic functioning. That's condition that you've been taught. And that's what I do in the hormonal challenge. You have to really understand how your health works from a high level perspective. So many inputs to many outputs. And you gotta learn how to start reading the symptoms that you have.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (09:02):
So you listed many different symptoms from weight problems, fatigue and weight is huge, right? 50% of us by the age of 50 or overweight or obese, by the time we're 60, it's three out of four of us. Chronic fatigue. So weight and fatigue problems are number one in two symptoms of midlife, metabolic mayhem that women experience. And brain fog would be number three in forgetfulness. So not remembering words or people's names who, you know, we did another video about this you'll wanna check out 'cause we talk a little bit more about that. And all these symptoms are pointing to hormonal poverty. So then you've gotta go from the leaves and branches of the symptoms down the trunk of the tree into the roots in the soil, and then find out what is causing these symptoms. And it's never one thing they're anset up like anset a picnic, never one, always a hundred.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (09:59):
And then so your question about will an estrogen cream help this, your perspective is, your belief is, there's one thing I need to do. There's one. Cause you believe that because you're in perimenopause, that it's an estrogen deficiency because mainstream has taught you, medicine has taught you this and therefore there's one answer. It's only an estrogen problem. Perimenopause, menopause only about estrogen. That's a lie, but you believe it. And estrogen cream, that could be the one solution I use that, that could fix all these things. All that's a lie. And you'll never find the answers that you're seeking if you don't change your reductionist perspective about how your health works and get some real understanding and solutions that are multifactorial. And those of you who are ready to understand this will understand what I'm saying. Those of you who aren't will go, nevermind Dr. Kyrin.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (10:56):
I'm gonna go find the health coach nutritionist or other person who's gonna tell me the one thing, what's the one diet I need to follow? What's the one supplement I need to take? What's the one drug I need to use? Right? You're gonna not be ready to hear this and you're gonna go and that's fine. That's your path. Those of you who are ready to experience what's possible for you, ready to have an expansion, and most of you listening, that's probably you. 'cause You wouldn't have been come to this channel. Join me for the hormone boost challenge because I'm gonna teach you exactly how to dig down in the soil and fix the roots so all your leaves and branches get better. So I love this question and the answer is no. Estrogen is not gonna fix your weight, your fatigue, your memory problems, your frequent UTIs, your hemorrhoids, it's not right.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (11:56):
And even though it might give you some improvement in some aspects of that, you'll never experience the true vitality that's available to you when you experience hormonal prosperity. Just saying you deserve hormonal prosperity. So I hope you can join me for the hormonal challenge because I'll teach you all about how to get out of hormonal poverty, how to identify if you're in it, how to get out of it, and what are the things that you need to do to fix all those symptoms. And it's not a reductionist approach. So great question. Thank you so much for the question. Great topics covered. One, if you're in that hopeless, hopeless place and you're being sarcastic against yourself, it's time for drastic measures. And two, that you've gotta change your perspective, your reductionist thinking to get out of that, to understand the holistic multifactorial view of your health. And if you're struggling with that, I just don't get, what are all the inputs Dr. Kyrin, that I need to be looking at to identify my hormonal poverty and get out of it to hormonal prosperity. I'd love to teach you about how to expand your consciousness around that and your perspective. So consider joining me for the Hormone Bliss Challenge. Thanks so much for the question and for joining me for this video. I'll see you in the next video. Until then, peace, love, and hormones, y'all,
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (13:33):
Thank you so much for joining me on your journey from hormonal poverty into the promised land of hormonal prosperity. Loved today's episode. Share it with someone you care about, love the show. Consider writing a review and help other women find it too. Remember, we're all in this together right now. There are well over 100 million women suffering in hormonal poverty without answers. Please be of service by sharing, rating and reviewing the show. Help us reach at least 1 million of these women this coming year from one previously suffering woman to another. I thank you. See you next week.

Thursday Jan 23, 2025
Thursday Jan 23, 2025
Have you been tossing and turning at night, watching the clock tick forward, and dreading another day of fatigue? If you’re a woman over 40, you’re not alone. Sleep disturbances are one of the 60+ symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem caused by what Dr. Kyrin calls “hormonal poverty.” But here’s the tricky part—you may not even realize you’re in it.
On this episode of the Hormone Prosperity Podcdast, your hormone prosperity coach, Dr. Kyrin, dives deep into the hidden dangers of hormonal poverty and why addressing only your sex hormones might not be enough to fix that elusive good night’s sleep.
Episode Highlights
- Beyond Sex Hormones
Did you know hormonal poverty isn’t just about estrogen and progesterone? Dr. Kyrin explains how neglected hormones like insulin, cortisol, thyroid, and even oxytocin play a vital role in achieving restorative sleep. Spoiler alert—it’s all connected!
- Sleep & Hormonal Poverty
Hear Claudia’s story—a listener who takes an estrogen patch, progesterone, and magnesium, yet still only manages five hours of sleep each night. Frustrated, she sent in a question that many of us can relate to, and Dr. Kyrin uncovers why more holistic hormonal support is often the missing piece.
- The Importance of Multifactorial Solutions
Hormonal poverty often stems from multiple systems in your body being out of sync—digestive health, toxicity levels, and even mitochondrial function can all impact your sleep. Dr. Kyrin offers practical advice to balance these areas and foster what she calls hormonal prosperity.
- Mindset Shift
Say goodbye to disempowering questions like, “What’s wrong with me?” Instead, start asking empowering ones like, “What would hormonal prosperity do?” (#WWHPD) Dr. Kyrin inspires listeners to reframe their approach to midlife health and take control.
How to Take Action Today!
If this episode strikes a chord, it’s time to deepen your journey from hormonal poverty to prosperity. Here’s how to start right now:
- Take the Free Hormonal Poverty Quiz
Could you be in hormonal poverty? Find out in just 90 seconds! CLICK HERE to take the quiz and assess where you stand.
- Join the Hormone Bliss Challenge
Want step-by-step guidance from Dr. Kyrin? The Hormone Bliss Challenge will walk you through actionable steps to rebalance your body, reclaim your sleep, and say hello to vitality. CLICK HERE.
- Engage with the Podcast Community
Share your sleep struggles or success stories in the comments section—we’re all in this together.
Share the Love
Loved the episode? Help spread the message by sharing it with a friend, writing a review, or posting your thoughts on social media. There are over 100 million women suffering in silence—your review may help others discover solutions they’ve been searching for.
Final Thoughts
This isn’t just about better sleep—it’s about reclaiming your health, vitality, and joy. Your bliss is your birthright, and a healthy body charged with hormonal prosperity is your way there. Until next time, peace, love, and hormones, y’all.
Podcast Episode Transcript
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (00:00):
This is the danger zone when you don't know that you're in hormonal poverty because you are going to suffer the consequences of being in hormonal poverty even though you don't know it. Greetings friend. Welcome to the Hormone Prosperity Podcast with me, the hormone prosperity coach, Dr. Kyrin. Here's where intelligent women over 40 go to get credible guidance and inspiration on getting out of hormonal poverty and into hormonal prosperity and the joy and vitality that brings. Go from asking disempowering questions like, what's wrong with me? To asking empowering questions like, what would hormonal prosperity do? Hashtag ww HPD. Join me as we dive into today's episode and get started on your journey off the couch, into your genes and back into life, because bliss is your birthright and a healthy body filled with hormonal prosperity is the vehicle that gets you there. Welcome. Let's get started.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (01:04):
Great question about sleep, Claudia. How many of you are having problems sleeping over 40? Or maybe you're younger than 40? It's one of the most common problems or symptoms of midlife, metabolic mayhem, the 60 plus symptoms caused by hormonal poverty, and you are already on hormone, so you're addressing one part of your hormonal poverty problem. But what I would say to you, so Claudia wrote in saying that she was on a, an estrogen patch and taking high doses of progesterone orally and magnesium glycinate, but she still could only sleep for five hours. She said her hot flashes were better and other symptoms of menopause perimenopause, but that she could only get five hours of sleep. And it was driving her insane. She said, this is BS and maybe this is you too. And what I want to alert you to, if this is you, if you're having sleep problems that remain untreated because you're in hormonal poverty or you're on hormonal placement therapy, maybe taking magnesium or other sleep aids, and you're still not sleeping well, what you need to understand is that hormonal poverty is not only about sex hormones, that's number one.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (02:24):
So if you're on an estrogen patch, you're on an estrogen pill, you're addressing your progesterone because that's neglected by most mainstream doctors. They say you don't need it, but that's not true. It's a whole other topic. She's actually on progesterone and probably some of you can relate to that. You're using estrogen and progesterone and maybe other sleep age, and you still can't get good solid, deep restorative sleep. So hormonal poverty is not only about sex hormones and if you only address your sex hormones and not women reach out to me all the time who are getting their sex hormones addressed and still are in hormonal poverty and they don't know it, this is the danger zone when you don't know that you're in hormonal poverty because you are going to suffer the consequences of being in hormonal poverty even though you don't know it. So there are other hormones, right?
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (03:22):
Insulin, thyroid, cortisol, DAGA, oxytocin, so many other hormones, growth hormone. There are actually hundreds of hormones, and most women at midlife and beyond are in hormonal poverty with all of their hormones. So this is why you're not experiencing deep, prolonged restorative, continuous sleep that nourishes your health, your body, your mind, your soul, your spirit. So number one, it's not only about sex hormones and what happens is like the woman who reached out you know, it sounds like she's been working with her doctor and she's just not getting the results. So you need to get out of her hormonal poverty and you need to understand all the hormones that go into that, all the factors. There could be a toxicity problem, a gastrointestinal problem contributing to that, a mitochondrial problem. So all the systems in your body fund this hormonal prosperity that allows you to sleep.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (04:34):
Sleep is one of the multifactorial activities of your body. It takes lots of healthy inputs into your body to give you healthy sleep, but many of them are hormonal. And so when your sleep is disrupted, that is a sign you're in hormonal poverty. Even if you're addressing the sex hormones, you've gotta address the other hormones. So if you think this could be you, I invite you to take my quiz on. Could it be hormonal poverty? It's free. You can follow the instructions below, just type quiz if it's, if there's a comment section or DM me quiz, and we'll send you a link to take the quiz. It takes probably 60, 120 seconds, and that'll give you a good idea. And if you wanna go deeper, join me for my Hormone Bliss challenge because I will take you through the exact steps that I use to get out of hormonal poverty and that I've helped thousands of other women use to also identify and get out of hormonal poverty. Hopefully this helps answer your question. It was a great question. Sleep is a huge problem for women over 40, so if this is you, invite you to join me. Thanks so much for joining me. I'll see you next time. Until then, peace, love, and hormones. Y'all,
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (06:04):
Thank you so much for joining me on your journey from hormonal poverty into the promised land of hormonal prosperity. Loved today's episode. Share it with someone you care about, love the show. Consider writing a review and help other women find it too. Remember, we're all in this together right now. There are well over 100 million women suffering in hormonal poverty without answers. Please be of service by sharing, rating and reviewing the show. Help us reach at least 1 million of these women this coming year from one previously suffering woman to another. I thank you. See you next week.

Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
Have you found yourself forgetting a close friend’s name, or even fumbling to recall your own address? That unsettling brain fog isn’t just "getting older"—it could be a sign of something deeper. Welcome to this episode of The Hormone Prosperity Podcast, where I, Dr. Kyrin, your trusted Hormone Prosperity Coach, uncover the hidden culprit behind these frustrating moments of forgetfulness—hormonal poverty.
Key Highlights You Won’t Want to Miss
💡 What Brain Fog REALLY Means: Forgetting words, losing focus, or constantly feeling mentally “off” aren’t just random occurrences. They’re signs of a larger issue—midlife metabolic mayhem caused by hormonal imbalance. Discover how this phenomenon plays out in perimenopause and menopause and why so many women over 40 experience it.
🌿 Hormonal Poverty Explained: What is hormonal poverty, and how does it affect not only your cognition but your overall health? I coined this term to shine a light on the under-discussed yet vital role of sex hormones, insulin, cortisol, and thyroid hormones in maintaining your mental clarity, energy, weight, and vitality.
🚨 The Untold Risk: Did you know hormonal poverty can increase the chances of developing Alzheimer's and other life-altering diseases? I even share the heart-wrenching story of my own mother, whose battle with severe Alzheimer’s was painfully linked to decades spent in hormonal poverty without treatment.
🩺 The Medical Blind Spot: Why do mainstream medical practices fail to diagnose or treat hormonal poverty? Learn the difference between “normal” lab results and optimal function—and why settling for “normal” leaves you far from thriving.
✨ Empowerment Through Action: I’ll equip you with steps to assess your hormonal health and introduce tools to actively reclaim your wellness. Take the quiz to uncover if you’re in hormonal poverty and join my 7-day Hormone Bliss Challenge to start your path to vibrant health today.
👩🔬 Your Roadmap to Hormonal Prosperity: It only takes small but specific changes to go from “barely surviving” to fully thriving. No more blaming it on age—get ready to take control of your health!
Why You’ll Love This Episode
Midlife doesn’t need to be a period of decline—it can be a time of vitality, clarity, and joy if you give your body the hormonal support it needs. With 60+ symptoms of hormonal imbalance negatively impacting millions of women, this is a conversation that mainstream medicine just isn’t having… but YOU deserve to have.
This episode is about more than just identifying a problem—it’s about empowering you to take action, feel supported, and understand you’re not alone.
Take Control of Your Health Today
✅ Step 1: Take my 2-minute quiz to determine if you could be in hormonal poverty.
✅ Step 2: Join the 7-day Hormone Bliss Challenge where I guide you through actionable steps to reclaim your energy, focus, and vitality.
👉 Take the Quiz and Start the Challenge Here
Share the Love!
Know someone who could benefit from this episode? Send it their way! Together, we can help over 100 million women move from hormonal poverty into hormonal prosperity.
💖 Loved this episode? Leave a review and help more midlife women discover this life-changing information.
Here’s to a life full of peace, love, and hormones—because bliss is your birthright.
Podcast Episode Transcript:
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (00:00):
And maybe this has happened to you. You see a friend in the street, you've known them for years, you know, you know their name, but all of a sudden you can't think of what is her name. And you get all tense and feel embarrassed, right? If that's you, you're not alone. That is one of the 60 plus symptoms of midlife, metabolic mayhem and hormonal poverty. Greetings, friend. Welcome to the Hormone Prosperity Podcast with me, the hormone prosperity coach, Dr. Kyrin. Here's where intelligent women over 40 go to get credible guidance and inspiration on getting out of hormonal poverty and into hormonal prosperity and the joy and vitality that brings. Go from asking disempowering questions like, what's wrong with me? To asking empowering questions like, what would hormonal prosperity do? Hashtag ww PD. Join me as we dive into today's episode and get started on your journey off the couch, into your genes and back into life, because bliss is your birthright. And a healthy body filled with hormonal prosperity is the vehicle that gets you there. Welcome. Let's get started.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (01:14):
So brain fog is a great question in menopause and perimenopause, a woman wrote in saying that she was trying to pick up her prescription at the pharmacy, and the woman at the counter asked her for her address, and she was fumbling and bumbling because she couldn't even remember her own address. And maybe this has happened to you. You see a friend in the street, you've known them for years, you know, you know their name, but all of a sudden you can't think of what is her name. And you get all tense and feel embarrassed, right? If that's you, you're not alone. That is one of the 60 plus symptoms of midlife, metabolic mayhem and hormonal poverty that can occur after the age of 40 or even before the age of 40. And it can make your life extremely difficult to live and just complete activities of daily living, things that you do every single day.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (02:12):
And so what's going on here? You go to your doctor and you say, oh, I'm forgetting things, right? Maybe they run some tests to see if you have mild cognitive impairment, early cognitive impairment, and they say that, oh, you're fine. 'cause You're worried about Alzheimer's, and nobody ever says to you, oh, well maybe you have hormonal poverty because they probably don't know that term. It's actually a term that I coined to help women understand what's happening to them as they age with their health. With the 60 plus symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem that can lead to disease, seven of out of 10 of the top 10 causes of death are increased by being in hormonal poverty. And this is something your doctor's not talking to you about. That's why I'm talking to you about it. And if you wanna know if this is you, you can take my quiz that I developed to help you understand.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (03:06):
Could you be in hormonal poverty? Your brain actually depends on not only your sex hormones, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, but all of your hormones to be optimized to function normally. Some of you know that my mom has severe Alzheimer's disease and that she was the healthiest person I knew and that the only risk factor she had for getting Alzheimer's disease was that she was in hormonal poverty for three decades without treatment because her doctor didn't believe in hormone therapy. Not only that so estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, but she probably had undiagnosed insulin, cortisol, thyroid issues because her doctor didn't go by the standards that I use to diagnose disease where there's hypofunction. You might not have an actual disease that your mainstream doctor identifies, but you can have suboptimal function. And if you are not functioning optimally, this is what you need to understand.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (04:15):
This is going to cause you to have hormonal poverty and brain fog, forgetfulness, lack of clarity, right? So you're the one at the pharmacy, can't remember your own address, you can't remember your lifetime friend's name. And so I want to, I really see my mission in life as awakening women to this truth, because what you're getting at your mainstream doctor's office is not the truth, right? They're gonna listen to your heart, listen to your lungs, they're gonna do blood work, most of which you don't know what it is. You're just gonna say, oh, my doctor said my blood work was fine. And what you don't realize is that they're telling you you don't have a disease or disease from a mainstream medical perspective, but they are not looking for optimal function. And the difference between having a disease and having suboptimal function is night and day.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (05:14):
It's the difference between you living your life optimally right brain on all cylinders. Click, click, click. You can remember things, you are focused and you take action in your life and you get the outcomes that you want. Your weight is where you want your energy is where you want your sex drive, your hair, your digestion. You don't have arthritis or myalgias pain in your muscles. You don't have the 60 plus symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem, right? That's optimization. But how most people, most women over 40 in the western world are living is with chronic conditions that are medicated. Now, some women will tell me, well, I don't have high blood pressure. And I'll say, well, what medications are you on? And then they'll list their medications, one of which is an anti-hypertensive medication. And I say, but I thought you said you don't have high blood pressure or hypertension.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (06:07):
And they'll say, oh, I don't. My medication controls it, so I don't have that problem. And what you don't understand is no, you still have hypertension and you're still subject to the consequences of hypertension just over a slower and longer period of time, right? Medications that control symptoms do not fix the symptoms and don't obviate you from having or opt you out from having the consequences of that, like increased risk of heart disease, increased risk of stroke, and all the other consequences of high blood pressure. So don't fall for mainstream medical practices of only diagnosing disease, only giving medications or doing surgery to control disease. This will never get you health optimization. It will never reduce your risk of seven out of the top 10 causes of death. It won't get you health optimization. I will leave you in midlife metabolic mayhem with the symptoms like brain frog, like the person who asks this question and not living life optimally.
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (07:15):
So if you look at, do you have hormonal poverty, which I teach you about in my hormone bliss challenge, then you can understand what you actually need to be doing to identify, am I in hormonal poverty? You can start by taking the quiz. But then in the seven day challenge, I actually take you through the exact steps that I use to get out of hormonal poverty and that I've helped thousands of women use to get out of hormonal poverty so that you can have a higher standard of health for yourself and avoid disease in the future. Optimize how you're living now. Get rid of the 60 plus symptoms of midlife metabolic mayhem. So thank you so much for the question. It's a great question that so many women have, and I'm so grateful that you asked it today. I'll see you in the next episode. Until then, peace, love, and hormones. Y'all,
Dr. Kyrin Dunston (08:20):
Thank you so much for joining me on your journey from hormonal poverty into the promised land of hormonal prosperity. Loved today's episode. Share it with someone you care about, love the show. Consider writing a review and help other women find it too. Remember, we're all in this together right now. There are well over 100 million women suffering in hormonal poverty without answers. Please be of service by sharing, rating, and reviewing the show. Help us reach at least 1 million of these women this coming year from one previously suffering woman to another. I thank you. See you next week.

Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Dr. Kyrin Dunston | What is Hormonal Prosperity?
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Thursday Dec 05, 2024
Are you thriving, or just surviving in your midlife health? If you’ve been struggling with low energy, unexplained weight gain, mood swings, or "midlife metabolic mayhem," you’re not alone—but you deserve better.
In this episode, Dr. Kyrin introduces the empowering concept of Hormonal Prosperity, a state of thriving health where your hormones supply everything your body needs for optimal function. Much like financial prosperity, hormonal prosperity provides you with "hormonal savings" to fund not just survival, but vitality, strength, and joy in your daily life.
Dr. Kyrin shares profound insights, personal stories, and holistic strategies to help women transform their health journeys and reclaim their vitality.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
- The difference between hormonal poverty and hormonal prosperity and why it matters.
- How to start asking "why" questions to uncover the root cause of your symptoms.
- The crucial connection between hormones, metabolism, and weight normalization.
- Why common medical approaches often fall short and how to take charge of your health.
- Explore the concept of the hormonal spectrum and why it’s more helpful than traditional diagnoses.
- Dr. Kyrin’s personal breakthrough and how it inspired her to transform women’s health care.
- Simple steps to identify hormonal imbalance and reclaim your midlife vitality.
Hormonal prosperity is not just about fixing symptoms—it's about empowering your body to thrive. If you’re ready to leave the prescription tango behind and step into a life of energy, balance, and joy, this episode is for you.
🔗 Tune in now to discover how to move from hormonal poverty to hormonal prosperity. Remember to subscribe so you never miss an episode!
👉 Subscribe to the Hormone Prosperity Podcast and the Hormone Prosperity Coach YouTube channel for more inspiring content and actionable advice.
Hormone Prosperity Coach
Hormone Prosperity Podcast
Together, we’ll empower each other to ask the right questions and find answers that lead to lasting health and happiness. Let's stop the madness and start a movement towards hormonal prosperity! 🌟
❓HAVE A QUESTION and want my advice? You're invited to write to me at hello@kyrindunstonmd.com.
I select e-mails with a clear question around hormone poverty (such as symptoms of Midlife Metabolic Mayhem, diseases caused or exacerbated by hormonal poverty, accelerated aging, early death, etc.) and achieving hormone prosperity using the two hormone prescriptions needed (one written and the other not) that are of reasonable length and detail and of interest to significant numbers of the audience. I regret I'm not able to answer all messages sent. I appreciate your willingness to contribute to the community.