Hey, I’m Dr. Kyrin and I totally get it! I’ve been where you are, suffering with the symptoms of Midlife Metabolic Mayhem, worrying about disease and early demise, not realizing I was in hormonal poverty or what to do about it. Surviving life at midlife with no gas and no joy, overweight, tired, sexless and confused about what to do to fix it and finding NO answers in my mainstream medical profession as a Board Certified OBGYN. Everything changed when I discovered ALL the root causes of the hormonal poverty that we women experience at midlife as the cause of the 60+ symptoms of Midlife Metabolic Mayhem, disease and early demise and followed the reqrding path back to hormonal prosperity and successful weight loss, energy, libido, hair and so much more! I share these truths with you here so that you too can get off the couch, into your jeans and back into your joy filled life!
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Stop Blaming Aging For Your Slow Metabolism
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
How is aging affecting your metabolism? Are you looking for a way to turn back the clock and make it work like it did when you were younger? This week's episode of The Hormone Prescription Podcast is all about how to stop blaming aging for a slow metabolism, featuring special guest Kate Deering.
Kate has been helping women achieve optimal health and wellness for 25 years with her holistic approach that includes diet, stress management, exercise, posture, sleep, digestion, hormones, mindset, and lifestyle. And she knows what she speaks - she holds certifications as a CHEK Exercise & Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Olympic Lifting Coach, and a Certified Nutritional Consultant. Not only that but she also has a degree in psychology and exercise physiology!
In this episode, you'll learn:
- How to recognize aging's impact on your metabolism
- Tips on how to keep your metabolism running efficiently as you age
- What dietary changes can help boost a slow metabolism
- The link between hormones and weight management
- Ways to develop an exercise plan that’s appropriate for your age and goals
- Plus, much more!
Join us this week for an informative discussion about how to stop blaming aging for your slow metabolism with special guest Kate Deering. You don't want to miss this one! Tune in now.
(00:00): You have to get healthy to lose weight, not lose weight to get healthy. Dr. Schwartz fame, stop blaming aging for your slow metabolism. In this episode, I'm gonna tell you why.
(00:14): So the big question is, how do women over 40 like us keep weight off, have great energy, balance our hormones and our moods, feel sexy and confident, and master midlife? If you're like most of us, you are not getting the answers you need and remain confused and pretty hopeless to ever feel like yourself Again. As an ob gyn, I had to discover for myself the truth about what creates a rock solid metabolism, lasting weight loss, and supercharged energy after 40, in order to lose a hundred pounds and fix my fatigue, now I'm on a mission. This podcast is designed to share the natural tools you need for impactful results and to give you clarity on the answers to your midlife metabolism challenges. Join me for tangible, natural strategies to crush the hormone imbalances you are facing and help you get unstuck from the sidelines of life. My name is Dr. Kyrin Dunston. Welcome to the Hormone Prescription Podcast.
(01:07): Hi everybody and welcome back to another episode of The Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kyrin. I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season. Thanks so much for joining me today. My guest today has lots of certifications. She's been dedicated to helping women improve their metabolism, their health and fitness for over 25 years. She's really smart and goes really deep into the science. So I think you're gonna like her. She's gonna help you understand a lot of things. When people hear that I lost over a hundred pounds, they assume that I did it by cutting calories and exercising. And of course I didn't do that at all. I did what we're gonna talk about today to improve my metabolism. I could have just sat there and blamed it on my age, but I didn't. I found out the truth about what truly drove my metabolism and my weight gain, including hormone balance, which a lot of you have heard me talk about.
(02:03): So we're gonna dive deep into that topic today and really help you get some answers on why you need to stop blaming your age for your slow metabolism and what you need to do to get your metabolism boosted. And why eating more and not less is key and why eating more carbs is part of the answer. I know you're surprised to hear that we're gonna get into it. So Kate Deering is my guest today. She holds certifications as a check exercise and holistic lifestyle coach, Olympic lifting coach Z health practitioner and certified nutritional consultant. She's worked for 25 years helping women achieve optimal health and wellness, using an holistic approach, incorporating diet, stress management, exercise, posture, sleep, digestion, hormones, mindset and lifestyle. She also has a degree in psychology and exercise physiology. So she's very well-rounded and has a a lot of breadth as well as depth that she's gonna deliver to you today. And I hope you'll help me welcome Kate to the podcast.
(03:07): I'm so excited to be here. Thanks for having me. So
(03:09): I always like to start with people talking about why they do what they do and you have some unique certifications and experience. You've been in the health and fitness industry for over 25 years and I'm wondering what drew you to get the certifications and trainings that you've acquired and what makes you so passionate about helping women at midlife boost their metabolism.
(04:28): So maybe go down the eat less, work out more. And did that kind of approach a good bit to my twenties and thirties and then all of a sudden that when I was about to hit 40, it's didn't seem to be working. And the the tighter and more stricter I became, the more walls I seemed to be hitting. And you know, I kind of was thinking, well that must be just what happens in your forties. That's what everyone keeps saying. You hit this wall. And then I started to learn about metabolic health on a a different spectrum and looking through health with a different lens. And until we kind of change the lens of how we're seeing things, we're gonna keep going down the path I believe. So we have to kind of take a different perspective. And the perspective I learned was based on the work of Dr.
(05:11): Broda Barnes and Dr. Ray Pete. And it's essentially you're defining health as how well your metabolic rate is working. And if we understand that metabolism is basically the sum of all chemical process in your body or, and or how well your body is taking food and producing energy. And so how can we measure that is the question. And the way I would measure it is your heat production because heat would be a product of how well your body's producing energy, your temperature. So temperature and pulse would be ways to monitor how well your metabolism is working. And then if we think about it as it's the sum of every metabolic process, well then that would be how well you are digesting. How's your cycle? Do you have PMs or do you have a lot of menopausal issues? If you're at that stage in your life, how are you sleeping?
(05:58): How's your skin and hair? We know that when you are producing energy at a good rate and you're able to use food and then make energy for yourself, you'll have plenty to run your body optimally. If something starts to interfere with that, then you're gonna start to become compromised. And then what you tend to see is the opposite. Bad digestion, a lot of PMs issues, you're cold all the time. You might have a really low pulse, you have a lot of sleep issues, brain fog, all of those things start to occur. I stop looking at each symptom independently and because again, when we, when we look at how metabolism works, it kind of is the sum of all those products. So from my perspective, if we, if I could find a way to increase the body's ability to turn fuel food into fuel and produce better energy or more energy for your system, then ultimately what happens is your body just starts to function better without addressing each symptom independently. Mm-Hmm
(07:24): Okay. So let's start a l with a little basic, cuz I know some people are pretty advanced to listen to the podcast. They're, they, they're all about knowing about their metabolism. But what is your metabolism and why is this an issue as people age? I love how you say stop blaming aging for your slow metabolism, but let's break it down. What is your metabolism to begin with and why is it a problem for women as they age?
(07:49): Yeah, that's a great question and you can kind of define it a few different ways. One would be, like I said, it's the sum of every metabolic process in your body. So everything your body is doing takes energy. And so metabolism is essentially how your body turns food into fuel. And it essentially goes through a process. So we can look at it down at the cell level cuz all your cells are basically producing energy in their mitochondria primarily so that, that you have energy to do what you need to do, but you also need energy to run everything in your body. In fact, most of the energy that your body produces is used to run your body. We refer that as the basal metabolic rate. So 60 to 70% of the energy you produce is just utilized to do your systems, meaning digest food to keep your muscle and your, your your, your bones and have your nervous system working and all these things require fuel.
(08:43): And if at some point you start to run at a deficit, then your body always goes through this adaptation and will actually slow down metabolic function. And we see this when people diet and if they, they diet long enough, what normally happens, well you don't sleep as well, you're not digesting as well. You might start to feel tired or fatigued or you might start to feel wired because now your body's trying to produce energy via the stress response. And then you start to get a little bit jittery or it might even feel good initially because the stress hormones can feel good initially. So we start to see these responses your body's giving you. But if you're all of a sudden like going into your forties and fifties and saying, I still wanna lose weight, but yet you have a series of symptoms occurring, right? Let's just say you have horrible periods or you have all these sleep issues and you're unable to lose weight or you can't hold muscle tissue or you're getting all these brain fog or other issues, then we've gotta work on those symptoms first.
(09:44): Because what I know is that your body isn't providing you enough energy to run your basic functions because either you're too stressed out, you're, you're using it too other ways or it's gone through too many adaptations to slow it down. Cause we always have to remember the number one thing our body is trying to do is keep us alive. It isn't trying to procreate, it isn't trying to really digest your food, it's not trying to do any of those things. It's trying to keep you alive. So it's always in this energy preservation space where if you don't give it enough, it's going to adapt to that. And if you do it long enough, you'll have symptoms and then it'll look like illness and disease and so forth and so on. And so when I look at it say look, we can say well that just happens with age.
(10:26): And I say, well usually what I see is it just happens more time on this planet to stress your system out
(11:04): Right. I love that. It's so true. It's not age and and you know, it's just coincidental that as we get older, but we're also spending more time on the planet getting our body stressed out
(11:51): Did you starve yourself? Did you, you exercise like crazy? No, I figured out the secrets to hormonal balance, detoxification, mitochondrial function, all the things that you and I both teach about. And then when I fixed that, the weight just came off. So how do you get people to shift their mindset? Women over 40, 50, 60 who are really, I mean we've had drilled into us from the time I was a little kid, I remember having drilled into me, it's less calories and more calories out, right? Cut your calories in, expend your calories. That's how you lose weight. And how do you help people to understand that that's, it's not a numbers game, it's not a math problem.
(12:34): That is a good question and it is a complete mind shift. And even for me it took a lot of unlearning cuz I was brought up in that space and that's, it was dug into me and I and it works until it doesn't work,
(12:46): Right
(13:38): You need to regulate your blood sugar. And so when all those things happen, anytime we put a stress on our system, our body says, hey, at this point in time she has more demands than we have coming in. So okay, we're gonna use some of our other resources, however we're going to slow other things down to adapt to this stressor because again, number one thing your body wants to do is keep you alive and it doesn't want you to burn off all your muscle tissue to try to regulate blood sugar so that you can keep going. So it's always adapting to this response. And in your twenties it kind of, you do it and it can fix itself. It kind of goes okay, you know, she's lost some weight and we, we will kind of try to autoregulate a little bit, maybe a downregulated metabolic rate just a little bit.
(14:22): But then you do it again and again and again and by the time you're in your thirties and forties and you've hit that system, you know, 30 or 40 times it is now downregulated 20 30%. And now it's just so much harder for your system to push through that cycle. And usually at the same time now you have a bunch of symptoms, right? You have, you've had bad periods for 10 or 20 years or now you're having menopausal symptoms or perimenopausal symptoms and they are horrible and that's not normal, I guess it is, is normal cause a lot of people have it, but it doesn't have to be normal. You don't have to go through those if the body is in a better space. And for me I try to address it and get 'em to shift because I want 'em to look at the definition of health differently.
(15:05): Look, health is not just how thin you are and how good you look in, you know, your swimsuit health is a product of, again, it what is your temperature and pulse. If you're 96 degrees and a lot of women are, then that's a problem. You're not producing a lot of heat and that's a factor of metabolic health. So I look at, are you running around 97.8 to 98.6 degrees through the day? You know, is your pulse 40 or is it between 75 and 90 beats? And you know, believe it or not, it's better to have a pulse a little bit higher even though your doctor, you know that when you're running your marathons it's, it's down at 50. But that is an adaptation that occurs to kind of keep up with that activity. And then we wanna look at your digestion again, how your menstrual cycle, how's your libido, what are all these factors doing and what do they need to function?
(15:54): And they need energy, right? You cannot run on thin air. And so, and you also need a lot of nutrition and if you're eating crappy foods and we're not enough, we are going to see dysfunction at some point in time. It's just, it's going to happen. And if you just keep thinking, well I still need to work out more and exercise, it's just a matter of willpower, you are gonna make yourself absolutely crazy and, and then you feel horrible and then your whole life kind of starts to crumble down because you don't have the fuel to keep up with it. And so you know, the next thing you know you're going to your doctor and he is putting you on antidepressants and anxieties, sleep medications, everything. And you know, to kind of alleviate some of these symptoms when in fact look we have to address the underlying problem, which from my perspective is you have core cellular function, you're noting energy. Well wherever that is, align the system and that's what we need to improve.
(16:46): Yeah, and food plays a huge role in this. What you are feeding yourself and this whole concept of calorie restriction and a lot of diets are poor quality calories. I know you have a free guide that you're gonna offer everyone, we're gonna have the link in the show notes, but you also cover your top 13 metabolic foods in there. Could you just mention maybe three of your favorites that people might consider adding to their diet? That would be something to help with their me metabolic rate.
(17:15): Yes. And again, we, from my perspective, I come from the context of always improving cellular function. Now I always, I do have foods I suggest, but all those foods might not work for everybody depending on where they are in their healing cycle. And so, mm-hmm
(18:12): Your body's actually function best utilizing carbohydrates. And so we wanna get the body to use those primarily. And the ones I like are more like fruits and roots, high nutrient rich carbohydrates that your body can help assimilate and there's tons of minerals and nutrition from 'em. And so I like actually a lot of simple carbohydrates cuz it's easier for your body to break these down. I definitely come from a space where we wanna give your body foods that are not super challenging to break down because what I see when someone's in dysfunction, 95% of those people have poor GI function. If you have poor GI function, again, it's another system of your body that requires energy to function. If that's not working and we give it really, really hard to digest foods, you're going to have problems. They're not gonna break 'em down properly, they're not gonna get what they need. Maybe they're filled with nutrition, but if your body doesn't have the fuel to break that system down or that food down, then you're just gonna poop it out. So I love fruits and roots, you know, like potatoes. Those are great sources of energy in my opinion. Just on the caveat. Okay. I never, okay,
(19:55): Yeah. Oh that's a good question. Again, if we come from a place of h how, when you look at optimal metabolism, the fuel source that we are using is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates will run through the system much quicker than fats and to be utilized as energy. Yes, fats will contain more energy, but when carbs are being used, they actually go through the system in a quicker space. And so we want energy that's being used quickly. And so carbs are gonna be your most, primarily the best source of fuel. Now as you age, the body can have issues digesting carbohydrates and it's normally because that system is in a chronic stress state and they're starting to run other systems that are kind of regulating them at that time. But if we can get 'em out of the stress state and get them to utilizing carbohydrates better, then we'll bring those stress hormones down and their body will start to auto-regulate.
(20:45): I like fruits and roots because they're, they're high nutrient rich and if they're prepared properly, they don't tax your GI system as much as other foods like breads or grains or pastas or even legumes. Nuts and seeds of course. And even a lot of raw green vegetables, which I know is gonna be very controversial. But again, if you eat a raw salad which doesn't have a lot of fuel in it, it might have a lot of nutrition, but our body's gonna have a challenging time breaking that food down. And because I'm trying to give it fuel to run and I know when your body is under a lot of chronic stress, the GI system is the one of the systems that gets really affected. In fact, the GI system works best in that parasympathetic state. And if somebody's in a stressed sympathetic state all the time, the GI system just doesn't work properly.
(21:37): And so if I give it a ton of food and, and I try to push it through the GI and it's hard to digest, guess what? You're gonna see that food in your stool the next day. We're not gonna be able to break it down
(22:26): And if it's in dysfunction, if you're having bloating and, and SIBO and leaky gut and all of these things that are maybe not allowing your body to digest food properly, then even if you're eating the best of diets and the most nutritious of diets, if you can't break that food down, who cares? Doesn't matter. It's just gonna be pooped out, it's gonna irritate your gi, it's gonna make you constipated, whatever, doesn't matter. And so, but if we actually give it some stuff that's easier, then all of a sudden your body's okay, we don't have to work so hard so we can kind of operate, you know, 70% cuz you're not really taxing us so much and we'll actually give you the fuel that you need so that your body can have fuel to run. It is a mind shift, right? Because you have to know, you have to increase your body's ability to utilize energy and that means you've gotta teach it to utilize more calories.
(23:18): You've gotta teach it to actually know that calories are available to coming in. Cuz if not, it always is going to adapt to, to it. Your body does not care if you have an extra a hundred pounds on you and it's like, oh look I got a ton of extra weight on me. We'll just use that. It doesn't work that way. Your body will still adapt to a slow metabolism with extra weight on you. And so you have to increase overall basal metabolic rate so it, it starts utilizing that energy better. If not, you're gonna be eating less and less and less and feeling crappier and crappier and crappier and, and, and you can't live that that, right? As soon as something comes or happens, you just binge and eat everything so your body doesn't go into, you know, complete craziness, right? And then you go, you yo-yo yourself all the way, you know, into gaining another 20, 30 pound you're miserable.
(24:06): I remember seeing the study on the biggest loser contestants Yep. Right? Showing that how their metabolic rate slowed when they lost the weight on the show, but then it went even lower after and invariably they all gained the weight back within a couple of years. And I don't know what it's gonna take for us women to really get that out of, out of our heads about the, the calories and minus calories out myth. But I, I think you, you are really making some great points. I do wanna jump to another topic cuz you have such varied experience and certification and just the way you envision a person's health. You talk about posture in addition to wellbeing being about diet, stress, exercise, sleep, digestion, hormones, mindset, lifestyle. You also mentioned posture. Can you talk a little bit about that? Cuz that's not something that most people I think are aware affects their metabolism?
(25:03): Well I think we can just go into essential structure and again, if you're somebody that is hunched over and you can just see this from kind of today's society and everybody's looking at their phone or they're on their computer, right? So they're all just kind of hunched over and kind of in this kind of kyphotic state all day long. Well again, how does our GI system work and how does all of our systems work when we're kind of just compressing it all day long? So, you know, I always, I I get people in front of me and they, they're coming in and they're hunched over head forward. They got kind of forward head posture, shoulders are rolled, hips are starting to get tucked and I show them this posture a little bit exaggerated. I'm like, well this is your future. This is how you're going to function.
(25:46): And again, when our body starts to kind of maintain these structures and aren't ideal for it, the brain gets quite used to that and then it starts to go, well we don't actually need to stand up. So it starts to lose function and it starts to just stay. And, and I don't know if you've ever seen like people that aren't extreme, right? They're like completely leaned over and they can't like even stand up any longer and you're like, how does that even happen? Well it doesn't happen in a month or a year, it happens over decades in time without correction. But what I can say to you is if you were in the compromised position all day and you're leaned over and you're leaned over, that is absolutely gonna affect how well your GI system is functioning. And again, if we know that, that the GI is the entryway from everything from an outside world into your body and that's being compressed and compromised, then we can suspect that somewhere along the lines your body's gonna have some issues with digestion somewhere. Because in that compromise and compressed position. So obviously it's one of, I think many pieces of the puzzle to try to get somebody healthier. Certainly the food and everything else is a, a big part, but working on your backside and maintaining and learning how to sit upright and stand upright and look forward and you know, not looking to your phone all the time is certainly yeah. A big part of trying to improve your
(27:05): Health. Yeah, you know, this first came to my attention really, there was this brilliant chiropractor in Atlanta when I was working there and you know, he was talking about the structural integrity and how it puts when you don't have it, lack of structural integrity puts torque on the nerves, particularly like you say the digestive system, the autonomic nerve parasympathetic nervous system and then they stop functioning optimally and it affects digestion and hormone balance and everything else. But I just wanted to highlight that for everyone because you know, I think everything relates to hormones cause it does and posture relates to hormones, relates to metabolism along with what you're eating and your exercise. I think we're really trained to believe that it's, again, only about diet and exercise. I think most people are getting the stress piece. What are some of your top tips for women over 40 to really get a reign on how stress is affecting their health or mitigate the effects?
(28:03): Well I think a good thing to monitor is certainly your sleep. If you're finding that you are not sleeping well, then that's a sign that your system is under fueled to me. I mean, sleep is a, a high metabolic function. Like, you know, young children think about what young children know, they can sleep 10 to 12, 12 hours, they can sleep anywhere and they just fall asleep in our deep sleep
(28:46): So getting sun into your eyes in the morning or at least getting out through the day and getting sun on you is a, a good way for your body to sleep better. Certainly making sure you're eating enough through the day and making sure you're eating balanced meals through the day. One of the things I like to address with people is regulating their blood sugar. If your blood sugar is all over the place, it's going to elicit stress responses all through the day because your blood sugar is what basically keeps you alive. If, if you, there's not enough fuel in there and all of a sudden there isn't any, you die. So there's a, you know, a regulatory system if you're starting, if your blood sugar gets too low, if you start to go hypoglycemic, your body's gonna send out a stress response. Your stress hormones, adrenaline, cortisol, glucagon are all gonna elevate to try and either break down tissue or release storaged sugar to regulate you.
(29:34): And if that's happening all day long because you're not eating or you are eating the wrong foods, then you're keeping yourself in the stress response all day. And so we have to get yourself and that's not gonna make you feel relaxed and it's certainly not gonna make you sleep. Well, making sure, and a great way to do that is, you know, having balanced meals throughout the day. So whether you're eating three meals a day or six meals a day, find a frequency of meals, it feels good to you. If you're eating a meal and you're like, I'm gonna eat three, but you're hungry after two or three hours and you probably need a snack in between your meals, we want you to feel satiated during the day. We, I don't want you to feel hungry, especially if you're trying to fix things. And what we have to understand is your body actually needs to heal and it needs to fix metabolic functions then that's a different space than you trying to lose weight in my opinion.
(30:27): Sometimes you have to kind of fix the foundation first to get the body like so, so the body can lose weight a little bit healthily versus just trying to stress the weight off of you, which most of us have been doing most of our lives. So it's kind of, you know, people refer to it as reverse dieting where you start to slowly eat more food so your body get used to having more fu fuel available to you. I just say it's improving metabolic function cuz we monitor your metabolic processes to see how well you're improving. There's a lot of different things. So again, I would say getting light, eating balanced meals throughout the day is important. And then of course, adding some of the foods, the, I would suggest, and again, those could be fruits and roots and maybe avoiding some of these hard to digest foods like nuts scenes, legumes and raw feed greens,
(31:32): Okay. Those are great tips. You mentioned something in there, reverse dieting, but I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that. Could you clarify?
(31:39): Reverse dieting is a term that's being kind of utilized. It seems right now where it's dieting as we think of it's eating less and, you know, and slowly eating less to lose body fat. Reverse dieting is actually teaching your body to eat more and so that your body adapts to a space where now it's getting more comfortable eating, you know, 2000 calories versus the 1200 calories. And so it's a process that you would take someone through, whereas, you know, maybe if you're, if someone's coming to me and they're eating 12 to 1400 calories and they have a bunch of symptoms, I'm like, well, we're not gonna heal on that. It's not enough fuel. I actually, my clients eating anywhere from 1900 to 2,400 calories before we would actually start to initiate some sort of deficit to try to initiate weight loss or add some activity or something in.
(32:27): So I want their bodies to be primed. I want them to have tons. I I really wanna teach people to eat as much food as they possibly can to, to maintain good metabolic function. And yes, with some people initially that might result in some actual weight gain and either a, they might need it or their body just has to go through a a time where it's saying, Hey, you know, you've been starving me for the last three decades,
(33:15): And again, it's something that happens in women in their forties and fifties, sixties is they have a harder time maintaining muscle mass and muscle is incredibly important as we age, we know that women who have the most muscle mass will be most healthiest or have the least amount of bone breakdowns and so forth. So we wanna create an environment, their body that is able to produce and maintain muscle. If the body's constantly stressed because you're going down these stress pathways, it is gonna have an incredibly hard time doing that. You'll end up just losing more muscle mass. And that is not something do as you age.
(33:49): Right. Thank you for explaining that. I love that term and it, it really reminds me of Dean Ornish with his eat more, way less, you know, most of us are eating poor quality, wrong macronutrient and micronutrient not dense foods. And so really this concept that you do need to eat more, but also a better macronutrient and micronutrient profile, I think is really huge for women. And, and if you're listening, I hope you really hear what Kate is saying because it's key to boosting your metabolism. Your metabolism is not decreased direct because of your age. So just stop blaming it on your age. You've got to really take a hard close look at the stressors that are impacting your health that we've mentioned throughout this episode. Hormones being one of them. I loved how you tied in the whole cortisol stress cycle to digestion and what that's gonna do overall. So I think this has been really valuable for everyone. Thank you so much for joining us, Kate. You have this free guide, understanding Metabolism and your Top 13 me Metabolic Foods for everyone to download. We're gonna have a link in the show notes. They can also check out your book, how to Heal Your Metabolism, stop Blaming Aging For Your Slowing Metabolism. If you wanna, what would you like to tell them about these resources and where else people can find you and get more information?
(35:17): Yeah. Well, I have an Instagram account, it's Kate during fitness. I also am on Facebook at Kate during fitness. My website is kate deering.com. I'm actually working on a second book right now, which is gonna be heavy on one thing I've been asked since I've wrote the first one is a lot more recipe type things and, and kind of a more directional way that people can utilize this information to help themselves. I, you know, I I definitely come from a, a place of specificity, a spec being specific, meaning everyone is a little bit different. You kind of have to find your own path. It's what I provide is a lot of information to help people try to understand their body better so they can learn what to measure and how to keep up with things. And so they can see kind of direct their own path. And I, I think the more you learn about yourself and how well your body functions, the better off you're going to be in life. We don't teach, we don't really teach that anymore
(36:18): Well, thank you for those great resources. Thanks for the wonderful information and inspiration and I hope everybody listening, you'll check out Kate's website and download her free guide, check out her book and all of the offerings that she has. Thanks so much for joining me for another episode of The Hormone Prescription and how will you take this information and implement it in your life to make positive changes? Let me know about it on social media. I look forward to hearing about it, and I look forward to seeing you next week on another episode of The Hormone Prescription. Until then, peace, love, and hormones, y'all.
(36:55): Thank you so much for listening. I know that incredible vitality occurs for women over 40 when we learn to speak hormone and balance these vital regulators to create the health and the life that we deserve. If you're enjoying this podcast, I'd love it if you'd give me a review and subscribe. It really does help this podcast out so much. You can visit the hormone prescription.com where we have some free gifts for you, and you can sign up to have a hormone evaluation with me on the podcast to gain clarity into your personal situation. Until next time, remember, take small steps each day to balance your hormones and watch the wonderful changes in your health that begin to unfold for you. Talk to you soon.
► Get Kate Deering's FREE Guide on understanding metabolism and her top 13 metabolic foods. CLICK HERE.
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Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Do you want to know the secret to reducing inflammation and boosting your immunity while healing your gut?
Listen up!
Donna Mazzola, a Pharmacist with an obsession with natural healing, will be joining us on this episode of The Hormone Prescription Podcast - Immunity Food Fix. Donna obtained her Doctorate in Pharmacy and then was diagnosed with Hashimotos in 2015. Through her journey, she has learned the importance of the balance between nutrition and medicine that impacts disease.
Donna will be sharing with us tips on how to reduce inflammation, boost immunity, heal the gut and more.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- How to make lifestyle and dietary changes to reduce inflammation
- How to construct a diet plan that works for you
- Which foods increase immunity, heal the gut and prevent disease
- How to incorporate nutrition into your health care routine
Don't miss out on this episode of The Hormone Prescription Podcast - Immunity Food Fix. Tune in for the tools, tips, and tricks of how Donna has been able to keep her immune system balanced and healthy.
(00:00): Do you know how the food you eat impacts your immune system function? Stay tuned and find out what foods you should be eating and not eating to impact your immune system positively.
(00:14): So the big question is, how do women over 40 like us keep weight off, have great energy, balance our hormones and our moods, feel sexy and confident, and master midlife? If you're like most of us, you are not getting the answers you need and remain confused and pretty hopeless to ever feel like yourself Again. As an ob gyn, I had to discover for myself the truth about what creates a rock solid metabolism, lasting weight loss, and supercharged energy after 40 in order to lose a hundred pounds and fix my fatigue, now I'm on a mission. This podcast is designed to share the natural tools you need for impactful results and to give you clarity on the answers to your midlife metabolism challenges. Join me for tangible, natural strategies to crush the hormone imbalances you are facing and help you get unstuck from the sidelines of life. My name is Dr. Kyrin Dunston. Welcome to the Hormone Prescription Podcast.
(01:07): Hey everybody. Welcome back to another episode of the Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kiran. Thank you so much for joining me today. My guest is Donna Mazzola and she is Dr. Autoimmune Girl and she is super passionate about how what you eat impacts your immune system. Did you know that what you put in your mouth impacts whether you get sick or not? Or do you know whether you get the flu or not, how severe covid infection is and all these other things? Probably not. Most people aren't aware that maybe that sticky bun could be the reason why you got the flu this year and nobody else did. Not saying it's the only cause, but it's a big contributor because the food you eat really programs. What is your body? Your body is your food body. Literally you are what you eat and that means your immune system too.
(02:03): So we're gonna get into that today. And your immune system and food also interact with your hormones. So you always hear me bring everything back to your hormones and how it relates to your hormones cuz this is the foundation of how you function as a, as a female, as a woman. And we're gonna get into that in detail. I'm gonna tell you a little bit about Donna and then we're gonna get into it. So Donna is a pharmacist. She's fascinated with natural healing and preventative care. She has a doctorate in pharmacy, but she realizes that although medicine has a place in healing, it's really the balance between nutrition and medicine that impacts disease. And this fascination became an in obsession for her after a personal diagnosis of Hashimotos in 2015. And her disease pushed her to embark on a journey to seek answers and identify the root cause related to the rise in autoimmune and other inflammatory related chronic conditions.
(03:07): So on her journey, she obtained a master's degree in functional medicine and human nutrition and she birthed Dr. Autoimmune Girl. And that really is her vehicle to share her passion with people, to empower them with the knowledge, to take control of their health. Her mission is to educate the world on the healing powers of food. Yes, the food you eat several times a day has the power to heal you and give meaning to the concept of food as medicine. Her blog is dr autoimmune girl.com. She shares reputable scientific information related nutrition and health there and she's the author of Immunity Food Fix Guide to a hundred Superfoods and Nutrition Hacks to Reverse Inflammation, prevent Illness, and Boost your Immunity. Welcome Donna to the podcast.
(03:59): Thank you. I'm excited to be here.
(04:00): Yeah, I'm super excited to talk with you about immunity and fixing it with what you eat because I think for a lot of people they're just not aware that what they eat has anything to do with their immune system. So can you start by maybe helping everybody understand the
(04:18): Relationship? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I think my, one of my favorite things to say is, you know what you eat matters
(05:29): Yeah. So let's start there with inflammation, how I think people hear about that term and they kind of have a nebulous idea of what it is. So maybe if you could start by helping everybody understand what is inflammation, why is it problematic and how it relates to the immune system, that would be
(05:47): Great. Yeah. So inflammation, when we hear it, we automatically think negative. But inflammation, when you truly think about it, is a positive response that our body is, is having. So if our body is within complete homeostasis, imbalanced, there is an event that occurs, let's say you cut your finger or you catch a cold, you have a virus, your immune system upregulates at that point and says, ah, there's something going on, we need to fix it. So it ink, it boosts, it like sends out the soldiers right to fight, to fix what's going on. And those soldiers fighting are all these inflammatory cytokines that are released. Right. To that point, once that problem is fixed, those soldiers should go back to their base and mm-hmm
(06:46): Where we've started to process our foods, we have convenient foods, we live in extremely stressful lifestyle, we never turn off that inflammatory response. Mm-hmm
(07:41): Food and nutrition is at the center of all that. And it's not just about the fact that we are consuming inflammatory foods, like I mentioned, like the processed foods, processed sugars, high sugar intake, saturated fats that are causing this inflammatory response. We're also not consuming the anti-inflammatory foods that come from whole foods, anything from the earth, right? Plant-based food mm-hmm
(08:27): Right. So I know some people are listening and they're thinking, well Dr. Donna's a pharmacist, why is she talking about diet? My pharmacist never talks to me about diet when I go to the pharmacy. And I think that's a a valid question. So maybe we even back up and can you tell everyone how you got involved with looking at immune system function and diet? Cuz I know you have a very personal story around that.
(08:56): Yeah, so I mean, when I was started in clinical practice probably about 20 years ago, I was doing a lot with patients with chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart failure, C O P D, and really trying to help them manage their medication as a pharmacist. But what I found in many of my consultations was that I was focusing on nutrition. I was focusing on what they could do to potentially reduce their medication, you know, and feel better. And so I realized at that time that that was my true passion. There's a time in place for medicine, but it's the balance between nutrition and medicine that's critical. That's really how I practiced. And I didn't have any formal training in nutrition, but you know, you learn a little bit about it through conventional mm-hmm.
(10:34): So can you say more about that, Donna? Because I think there are a lot of people listening who also think that they lead a healthy life and they're really shocked to find when they find someone who can give them a root cause resolution approach or a functional approach that they're really not. So can you talk a little in a little more detail about what you considered was the healthy lifestyle you were living and what you
(10:57): Discovered? Yeah. So I would say I was probably over exercising, following all kinds of fad diets that really were chemically based, right? Like sugar alcohols, the fat free movement, you know, all of that. I fell into all those traps, um, and tried all kinds of things. I wasn't sleeping right. Meditation and mindfulness was not even something I considered or understood, you know, working long hours. I was young, so, you know, partying, drinking, all that stuff, you know, everything. When I look back I'm like, my gosh, I thought I was so healthy and yet everything I was doing was so inflammatory on the body and no wonder I developed this. But on top of that, like I think about the types of foods that I was eating and the type of life that I lived and what it did to my gut. And I know now looking back based on like symptoms that I've had that I ignored and things like that, that you know, the gut was central to what led to this development and autoimmune disease.
(12:06): Mm-hmm.
(12:59): Yeah. I think you're so right. We, you know, let's not throw out mainstream medicine. We need it, we need our drugs, we need our surgery. But there's so much more that we can do. And I love that in your book you really focus on the things that need to be done, where you need to reduce your inflammation, you cover that, boost your immunity, heal your gut, and prevent disease. So when you discovered this and you got your master's, you were able to reverse your hashimo Hashimotos,
(13:26): It's been what now? Probably seven years on this journey. Mm-hmm.
(14:26): Yeah. And you know, for everybody listening, you might not be aware of what the numbers mean with Hashimoto's antibodies, but that's a tremendous amazing difference.
(15:16): You think? Oh my gosh, I could talk about this for the next five hours.
(16:25): But then I also think that women need to be aware, especially if they're trying to conceive that your thyroid hormone is ex incredibly important in the conception as well as during pregnancy for the health of the fetus. And I think that this is not talked about enough. And I've had women who finally have their provider check A T S H and their thyroid hormone and identify that that's the reason why they're not able to conceive. And once they, you know, sometimes need treatment and they're able to conceive, it's recognizing the importance of especially someone who has Hashimotos once you're pregnant, the importance of ensuring that you are getting enough thyroid hormone for yourself and for your fetus, for that fetal development, especially early on in the pregnancy. So I think for women across the stage, right? So like if you're older, you know, you're listening to this and maybe you have a daughter or a cousin or somebody and like you can share this information with, or you know, maybe you're going through menopause and you can start recognizing there's differences in shifts. Like being in tune with our body to identify what's going on can be life changing because carrying those symptoms, it should not be our baseline. It should not be the norm. And we should be able to reverse that so that we feel our best self, especially as we age and we as we're getting older.
(17:51): I think it's so true what you're saying. I love these quotes that you shared with me. All you have is your health. Uh, when I talk to women and they are concerned about their health, I have them do this exercise. Maybe you've worked with women to do this too, where I have them kind of itemize where they spend their time, where they spend their money in their lives. And everybody will say that their health is their number one priority, but when they look at the actual numbers of where they're spending their time and their money, they spend the least money and the least time on their health. Mm-hmm.
(18:34): I mean, think about it, at the end of the day, you could think you're living your best life. And then I say that because of how I felt and I was, you know, seven years ago, a lot younger when I was diagnosed. And as soon as I received that diagnosis, while it wasn't something terminal, I still felt like, oh my gosh, I am losing my health. And like you take a step back and reflect and put things into perspective on what's important. And ultimately it's keeping myself healthy so I can enjoy the things in life, my family, the memories, all of it. And I think even through the pandemic, people realize that, right? It's like getting sick. You know, whe whether it be acute or chronic makes you take a step back and reflect that that's all you really have. Because once you lose your health, you, you lose it all. Really.
(19:28): I know it's so true. And
(20:23): Honestly, my favorite foods, I think I'll start with one that's super personal to me. Cause when I talked about earlier, reducing my antibodies, reducing inflammation in the body, I really attribute that to the daily intake of turmeric. And that is really the king of anti-inflammatory foods. You know, it blocks a particular pathway that works similar to the pathway that we use Motrin or ibuprofen, you know, in order to reduce inflammation. And so the intake of that daily has really changed my life. So I think that's a top favorite for me. Another one, I mean I love the root vegetables and obviously turmeric is a ru vegetable of itself, but carrots are another big one. And as we consider hormone health, carrots have a special ability to help detox estrogen from the body. And so obviously, you know, keeping that balance within our hormones is critical.
(21:25): And you know, when there's an excess amount, you feel it, that's when those symptoms arise. And so I found that, you know, consuming raw carrots, especially kind of like a week before my cycle helps to reduce all symptoms and kind of detox that estrogen out. So I love carrots. Once I learned that and try to, I was like, ah, this really works. Uh, food is magical. So those are big. And then, you know, really thinking about seeds as well, just because there's such, there's just such a super food when you think about a seed of a plant grows the entire plant. So it's like this powerhouse. So when you think about when you consume the seeds, all the HealthPRO promoting benefits that you get from it. So you just think about it that way. You know, anything from chia seeds, flax seeds, sunflower, hemp, pumpkin, all of it.
(22:20): And we talk about all of it in the book. They all have different benefits, but you know, it's that balance of the, the good fats that reduce inflammation that kind of help rebalance that inflammatory fats that's in our body. Mm-hmm.
(23:23): So I love that, that you divided it up by color. That makes such sense. And it sounds like it hits all of the categories. And we're gonna have a link to your website. People can purchase your book there and then they can get some bonuses too. Do you wanna tell them a little bit about that?
(23:42): Yeah, absolutely. So you could, could purchase the book and then there's directions on how to obtain a micronutrient guide and its impact on the immune system. So the micronutrients are like your vitamins and minerals that are found in foods and how those impact your immune system. So we didn't get into all the details, but you know, the macronutrients in whole based foods, which are carbs, fats, and proteins have an impact on your immune system. And then that balance of the various micronutrients, whether it be vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, the composition of all of those, you know, and how you're consuming them through Whole Foods helps support your immune system. And so there is a guide on the various micronutrients that help support your immune system.
(24:29): Okay, awesome. And the instructions on how to get those bonuses is on the website and we will have the link in the show notes, so you can go there and look at it. What would you say would be a take action plan for anyone listening who's like, okay, I get it, Dr. Donna, I need to work on my immune system. I need to work on reducing inflammation, healing my gut. Where should they start?
(24:53): I mean, I think you kind of have to go with the la the low hanging fruit, and to expect anybody to kind of reverse their entire lifestyle and shift over anight is unrealistic. I think what's important is to remember that, you know, living your best health as a marathon and not a sprint. You know, I talked about my own personal journey, it's been seven years and I'm not perfect either. Like it, you know, it takes one day, one month, one year at a time to live your best life. So for some food is the place to start. You know, as I mentioned, the various kind of points of focus. Maybe it's sleep, maybe it's making sure you get eight to nine hours of sleep every night. You know, turning off that Netflix and getting to bed earlier. Maybe it's identifying how to mitigate stress, recognizing when it's happening, incorporating meditation before bed just for 10 minutes while you sleep.
(25:47): Seeing what that does to your sleep. You know, going, going through a meditation for 10 minutes and seeing how deep you fall into a sleep that night and wake up restored. Maybe that's life changing for you. If it's removing some inflammatory foods, maybe you can't tackle and hit every single anti-inflammatory food that we talk about, but maybe you're gonna remove some inflammatory foods like processed sugar, removing saturated fats, not eating, carry out, you know, reducing that to maybe one day a week. But if you do wanna go after it and go beg, you know, and really change your lifestyle and your diet, not only focus on removing those inflammatory foods, but the goal to consume nine to 12 servings of whole plant-based foods a day. And that's kinda what we talk about in the book. And that's not just fruits and vegetables, you know, plant-based foods include, as we talked about, the seeds, the oils, the nuts, the herbs that you cook with. All of that is plant-based food. So really tracking that and ensuring you're consuming that much in order to support that anti-inflammatory response in the body. So I gave a lot there. Mm-hmm.
(27:10): Yeah. You know, I hear you so loud and clear and I, a woman is coming to mind who I've been working with, and she says, well, I guess I'm not feeling bad enough to do all the things that I need to do. So I think there's some people listening who are thinking, that sounds like a whole lot, Donna, you want me to sleep? You want me to eat seeds? You want me to change my diet? You want me to restrict the sugar? Like, that's so much. And they, they'll say to themselves, well, I don't have a Hashimoto's autoimmune diagnosis, I don't have this, I don't have that. And so it seems like a lot. So what do you say to someone who's this, these thoughts are running through her mind.
(27:51): I say just start with one, start with one and grow from there. Right? Like, that's what we mean by it's a marathon. If it were a sprint, you would implement all those things that I just said at one time, but it's not a sprint. Mm-hmm.
(28:37): And so everyone's different. As I said, some people maybe they just focus on sleep for a whole year before they take it to the next step. That's fine. But recognizing that you're making progress in the right direction and kind of making those changes as you see fit and as you will be consistent with them. Because I tell you what you have to do, it's doesn't work. It's has to come from the person from within and recognizing what they can handle. Because consistency is key. And if you can't handle it, then that's where inconsistency comes up.
(29:11): I think that is so important, what you just said,
(30:02): Maybe that'll be your one thing. Or maybe you're gonna start working with sleep. You could even pick, make it fun and pick the color that you wanna start with, with the foods like she described. What resonates most with you. I really think we all have an innate knowledge of, of what's best. So maybe you need to work on your detox or maybe you need to work on your antioxidation. So pick that. We'll have the link in the show notes. And thank you so much Dr. Donna for joining us today and for this wonderful resource that you've created. Thank you. It's been my pleasure. And thank you all for listening to another episode of The Hormone and Prescription with Dr. Kiran. Hopefully you have learned something today that will help you change your health and change your life for the better. I look forward to hearing about it on social media. Join me on Facebook or Instagram at kirin dunston md and tell me all about it. Wanna hear about your wins and your discoveries. Thanks for joining me, and I'll see you next week for another episode. Until then, peace, love, and hormones, y'all.
(30:58): Thank you so much for listening. I know that incredible vitality occurs for women over 40 when we learn to speak hormone and balance these vital regulators to create the health and the life that we deserve. If you're enjoying this podcast, I'd love it if you'd give me a review and subscribe. It really does help this podcast out so much. You can visit the hormone prescription.com where we have some free gifts for you, and you can sign up to have a hormone evaluation with me on the podcast to gain clarity into your personal situation. Until next time, remember, take small steps each day to balance your hormones and watch the wonderful changes in your health that begin to unfold for you. Talk to you soon.
► Get Donna Mazzola's book, supplements & more! CLICK HERE.
Send an email to immunityfoodfix@quarto.com with proof of order to receive pre-order bonuses.
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Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Are you struggling with self-care, feeling blocked from progress, and in need of a powerful reset?
Midlife is often when we tend to take our own needs for granted. But there's no better time than now to invest in yourself - and Deanna Hansen can help you do just that!
In this episode of The Hormone Prescription Podcast, Deanna reveals her secrets on how to unlock your body's full potential through Fluid Isometrics and Block Therapy - a revolutionary practice that combines therapy, exercise, and meditation into one. Hear Deanna explain the importance of the fascia system, and learn how to melt away adhesions, scar tissue, and more so you can get back on track to unlocking your fullest potential!
In this episode, you'll learn:
- How Fluid Isometrics and Block Therapy works
- The importance of the fascia system
- How to melt away adhesions and scar tissue
- Ways to awaken cells blocked from blood and oxygen
- Tips on how to reset your body for maximum success
Don't miss out on this opportunity – tune in now as Deanna Hansen shows you the missing link in your self-care journey. Let's get you feeling your best, and take back control of your health!
(00:00): Ralph Waldo Emerson said, don't be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams. In this episode, we're gonna cover a topic that relates exactly to this. If you are being pushed by your problems, listen up. But also, if you're being led by your dreams for health, that allows you to go there and do that. Stay tuned.
(00:23): So the big question is, how do women over 40 like us keep weight off, have great energy, balance our hormones and our moods, feel sexy and confident, and master midlife? If you're like most of us, you are not getting the answers you need and remain confused and pretty hopeless to ever feel like yourself Again. As an ob gyn, I had to discover for myself the truth about what creates a rock solid metabolism, lasting weight loss, and supercharged energy after 40, in order to lose a hundred pounds and fix my fatigue, now I'm on a mission. This podcast is designed to share the natural tools you need for impactful results and to give you clarity on the answers to your midlife metabolism challenges. Join me for tangible, natural strategies to crush the hormone imbalances you are facing and help you get unstuck from the sidelines of life. My name is Dr. Kyrin Dunston. Welcome to the Hormone Prescription Podcast.
(01:16): Hi everybody and welcome back to another episode of the Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kyrin. Thank you so much for joining me today. I think you're really gonna love my guest today. I know I say that, but I just do have the best guess on my podcast. I have to say they're super passionate, articulate, and they care so much about people and they've just leaned into the problems of women's health over 40 and found some extraordinary answers. And my guest today is no different. So I hope that you will help me welcome, Deanna. So I'm gonna tell you a little bit about her and then we will get started. I first wanna start by saying, you know, I try to tie everything into hormones and this episode's no different. We're gonna tie what we're gonna talk about, which is fascia into hormones. And I know some of you're scratching your heads and going, how is that possible?
(02:11): And this isn't something I learned in my fellowship training even. It's something that I've learned by working with various practitioners over the years. But if your musculoskeletal system is wonky and almost all of us have wonky musculoskeletal systems, which includes fracture because of something, we deal with 24 7, 365, which is, I know you're thinking stress. It's not gravity, y'all, it's gravity. So gravity is constantly pulling on our tissues. And if we have maladaptive of moving and posturing in the world, which a lot of us do that are habitual, it can cause problems with your hormones and everything else. So we're going to jump into that. She also has a very spiritual Ben, which I love and that's important for hormones too. So we're gonna talk about this quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson and just all things fascia and healing. So I'll tell you a little bit about Deanna, then we'll get started.
(03:09): So Deanna Hansen is the founder of Fluid Isometrics and Block Therapy, which is a body work practice that is therapy, exercise, and meditation all in one. She is the author of two books. One is Fascia Decompression, the Missing Link in Self Care. And this totally is the missing link in almost everyone's self care cuz no one's addressing it. And another book called Unblock Your Body, how Fascia Decompression is the Missing Link in Healing. So she's a retired athletic therapist after 25 years. It's kind of like a physiotherapist or physical therapist in the state. She's from Canada and she worked with the general population and just started seeing the same problems, right? Chronic pain, acute injuries, back pain, migraines, all the things when you think of when you think of physical therapy or physiotherapist. And she really leaned into the questions and it comes down to fascia, which a lot of people aren't talking about.
(04:12): So fascia is not just kind of something that hangs your muscles on your bones, it really surrounds every cell. We're gonna talk about that. But what you don't know about fascia could really cause misery for you. And we don't want that. We want you to have hormonal prosperity, physical prosperity, life prosperity. So that is everything about Deanna and welcome Deanna to the podcast. Thank you so much. I am so excited to be here sharing with your, with your people. So I'm excited to talk about this topic. I first learned about the issue of the musculoskeletal system being involved with metabolic functional disturbances, actually from a chiropractor in Atlanta who was pretty astute. This was not covered in my fellowship training in antiaging, metabolic, and functional medicine. And really he said, well, you know, if there's skeletal misalignment, muscular fascial, it can distort the blood vessels, the nerves, everything.
(05:16): And then nothing functions well including your hormones. So this is a part of having great hormone function and great everything function in the body. So I'm excited to talk to you because I don't think that the majority of people are aware of this and they pretty much totally neglect it. So how did you come to be an expert in this field? I know you had 25 years as an athletic trainer and healer, so can you talk about your journey to developing the programs and tools that you've developed for people to address these fascial musculoskeletal issues? Absolutely.
(05:56): So I'm 53 years old now and when I was 30 years old, I had already been five years into my athletic therapy practice and I always focused on deep tissue work. So using my hands, diving into people's bodies. And by now I've spent well over 60,000 hours working on other people's fascia or my own to really understand this incredible unique system. And what it really comes down to is the understanding of how to put the space back into the body through fascia decompression. So this started for me at the age of 30 when I had made some pretty significant changes in my life and started having severe anxiety attacks around this. At the time I was 50 pounds overweight, I was struggling with anxiety, depression, chronic pain. And even though I had a successful practice, my own personal life was in absolute chaos. So it made some big changes.
(06:50): And as a result of those changes, I started having really severe anxiety attacks. And this one anxiety attack in particular was the seat of everything to come because in that moment I thought I was gonna die. I was literally frozen in fear and I couldn't find my breath. I intuitively dove my hand into my abdomen, let out a gasp, which connected me to the moment. But I also connected to pain, which I didn't even recognize I had deep within because I hated this part of my body. I had a lot of shame there. That was where I carried the majority of my weight. So as I'm intuitively moving my hand around that tissue, I also recognized it was full of scar tissue even though I didn't have any injury or surgery in that space. So this gave me a number of aha understandings as to why when I'm coming home from a five mile run dripping wet with sweat, my belly would still feel cold.
(07:41): So after that first night of about 30, 45 minutes of of working on myself, I felt really calm. Woke up the next day, still felt really calm, which was very unusual for me that night, after working on patients all day, I came back, I did a similar thing to see what was happening. And after another session of me doing that, when I stood up, I felt taller and I went and I looked at myself in the mirror and I literally began to cry. My belly was flatter than it had looked in years. And I did the work I was doing at times 400 sit ups a day, aerobics, tibo, dieting. All of the things that I was trained as an athletic therapist to do to get a fit looking body actually took me in the opposite direction. So to have within two days of just doing this literally at my fingertips, it became what I started to do every day when I came home from work.
(08:28): So after two weeks, my chronic low back pain was going away and I started having all of these other changes happening to me. So I started working on my patients in a similar way and I was having incredible results with them. Shortly after that I started attracting therapists to learn my technique, which I actually call fluid isometrics. The technique I teach therapists to do on patients. But it was my real passion, sorry. Yeah, it was my real passion to teach people self care. So I did try initially teaching people how to use their hands on their own body, but there's a lot of limiting factors to that. So about 12 years ago, that was when block therapy came to be.
(09:05): Okay, great. So what kinds of things were you seeing people for? What kinds of maladies were they having that you were gathering this information about the procedures that you've now created, the processes, what kinds of problems were they having? And if you wanna share some stories about patients, that would be.
(09:27): Great. Initially it was the typical things that people would be seeing me for, like chronic low back pain, neck pain, migraines, those kinds of things, athletic injuries as well. And because I switched how I started approaching things with people, they were sharing with me these additional benefits they were receiving. So for example, if I was working for somebody with, with back pain and I was working in their abdomen, then they were sharing with me that they were having digestive issue improvements or absolutely anything there, their blood pressure was going down. It became this holistic approach and understanding as a result of the work that I was doing. In fact, there was a gentleman that shared that he had erectile dysfunction and as a result of working in that space, his sexual function was improving. So it, it started out as me basically treating for the typical things that I was treating and then patient sharing along the way.
(10:21): All of these other things that were happening as a result of that. And it's grown from there over the last 22 years. For me personally, I've completely changed my entire cellular structure. All the issues that I've ever had are are what? What's actually interesting is all the issues that I used to have are so far in the past that now I'm starting to experience 22 years later continuing positive changes that I continue to share with my community. So we have a gentleman in our community that has Parkinson's and he shared that this is the most impactful thing that he's ever done to help manage his neurological symptoms. We have people with fibromyalgia, with MS. People are here to control their size and shape. Right now I'm currently going through a 90 day trauma program. I had a two day trauma summit where I had 12 speakers and I've now put this into a process to teach people how to pull trauma up and out of the body. And we're having absolutely phenomenal results with this. So it's really anything and everything from anti-aging to chronic pain control, acute injury management disease, it cleans and heal and feeds, feeds the cells in the body.
(11:30): Okay, so let's back up a little bit because I think most people know what fascia is, but I know there's some people who don't and I always like to include everybody. So can you talk about what is fascia? What are the components of the musculoskeletal system? What does it do and why, what you experience might work? How does it function?
(11:52): I think I have a bit of a unique understanding of the fascia system. I did go to the world's first fascia conference that was held in har at Harvard in 2007. And I recognized at the time I was coming at the body from a different perspective. So the way that I see the fascia, it's the cell membrane of each and every cell interconnected through this fascist system. So I, I've heard anywhere from, we have 30 to a hundred trillion cells in the body. So each cell is literally connected through this system and the fascia is here to create stability but also mobility in the body. And it's the communication system between every single cell. So whether we're talking about bone nerves, blood vessels, muscles, fascia, IVAs, every single cell in the body and it's totally interconnected and really I see the issue is fascia decompression.
(12:40): So over our lifetime, under the force of gravity, it's constantly compressing us, pulling us down and we're dominant on one side. So we don't just compress linearly, we wind down over time and as the fascia is here to protect us and keep us upright, as we start tipping off balance, the fascia will grip and adhere to surrounding tissues and then all the way to the bone with a force up to 2000 pounds per square inch to create this stability within the body. However, that stability is also what creates the adhesions that block blood and oxygen flow to and from cells and create the aging process that we today experience as as normal. Even though in my view it isn't something that has to happen, it really is all about keeping the cells in their correct position and cells will migrate away from proper alignment under those negative forces over time. And again, that's what creates pain, aging and disease. And it really comes down to one of our foundational pieces which is proper diaphragmatic breathing. Do you want me to dive into this a little bit? Cuz this is a pretty fascinating part.
(13:45): Well hold on, we'll get to that cuz that is fascinating. But you know, as you're talking about the fascia, you know, connecting all the cells. So I remember back to medical school when we did anatomy lab and we had to dissect a cadaver. And I do think that most people have this concept of fascia, if they have any concept of at all, is that the musculoskeletal system is bones and then muscles that hang on these bones. And if we have any concept of fascia, it's like a canvas bag that envelopes each organ and maybe each muscle and attaches. But really what I learned when we did the anatomy cadaver dissection, you can really see this fine tissue that surrounds, like you said, every single cell
(14:43): But it really is this kind of network that connects everything. So I love how you described that gravity is happening and that's what this chiropractor said. He's like we're all twisted
(15:51): And, and that ties directly in with the breath. So pain, fear and stress cause us to reactively hold the breath. I just wanna bring my computer screen down here for a moment. So the diaphragm existing hair is a plate of muscle that moves up and down. When we inhale, it moves down. When we exhale it moves up. And if this, if we're properly aligned and this muscle is working as it should be, essentially we are feeding all cells in the body and we're able to remove the toxins away. However, that's not the reality for most people. The majority of people have fallen in, they've collapsed because they aren't diaphragmatic breathers. So this plate of muscle here to support the ribcage and everything above becomes weak, especially for me, like when I was young I was, I was trained to hold in your belly. So if we're not breathing from this space, we end up breathing through here and then this muscle becomes weak and it actually creates this collapse in through here.
(16:44): So now this plate of muscle that is designed to move up and down ends up becoming twisted and locked away. So it's like we have a frozen shoulder, so the body of course is designed to survive. So we're gonna be breathing, but breathing through the muscles of the upper chest is extremely different than breathing through the diaphragm. So pain, fear, and stress cause us to reactively hold the breath. If you look at an animal who survives an attack, they shake because they're getting rid of that energy. Where we as humans, we tend to go into freeze mode. So if 30 years ago I witnessed something awful or something happened to me and I go into that freeze mode and then I lock away, now the body is only feeding the amount of oxygen to the number of cells that the diaphragm is capable of feeding.
(17:31): And I, I read in Steven Cope and yoga and the quest for the true self that we see the body six times the oxygen when breathing die dramatically. And if you think about if we're deprived of oxygen for five minutes, we die. And all of our cells are like little mini versions of us in the big picture. So if, if we're breathing through this space, what are we only feeding maybe 10 to 20% of the cells in our body. So we're literally surviving as opposed to thriving. And then each cell, when it's fully inflated is like a balloon blown up. It almost def divides gravity, it's round, it glows take half of the arrow to balloon, it becomes wrinkled, it becomes dense and heavy. So that's what's happening to our cells over time when we're not consciously and fully breathing with this correct muscle, we're becoming depleted in this light oxygen and we become heavy and we start falling into that internal space. So we literally are losing space within our body as we twist and wind away from proper alignment. So to get back to that correct diaphragmatic breath is one of the pillars that we teach and it's in my view the most important thing that we should really be focusing on for health.
(18:40): It's so true and you know, I love Stephen Cope. I've actually met him, he's like one of my heroes. For anybody who doesn't know Stephen Cope, he's from Kapalo Yoga Center in Massachusetts. He's written many wonderful books that are about physical, emotional, mental, spiritual healing. And I think he's brilliant. So I highly recommend, I did wanna add just something to what you said. I loved everything you said, you know, for the longest time I had heard this theory about, you know, the issues are in the tissues, the trauma is stored in the fascia, but to my brain I I would say like how is that? I don't understand that, but I heard this great explanation and I can't think right in this moment who gave it, I'll have to look it up and get back to everyone. But you know, emotions are waves, they are chemical, biochemical waves.
19:29): And so like you said, we go into a freeze when we don't know how to handle overwhelming emotions and the waves aren't completed and that stored energy, energy is neither created nor destroyed, gets stored in the tissues because the emotional wave didn't get completed. Cuz we go into freeze and because we don't know how to process 'em like the animals do after the, you know, the gazelle is chased by the lion, it shakes and it discharges all that emotion. And so it is stuck there and I love how you tied that into the diaphragm and the breathing. So you said that's something that we address. What kinds of things can people do to improve their breathing? Cuz I know some people are thinking, yeah, if you, they pay attention, they're only breathing in their chest, you know, they're not breathing in their belly.
(20:18): So when we begin our, our block therapy journey, and we're gonna be sharing something at the end that people can use to start this process right away to give fascia decompression a try. So this is the tool first of all, this is, this is the block buddy and the reason it looks like this and is made of this material, this is made of bamboo. And we also use wood because this material and bone are similar in density. And because the root of the fascia is on the bone, it's a magnetic seal on the bone holding, holding us out of alignment with that, that 2000 pound per square inch force, which is just phenomenal to consider, there's that much internal pressure existing in the body. So again, when we are compressed, when we've fallen into this space, even the ribcage is literally holding with that magnetic seal.
(21:03): So we always start our block therapy process working in the ribcage. We start in the belly position to teach people where the breath should come from because if people have been breathing through the muscles of the upper chest for years, decades, which the majority have to even understand where this belly breath should come from, can really seem quite foreign. So when we lie on the block, we're teaching people, we're giving you that prop and then the instruction of inhaling into the blocks so you can really start to understand where to breathe from as well as pressure over time creates a heating of the tissue. So it's really all about melting the adhesions that develop between the layers of fascia that occur when we start tipping off balance. And, and that's the fascia's way of protecting us to keep us upright. So it's these adhesions that we're going after and through the process of melting, that's how we do this.
(21:59): So when we start breathing diaphragmatically, it's like we're turning on the body's internal furnace compared to using a space heater, which would be like breathing through the muscles of the upper chest. When we're breathing this way, we're really not keeping the body heated and the systems flowing optimally to all cells. So the combination of the pressure over time with the diaphragmatic breath heats from the internal and external perspective. And then we very effectively can release those adhesions. So we always start working core and ribcage because we wanna turn you the person into an efficient healer within yourself. And then from there we work through the entire body. So this is a full body practice. And what's really important to understand is there's cause sites to the pain. If you have frozen shoulder working on the shoulder is not gonna get rid of the frozen shoulder because first of all, the rib cage is the foundation for the shoulder joint.
(22:49): So as we fall out of alignment, that alignment is gonna pull the shoulder out of alignment and create issues. Here we need to address the foundations and what is the most important foundation are the calves in the feet. They're the furthest from the heat source, the engine. So the way the fascia rolls around the shins and manipulates the alignment of the ankles and the feet is really in my view, what is most important to look at when looking at the entire body. Because you can focus up through here for years, you start walking, you're gonna get pulled right back into the fascia pattern that is at the base of your body. So block therapy is a holistic approach where we create space through the process of lying on the tool for a minimum of three minutes. We inflate that space through teaching proper diaphragmatic breathing, and then we maintain that space through teaching proper postural foundations.
(23:41): And even the tongue is something we spend a lot of time teaching because it's here to help support the weight of the head, but people don't recognize it for that purpose. And most people's tongue is out of alignment, which creates asymmetry in the jaw, a forward head pull blocks, float of the brain to everything up the chain as well as blocking your major lymphatic drainage site. So it's really looking at the entire system, seeing what's pulling things out of alignment, what is causing those cells to migrate away, releasing that grip and shifting the body so the cells can migrate back. And then the goal is that every cell has optimal space and when it does absorbing the proper nutrients and releasing the toxins in this way is a system that works fluidly and with ease as opposed to struggling to try to feed the cells and to keep the tissue clean when we have these adhesions that are actually blocking the flow.
(24:34): Okay, wow, that's a great explanation. Yes. This concept of our jaw and our tongue. Oh my gosh. You know, if you really start looking at people and you start wa looking at their posture and how they walk and their mannerisms and how they talk, what shapes their mouth takes a lot of us are really crooked. You'll start to notice. And then the next question for me always is why I love to observe human nature, human health, human psychology. And just even when I started doing videos to post online, I would be horrified when I would watch them because my face, I was seeing opposite to what I see when I look in the mirror. So I didn't look like myself, but I really saw my own face for the first time and I saw how crooked I was. My jaw was, my mouth was crooked, and how I speak one side is very much higher than the other, the tongue positioning like you're saying. And so that's what really keyed me into this. And and there's a woman named Jana Danielson who's a, she's one of my instructors.
(25:44): She's one a, my stuff.
(25:46): Yeah. And she's brilliant. And you know, she was talking about how the jaw is your second pelvis, you know, it's your second cauldron. And at first I was like, what are you talking about? And then I thought about it and I thought, oh my gosh, she's so right. It they really are these two cauldrons in your body, one on the bottom, one on the top that frame these bookends to your most precious diaphragm. Like you're talking about your chest cavity and your abdominal cavity with your precious cargo of your, your organs in there. So all this to say, I just wanna highlight for everyone the extreme importance about what Deanna's talking about. I know you're not hearing this in a lot of places at all. In fact, you're not hearing it at your $30 HMO copay doctor, I know you're not. And this is why gone are the days when you can depend on them for everything.
(26:41): Because if you really wanna be optimally healthy, you've got to go outside and you've got to listen to podcasts like this and hear people like Diana talk who have really, she's put her life's work and brilliance into leaning into the problems that people have. The chronic pain, chronic back pain, which is the majority of us. In fact, I think it's estimated that 80% of us at some point in our lifetime will have back pain for a significant period of time. So chronic back pain or migraines or other musculoskeletal pain or even acute injuries, I've had my share of those. And if they're not rehabilitated properly, then it can cause long-term consequences. So this is really the missing piece to your self care plan. Yeah, you've gotta address your hormones. And I would say this is a foundational issue for the hormones. I always like to tie everything into hormones and I'd say none of your hormones are gonna work properly if your fascia isn't working properly because your cells can't communicate and hormones are the communicators in your body, so it's going to cause problems. Talk to them a little bit about you have this great gift for them that they can get started working on this. Now we're gonna have the link in the show notes, but you wanna tell them a little bit about it.
(27:58): So it's our block therapy sound clerk program. So there's nine videos through this program and the very first class, and we teach you using a rolled up towel so you can access it immediately. The rolled up towel is actually quite fabulous for fascia decompression because it's dense as well. And it really is all about that density. The very first class we work on the belly as well as the lower ribs, right where the diaphragm gets locked and held away. So in that very first class, you're going to experience the release of the fasc, the lift and the power of proper diaphragmatic breathing and how that changes how you feel inside your body. Then there's eight other classes where we teach you how to use the towel throughout your whole body as well as provide also instruction on that alignment piece so that you can really get a, a deep sense of what this work is all about.
(28:49): And then from there, if you choose to go to the next step, then that's our starter program where you actually get the tools, the block, and then we just take you and we, we dive in on a whole different level within the body, but it's all about fascia decompression. It's about taking those adhesions out of the body and undoing the seams of time which were created from gravity and from our unconscious postures and habits. So it really is about teaching you how to use your body the way that it was designed to be driven. And when I look at bodies when I'm assessing people and I'm looking at the foundation, I always see one, one side is like a flat tire. So if that right foot is pronounced more, oftentimes there's a bigger bunion on the one side, it's pulled further away from midline, it draws everything in the body into that system.
(29:35): And then what the body naturally does as a response to that is the opposite side goes into anchor mode. So we end up with this immense internal tension. So if you think about chronic back pain, as you were mentioning in the low back, whether it's a herniated disc or or whatever is going on when the entire structure is being pulled away, this is what's happening to the vertebrae as well. So we get the compression in through the front of the body, the disc shoots out the back, puts pressure on the nerves, and if we go and we just simply work that area, we're not addressing what's causing it in the first place. So that's the key with really understanding the cause sites and the pain sites in the body as well.
(30:12): Okay. Now I know there's some people listening who are like, yeah, yeah, yeah, Deanna, I'm just gonna go to the chiropractor, they'll fix it.
(30:20): That? I'm a huge advocate of chiropractics. I I love doing it as well. However, if, if we're not going to be addressing what is pulling the spine out of alignment, in my view, those adjustments aren't going to help deal a ton with people with scoliosis. And I've really learned that scoliosis is a function of what the limbs are doing. The spine is simply the response to those external forces of your limbs pulling your spine basically in four different directions. So again, chiropractics are amazing, but without addressing the fascist system with that, then it's, it's not gonna hold in the same way because those forces, again, those 2000 pound per square inch forces, that's what we're, that's what we're dealing with. And I think it's different today than say 50 years ago. I was on a podcast where it was mentioned that 144,000 toxins are in the world today compared to in the fifties.
(31:10): So we're dirtier or like our whole fish net, we're so dirty, we, we are so dirty, so we're stickier. The fascia, like if you had a fish net in fast flowing clean water for a month and you pull it out, you might have a few leaves, a little gunk stuck on it, but you put it in a bog for a month and you pull it out, it's covered in yuck, it's sticky, it's gluey. And that's how I feel our fascist system is today. So we need something a little more, I don't ever like to use the word forceful because I'm not about forcing the body, but persuasive in order to free up what's happening in the body so that energy can flow through properly. So in past I think things like acupuncture, reflexology would've been far more effective than they are today because of the dirty, sticky nature of our, of our
(31:53): Systems. Mm-Hmm.
(32:43): Yes. And we did a discussion with Gil Headley, an anatomist. I first watched his fuzz speech back, I think it was probably around 2007, where through cadavers he really learned about the adhesions that develop between the layers of fascia. And then it was about eight months ago that we did a discussion with him. So he of course along his journey has dove much deeper into the fascia system and he started talking about the par fascia, which is what we actually address in block therapy. And he really did see it as being the connection between each and every cell within the entire body. So it was just fascinating to be able to put an actual term to what we address in fashion because a lot of people do think it's the casing and it's, it's so much like it, it innovates absolutely everything.
(33:29): You know, I, it's kind of like to me, if you've ever eaten the pomegranate Yes. Right. And you know how the seeds each have their own little compartment and the structure of the pomegranate wraps around the whole thing. It's kind of like that. And I had to real quick pull up Gill Headley buzz speech. I'm gonna have to watch this on YouTube, but that's a great descriptor for this tissue. I mean, if you really pay attention, if you, if you're cooking animal protein and you really dissect it, you can see the fuzz. So it's there for sure. So you had shared a few quotes with me before we started that I absolutely love that. I wanna talk about, because I think that there are a lot of people listening who are feeling pretty hopeless about their health right now. And I really want to give them hope because like you described where you were in your thirties with your health and your life, it was kind of a mess, right?
(34:25): And I was there in my forties, a big old disaster show. And now look at you now you guys can't see her, but she's absolutely vibrant and glowing and I'm certainly not the same person I was back in my forties. So this quote from Ralph Waldo Amerson, don't be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams, I think really speaks to that. I know I was pushed by my problems, I'm sure you were too, but at some point when I heard some truth, I could be led by my dreams. Did that happen for you?
(34:59): Absolutely. This, this whole journey began as something that happened to me. It wasn't something I thought up. So along the way, as I was really recognizing how profound this was in helping people heal themselves, I had a lot of my own personal, like, why, why am I supposed to figure this out? And how am I supposed to get this out into the world and, and develop a business around this? And I always trusted the fact that I had been given something beyond Deanna and I had absolute faith in my dreams that I would get this out and I would find the path as I just kept moving forward with that. And that's what's happened. And it is 22 years in. So it certainly was not an overnight success by any stretch. But I never lost faith because I always trusted what I was given to share with people. And I always knew that as long as I stay true to my intention of helping people, then I'll find that path and the right people will come into my life when those moments are necessary. And now I have a team of 17 people helping to bring this out into the world and 240 teachers globally. So we're, we're still, I feel very much at the starting point of things, but it really was through the dream of this book becoming a reality that has led me to that reality. Mm-Hmm
(37:41): I just wanna say thank you so much again for this opportunity to share. And if there's one thing that I love to say to people, especially us women, first and foremost, be kind to yourselves and be kind to yourself because we beat ourselves up to help everybody else, family, workers, whatever that is. And I truly believe if we can give ourselves a little bit of time and attention and love, then it's exponential in how we can actually impact the world and share our creative gifts.
(38:10): So true. And thank you all for joining me for another episode of The Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kirin. Take action. Tell me about it on social media. I can't wait to hear the changes that you noticed just from the simple tweaks that you learned today. Thanks so much and I'll see you next week. Until then, peace, love, and hormones y'all.
(38:30): Thank you so much for listening. I know that incredible vitality occurs for women over 40 when we learn to speak hormone and balance these vital regulators to create the health and the life that we deserve. If you're enjoying this podcast, I'd love it if you give me a review and subscribe. It really does help this podcast out so much. You can visit the hormone prescription.com where we have some free gifts for you, and you can sign up to have a hormone evaluation with me on the podcast to gain clarity into your personal situation. Until next time, remember, take small steps each day to balance your hormones and watch the wonderful changes in your health that begin to unfold for you. Talk to you soon.
► Block Therapy Sampler Program by Deanna Hansen -Start experiencing the life-changing benefits of fascia decompression. CLICK HERE.
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Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Fall Asleep fast, Stay Asleep, and Wake Up Refreshed
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Have you ever been struggling to fall asleep at night and just can't seem to shut your mind off?
For midlife women, a good night's sleep is paramount for health and wellbeing. In this episode of The Hormone Prescription Podcast, we have Devin Burke joining us to talk about techniques to Fall Asleep Fast, Stay Asleep, and Wake Up Refreshed!
Devin Burke is an international and TEDx speaker, the bestselling author of The Sleep Advantage, the founder of Sleep Science Academy, and one of the top health and sleep coaches in the world. His books, keynotes, programs and videos have inspired thousands of people to improve their sleep, energy, and life.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- How to Get the Most Out of Your Sleep Environment
- Simple Techniques for Relaxation and Better Sleep
- How to Wake Up Feeling Refreshed and Rejuvenated
- And More!
Don't miss out on this episode, as it's sure to give you the tools and tips needed to get a good night sleep, every single time. Thanks for listening and sweet dreams. :)
(00:00): You can't master what you don't measure. Devin Burke, we're talking all about sleep. Are you measuring it? Stay tuned.
(00:09): So the big question is, how do women over 40 like us keep weight off, have great energy, balance our hormones and our moods, feel sexy and confident, and master midlife? If you're like most of us, you are not getting the answers you need and remain confused and pretty hopeless to ever feel like yourself again. As an O B gyn, I had to discover for myself the truth about what creates a rock solid metabolism, lasting weight loss, and supercharged energy after 40, in order to lose a hundred pounds and fix my fatigue, now I'm on a mission. This podcast is designed to share the natural tools you need for impactful results and to give you clarity on the answers to your midlife metabolism challenges. Join me for tangible, natural strategies to crush the hormone imbalances you are facing and help you get unstuck from the sidelines of life. My name is Dr. Kyrin Dunston. Welcome to the Hormone Prescription Podcast.
(01:02): Hi everybody. Welcome back to the Hormone Prescription Podcast with Dr. Kyrin. Thank you so much for joining me today, we are talking about one of my favorite topics, what I call the nectar of life sleep. Are you getting enough? Everybody's worrying about do they have enough money? Do they have enough time? All you really need to worry about is, are you getting enough sleep? And then everything else will fall into place because it really is something you, you can't eat your way into good health without good sleep. You can't take a supplement exercise won't replace it. There's nothing that replaces sleep, but so many of us aren't getting enough. We have an epidemic of insomnia, particularly among women over 40. Why? Because of hormone imbalances. So my guest today, Devin Burke, is gonna come and shed some light on this topic. He's kind of a sleep maro, if you will, and he talks about you can't master what you don't measure.
(02:02): So we're gonna talk about how that applies to sleep. He's gonna teach you about what a bed buffer is and the 3 21 sleep protocol and a whole bunch of other things. You're really gonna enjoy this. He is lovely to speak with and listen to. And really I want you to start with thinking about this thought that he offered. How well you sleep dictates your entire next day. How will you sleep is dictated by how you start your day. So it's how you start anything. It's how you finish and sleep is at the beginning and end of every day. It's the bookend and it will make your life wonderful and your health prosperous and nourishing, or it will make you miserable as some of you can attest to. I know I personally went through all kinds of sleep phases during my unwellness phase. I went through the insomnia phase.
(03:01): Some nights I couldn't sleep at all, and then I went through the sleep 16 hours a day phase. So whatever phase you're in, we've got some answers for you. So I'll tell you a little bit about Devon and then we will get started. So, Devon is an international and TEDx speaker. He's the best selling author of the Sleep Advantage, the founder of Sleep Science Academy, and one of the top health and sleep coaches in the world. His book's, keynotes, programs and videos have inspired thousands of people to improve their sleep, energy and life. Welcome Devon. Thanks.
(03:35): For having me. So,
(03:36): So I am super excited to talk about one of my favorite topics sleep because I call it the nectar of life. And if you don't have good sleep, you're just not gonna be healthy or happy and you're not
(04:15): Well, you started to really nail it. It affects every aspect of our life. There's not an aspect of our life that doesn't get negatively or positively affected from sleep. And so we could talk about your physical health, we could talk about your mental health, we could talk about your, you know, emotional health. Every single aspect of your life is affected by sleep. And so when people really get connected to that and they start to prioritize and protect it and, and start to optimize it, it becomes your experience. But it's, it's foundational for health. It's literally the foundation that extraordinary health is built on. And so we could go down any, any rabbit hole on any one of those things, but it's, yeah, it's, there's not an area that's not affected by sleep. Well,
(05:01): Let's talk about those areas and let's, let's dive into why it's so foundational. I have found in 30 years of working with women that if they don't understand, if people don't understand the importance of what you're asking them to do, and if you're asking someone to take seven to nine hours of their day every day of their life to spend sleeping, which is in America, is considered nonproductive, they've gotta have a really good reason to do that. And if you don't give people a good reason, they're just not gonna do it. So I think it's important to, let's dive into what are all the systems that are affected? What's happening when you sleep? Why is this crucial?
(05:41): Yeah, so first and foremost, when we don't sleep, you know, it's, it affects our, our longevity. So we get, we, let's start there. You know, there's so many studies now that show that sleep and longevity are connected. Meaning when we don't get enough sleep, we don't get in those deeper stages of sleep, the lymphatic system isn't activated. That's the lymph system in the brain and that's what clears out the beta amyloid, the, the towel, the plaque that builds up that creates Alzheimer's and dementia. So, you know, it's linked to when we're not getting the right amount of sleep. Heart disease, it's linked to diabetes, it's linked to obesity, it's linked literally to all of the big killers. Sleep is linked to. So when we're talking about if you wanna live a long, vibrant, healthy life, you need to sleep. Cuz it's literally, it is the, the very thing that when people sacrifice, that's when their health starts to fall apart. That's when you know, you start to go for the, the food that's full of sugar, the full, the food that's full of fat. People don't really understand how important sleep is until they're not getting enough of it.
(06:49): Right. And that's true. And I know some people are gonna hear this, okay Devin, it's not clearing the beta amyloid or plaque in my brain. I could get dementia and they, they're thinking, I don't have dementia. My doctor says I'm fine. It could lead to heart disease. I don't have heart disease. My doctor says I'm fine, it could lead to diabetes. They're thinking, I don't have obesity, my doctor says I'm fine, could lead to diabetes. Right. So I, you know, I know women, we, I've worked with them for years and we really discount because we're thinking I got 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week, 365 days in a year and I've got to be a wife and a mom and a daughter and a sister and all the things at work at my job or profession. And so I do find even smokers, the data says that they discount the consequences cuz they think, I don't have emphysema, I don't have lung cancer. So I like that you hit on increased cravings of fat and sugar. I think you mentioned that will speak to some of you. So some of you having cravings for fatty comfort foods, sugar, latent carbohydrates, lack of sleep could be part of the problem, right, Devin?
(07:58): A hundred percent. Yeah, a hundred percent. Girl in and leptin that, you know, those, the two, those two hormones that signal, you know, when we're hungry and when we're full they get totally outta whack. Insulin gets outta whack and you know, we get into the hormones there that kind of affect those cravings and the storage of fat around the midsection where most people don't want that fat and have, you know, I've seen people work out like crazy. I've seen them eat all of the, the, the right things and they still can't lose weight. And because, and then you ask them about their sleep and they're like, actually you know, I sleep 5, 4, 5 hours a night. And then when you kind of focus on optimizing that sleep, okay, let's see if we get you a little bit more deep rem sleep, let's see if we get you a little more delta to sleep, let's, let's get more hours in. And they start prioritizing and protecting sleep, all of a sudden the weight can start to come off because those hormones start to balance out. Cortisol goes, goes down, right? So for people that are looking to lose weight or to step, step into their best body, that sleep, sleep can help you do that. Yeah.
(08:58): So now you've got some people's attention,
(09:02): They're listening because these things, often the distance they're just discounting. But right now a lot of people listening are having exactly what you're talking about. They can't lose weight. Right? That's the plague of midlife and beyond for women. Women over 40 in particular. But all women struggle with this. So talking about growlin and leptin, we recently had a doctor on talking about those specifically as it relates to weight loss. So we won't go more into detail with that, but I hope you hear that Devin is saying that slave is related to you Growlin and if you didn't hear that episode, go back and listen to it. So I know one question that some people are probably having is, I think that I'm getting enough sleep, but how can I be sure? You mentioned getting enough REM sleep, there are different cycles of sleep. How can people know if they're getting enough, total enough of the different brainwave states, all the things about sleep, how can they know
(09:58): You can't master what you don't measure. And so we do have now awesome devices that help us get an idea of how much sleep we're getting, what stages of sleep we're in. Devices like the Aura ring or even the Apple Watch or a whoop strap. And none of these devices are a hundred percent accurate, but they're getting more accurate as the tech and the algorithms and the data. They get more data from their users. But it's so important I think for people to, if you're looking to improve something, you gotta measure it. You know, you can't just guess keeping a sleep journal or sleep diary, that's not accurate. I mean it's, it also can create anxiety around sleep. But measuring it, if you wanna improve your something, you need to measure it, you need to track it. And we use, at Sleep Science Academy, we use the Aura ring just we found that it's, it's the most accurate sleep tracking device that's out right now. And that can show you, hey you, you decided not to have that extra glass of wine. And you notice that okay, I was able to get away with one glass of wine but when I go to two or three it really affects my sleep quality or eating too late at night. You could kind of start to draw these conclusions of these behavioral changes that you're making during the day and how that affects your sleep at night. So measuring it is, is definitely a key if you wanna improve it. Yeah,
(11:14): I love that. I think it's called the Peterson principle where anything that's measured, even if you don't make any changes to it, will improve over time just by the fact of measuring it at periodic intervals. And that's even true for sleep. So just the act of measuring and tracking your sleep will help to improve it. So you like the aura ring, are there other devices, cuz I know the Aura ring is sometimes pricey for people, so are there other more economical options that you like?
(11:49): Yeah, I mean the Apple watch surprisingly, you know, know a lot of people have the Apple watch, it's gotten a lot better. The tech and also their sleep algorithm has gotten a lot better. So, you know, but honestly to be honest, you could have any type of tracker and it's over time, you're never looking at one night or one week of sleep. You're looking at your sleep over several weeks or several months or even several years. So even if you just got one of these cheap track trackers online, no it's not gonna be as accurate as an aura ring or going to a sleep study or a sleep lab. Mm-Hmm
(12:57): Yes, I, I think it's super important to track things, but I like to caution people that the tracking in and of itself isn't the end goal. The end goal is to educate yourself about how your body responds to its relationship with its environment. Like you mentioned about the wine, the goal is to learn, oh I can have great sleep cycles with one glass of wine, but when I go to two I kind of wreck my REM or whatever happens and then take that information and implement it in your life. It's not to use the tracking device forever. I know some people get really wedded to, for instance, I like using continuous glucose monitors and people then end up want to use it forever. And I say no, it's just a tool to reeducate yourself because I think that we are innately born with an understanding of how much sleep we need when we're tired, when to go to bed, when to wake up. We naturally have these bio rhythms and understanding, but I think that it's very much socialized out of us also what to eat. We take on society's views of what to eat instead of listening from to that internal voice. So what are your thoughts on that? Do you find sleep tracking should be something that people should use forever and ever? Or is it just a tool for a period of time?
(14:26): A hundred percent. It's a tool for a period of time. I love that you're talking about the bodies innate wisdom and you know, we're so disconnected from that because of technology, because we live, you know, 90% of our lives indoors because the artificial light, because of the stress. Technology's the big, is a huge stressor for so many people in this way. You know, using technology temporarily, like you said, to make better decisions. That's how it's supposed to be used. Getting obsessed with it or you know, thinking that you need to track it forever. That's just adding complexity to your life and that's not what we're talking about. It's really about getting that positive feedback or negative feedback based off of the decisions, the behavioral changes that you're making so that you can either stay motivated or just know like, hey, this is how this affects my sleep.
(15:17): And, you know, make the decision on whether or not you wanna take part in that, whatever that is. So I'm a big believer in, you know, how do, how do we get reconnected to nature? How do we simplify our lives? How do we simplify our routines, use technology to improve our health and not detract from it. And that it's, it's challenge. I mean, because we live in a world that's moving super fast and you know, it's really, really hard for people to, to draw ba you know, boundaries and find balance within their life to really prioritize and protect their self care and their health. And there's so much to it. I mean it's, it's, there's a lot there. But I think keeping it simple and, and really staying connected to nature allows our bodies to do what they know how to do and our bodies know how to sleep. There's nothing you need to do in order to sleep. Really, really.
(16:08): Yeah. If you're not a over 40 woman,
(17:10): Yeah, I would say that you can get away with it for a little bit. You can get away with sacrificing your sleep. You can get away with hustling and grinding and, and really, you know, not doing the things that are supportive to your health for a little bit. And then you're, and then you crash and then your body's gonna start talking to you. Something is gonna, you know, you're either gonna get sick or you're just gonna be miserable. And so you can get away with it for a little bit or you can just say, you know what, this is important. This is important enough to actually draw the boundaries that I need to draw to create the space that I need to create to allow my body to do what it knows how to do. And that's what I would say is the smart thing to do. And especially as you, as we get older in age, it becomes even more important. So because oftentimes as we go through life, life gets more complicated. There's more stressors and you know, you need sleep, you need sleep, there's, you need sweet, you know, be able to have the energy to live your life and make those
(18:11): Decisions. Yeah. And so women, ladies, you are gonna nod your head yes this number one, we gotta give you a good reason to do the thing. And you already heard him say, you're gonna die sooner if you don't sleep enough. Okay? So you get less time on this planet and you're gonna be craving foods that are not in your best interest. So women have to have a reason, but also number two, you have to show 'em how. So I have one client in my coaching program who we will call DaVita and she says, you know, I got team kids and they come home from practice and library and all this and I want to be, make sure that their needs are taken care of and they don't get to bed until 10 and 11 o'clock because of all their after school activities and their homework. And she says, tell me how I'm supposed to get in bed at nine o'clock. Cause I was explaining to her about how great the sleep is more restorative between 10 and 12. So we gotta show them how to make this work in their life. And so what strategies do you have to help people actually implement an earlier bedtime that's consistent in their life?
(19:23): Yeah. And so like this specific person that came with this challenge, like that there are times in your life where sleep is, is probably gonna be sacrificed. Maybe that's, this is just what, what, what's going on for this particular person? Another op another time is you have kids like babies, right? The babies are waking up, they're crying, you're not sleeping, you know, you're breastfeeding throughout the night so the body's resilient and it'll bounce back. But also it's, I think it's so important to draw strong boundaries. So many people at least literally worked with hundreds of people that have really bad chronic sleep issues. They just are not good at drawing boundaries with and communicating those boundaries to other people. So if something's important, you're gonna, you're gonna draw a boundary and if you draw that boundary and you, and you hold it, whether it's like, hey, I'm going to start my bedtime routine at X amount of time and it becomes a habit. And then you start to, you know, you communicate that to the people that you care about and you can get everyone on the same team. And that's where I feel like a lot of people, just from like a psychological behavioral standpoint, they, they're just not aware that that's going on for them. And so I would say, you know, there definitely needs to be a time between the, you know, your day and your night. There needs to be a transition. Most people take their days and they just bring 'em right into their nights.
(20:48): So we call this a bed buffer. So this is, and we teach this thing called 3, 2, 1 sleep. So three hours before bed, ideally no food crosses your, your lips, you know, you don't wanna go to bed on a full stomach cuz that's the first stage of sleep is the deepest stage the first quarter of the night. When you get into the deepest stages of sleep, you don't wanna interrupt that process two hours before you want to be asleep. No work. Cuz our brains, you know, need time to sort of simmer down to cool off. And if you're working up right up until the time that you, you know, you're, you're going to sleep, you just, you don't have that time and your body might feel exhausted, but your mind is just continuing to race, trying to pro, you know, solve problems and troubleshoot things and think about how you did at work or you know, the, whatever the conversation was that triggered you at lunch, you know, all these things. There needs to be a space and then one hour before, but that's when you would start some type of ritual, like reading a book, having a nice cup of camomile tea, stretching, making love to your partner, which is a great way to you know, relax the body. So 3, 2, 1, sleep. That starts with having a clear boundary. And I think again, sometimes people just don't realize that they don't have boundaries with the people that they care about. And it's like, well that's where it starts.
(22:09): You know, you absolutely have hit the nail in the head universally. I find that the women that really struggle are the ones that don't have boundaries. So my question to this person was, are you doing, is this codependent behavior? And of, and she became a little defensive and she, no, no, my kids, I need to check on them. And I said, well, you're doing something for basically people who could take care of it themselves, right? Can they get themselves situated for bed and finish their homework and get themselves organized? Yes, yes, yes, yes. And you are taking on this attitude that you have to check on them. And so boundaries for women, oh my gosh, I can't say it enough. Women who have poor boundaries have the most health problems and it's really hard for them to take a look at that and to see where they're basically not loving themselves first and they're giving everything to everybody else and depleting the tank. And then they wanna know why is the tank not full And they want say, Kyrin, fill me up so I can continue giving to everyone else. And it's like, no honey, you have to stop what you're doing and love yourself and give to yourself. How do you help people through this boundary conundrum? Because it's, it's really a challenge for women.
(23:31): I love that you, that you support people in that way. Well it gets at first just, you gotta get clear that there's, there needs to be a boundary and get honest. And I think a lot of times people just are not honest with themselves and they, they can't see it. So having a coach, having somebody that can, you know, a psychologist or a counselor that can help you see those, those areas that you can't see is so, so, so important. Because a lot of times we, you know, you can't see the picture when you're in the frame, right? So it's, you need to, yeah, you need somebody to support you to see, you know, to help you see what you're not seeing because we all, you know, we all are subjective most all the time. It's very hard to be objective.
(24:13): It is. So I do think, yeah, you need support. You need, I always say knowledge, tools and support three prong. You need to understand what boundaries there are. There's a great book, call it Boundaries exactly that it has two authors, I can't think of them right this second. So getting the knowledge and getting support around it. And I think professional help is invaluable because if you've been living this way your whole life, it's, it can be challenging to change. But like that quote you shared with me before we started, Devin, every moment of the present contains the seeds of opportunity for change. Your life is an adventure. And so hearing this information, don't reject it, but reflect on it and take it in and, and start to think, Ooh, I wonder if there's any seed of truth in this for me. And in fact, if you're getting bristle, if you're bristling at what we're saying and thinking, well I have to check on my teenage kids before they go to bed at 10 o'clock at night, you might wanna look at it. Cause whatever really upsets you often has a grain of truth in it. So what else is important to know about falling asleep fast? Staying asleep and waking up refreshed
(25:25): What you do. Like I always tell people, your entire day dictates how well you're, well, you're gonna sleep, how well you sleep dictates, you know, your entire next day. So starting the day off in a place of calm versus most people get up and we lose a lit of water through sweat and respiration every single night. And what do most people do? They start their day with caffeine in the form of usually a coffee, which you know, does the opposite it's making, so it's increasing the cortisol, right? It's diuretic. So you're, so number one, when you wake up, drink a huge glass of water, I drink like a liter of water. As soon as I wake up to hydrate, wait a little bit like an hour or two, then have your coffee. That way your, your, you know, your cortisol can start to come down a little bit and you're hydrating your body.
(26:22): So literally like start your day like that will actually help you sleep, believe it or not, because now the whole rest of the day is gonna be a little bit less stressful because you're not dumping, you know, gasoline on that already lit fire where you're just running around frantic, dehydrated. So that's little easy thing that everybody could do starting literally today is wake up, drink water instead of coffee, wait to have the coffee and then if you have coffee, don't have it past 1:00 PM because it's in the halflife of caffeine. It, it's, you know, depending on how you metabolize caffeine is it's in your body for, you know, sometimes six to eight hours. So, or or even longer. That's a half life. So limit your caffeine would go, would make a huge difference. Alcohol is another, you know, most people are on their uppers and their downers, right? So alcohol too close to bedtime, destroy sleep. And most people use alcohol as, as you know, it's a relaxed to relax them. So something you could do, think of something that you'd be willing to try or something you'd be willing to do that would relax you, that wouldn't involve alcohol is caffeine and alcohol. Those are the, the sleep destroyers.
(27:36): They are, thank you for saying it. So I'm so glad we're having this conversation. I have a friend who used to Dan go to salsa conventions for the, the weekend together and she would end her day every night. I, I hate to say it and I won't her name, by taking a sleeping medication and drinking several glasses of wine. That's how she went to sleep. And I, I don't preach to my friends. If they ask my opinion, I may share it. She didn't. That was what she thought she had to do to get a good night's sleep. There are millions of women out there like this. I know some of you are listening to me right now. So what is the data on alcohol show about how it affects quality of sleep?
(28:20): It's disturbs the REM cycle. And so alcohol really is a poison. So
(29:10): So that's a really important stage of sleep that's like brain recovery stage. And so, yeah, so I mean everyone's a little bit different. Some people metabolize alcohol faster, slower just like caffeine. So you have to, that's, that's where tracking comes in to kind of really say, Hey, well I love my wine. Okay cool, let's see what type of wine and how much wine you can drink to and, and really get away with it, right? Mm-Hmm
(29:51): Yes, absolutely. I think knowledge is self knowledge, you know, to thone self be true. Well, you can only be true to yourself if you know and understand yourself better than you know and understand anybody. And so I always say I'm not the kind of coach or doctor who tells you do this cuz I, I say it's best. I'm the kind who's gonna say, oh okay, you use this continuous glucose monitor and see what it teaches you about how your body reacts to certain foods, how it reacts to stress and how your blood sugar and insulin are managed in your body. And learn how these different states feel. So equally, I'm not gonna say, oh don't drink alcohol cause I said, so I'm gonna say exactly what you said down. I'm gonna say use a sleep chapter, actually use a CGM also cuz that's gonna teach you a lot about how your body is, is handling its hormones in response to alcohol.
(30:45): Cuz alcohol doesn't only affect your sleep, it affects your hormone balance, it affects your gut health, it affects so many things, but you have to learn this for yourself or it's not valuable information. Once you know it and you see it for yourself, then it becomes unforgettable and you'll remember it for the rest of your life. And that's what I'm about is long lasting change. I do wanna touch on hormones cause the podcast is the hormone prescription and I've talked a little bit in different episodes about sleep and hormones, but some people probably haven't heard it. So can you help everyone understand what sleep has to do with hormones and what hormones have to do with sleep?
(31:33): Yeah, so essentially storing sleep that your body is releasing all of the important hormones, you know, the estrogen, the testosterone in different stages of sleep, different hormones get released. So if you're not getting those deep into those deeper stages of sleep, your body's not gonna be producing or releasing those hormones. And I, I'm sure, I mean, you're, you're the expert in hormones. I'm not, but you can tell if even after one night of poor sleep, if somebody, let's say somebody stayed up the entire night and we tested their hormones, it's gonna look different than the night before that they got seven to eight hours of sleep and even one night can throw off your entire hormonal system because it's during the night when those hormones, you know, your body is releasing those hormones. And it's really important that people understand that. They've done studies on insulin, they show that after one night of not sleeping the insulin level, it looks like you're pre-diabetic. Whereas, you know, the night before when somebody got the sleep that they needed, they weren't anywhere, anywhere near pre-diabetic. So it has that much of effect on our hormones. But you, I would say that you're more the expert on the hormones than I am
(32:48): Yes, absolutely true. And I, I think that's very impactful what you just said. Just one night of no sleep affects your insulin to the point where you may look insulin resistant, pre-diabetic, diabetic. It's that important ladies, and equally important is how, excuse me, it impacts your cortisol. But so what's so important for everyone to understand is that hormones dictate how well you sleep and how well you sleep dictate hormonal balance. So it's this bidirectional interface, this conversation that your body is having, just like your body's having a conversation between what you eat impacts your hormones, your hormones impact what you eat, how you sleep impacts your hormones and vice versa. The stress you have in your life impacts your hormones and your hormones impact the stress that you have in your life. So there's no secret conversations, ladies going on in your life. There's nothing hidden.
(33:47): You may think you're fooling your body, right? Oh, I'm just gonna drink some coffee and get it going in the morning. I'm gonna have some alcohol to wind it down at night. And you think that you're gaming the system, but the only thing you're doing is just really gonna run your hormones and your health into the ground. You're not gonna have great sleep, you're just sweeping it under the rug. So that's why I really thought it was super important to have Devin come on and talk to you about sleep. You've offered so much valuable information and I know you have an amazing gift for everybody. Now we're gonna have a link to in the show notes, it's the Guide to Falling Asleep Faster, staying Asleep, and Waking Up Refresh. It's 100% free. How many of you want that? Yes, me please. So I'll have a link in the show notes, anything else you'd like to say about it or any places that they can find and connect with you on the web?
(34:43): Yeah, sleep science academy.com in Devin Burke, wellness on the social channels. But yeah, so it's just you can find me there.
(34:51): Awesome. So find him on the social channels, download that guide if you're really struggling. And remember, every moment of the present contains the seeds of opportunity for change. Your life is the adventure. I love this other one you share with me. Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever. What does that mean to you,
(35:38): Yeah. Well I think the listeners would agree that's why they tune in to learn as if they were gonna live forever because they plan on it and intend it. And so if you're here, I applaud you for showing up. Thank you so much for joining me today, Devin.
(35:54): Oh my pleasure. Thanks for having me on
(35:55): The show. And thanks to all the listeners. Hopefully you have learned something that you're gonna put into action today. Sure. We try to be a little bit entertaining, mostly educational and inspirational, giving you the tools that you can use to transform your hormones, your health and your life. But that means you've gotta take action. So maybe you're gonna download Devon's free guide. Maybe you're gonna check out that boundary book cuz you're like, oh, Kyrin, you saw me, I got a boundary problem. Or maybe you're gonna start tracking your sleep so you can learn what there is to learn about what your body wants to share with you that you haven't been hearing. Whatever it is, I welcome hearing about it on my social media, on Instagram, on Facebook at Kyrin Dunston md and until next week, peace, love, and
(36:47): Hormones y'all. Thank you so much for listening. I know that incredible vitality occurs for women over 40 when we learn to speak hormone and balance these vital regulators to create the health and the life that we deserve. If you're enjoying this podcast, I'd love it if you give me a review and subscribe. It really does help this podcast out so much. You can visit the hormone prescription.com where we have some free gifts for you, and you can sign up to have a hormone evaluation with me on the podcast to gain clarity into your personal situation. Until next time, remember, take small steps each day to balance your hormones and watch the wonderful changes in your health that begin to unfold for you. Talk to you soon.
► Get the Guide to Falling Asleep faster, Staying Asleep, and Waking Up Refreshed, 100% FREE.
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Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
How Functional Genomics Can Help You Engineer Your Hormones
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Do you ever wonder why you can't seem to find the motivation or energy to do what it takes to stay fit and healthy? Do you ever feel like something is wrong with your genes and hormones?
Our guest Kashif Khan is an expert in functional genomics and has been helping midlife women understand the science behind their hormones and genes. He shares with us how understanding the function of your genes can help you engineer your hormonal system, leading to better health, more energy and improved fitness!
About Kashif Khan:
Kashif Khan is Chief Executive Officer and Founder of The DNA Company, where personalized medicine is being pioneered through unique insights into the human genome. He is also the host of the Unpilled podcast.
Growing up in Vancouver, Canada in an immigrant household, Kashif developed an industrious entrepreneurial spirit from a young age. Prior to his tenure at the DNA Company, Kashif advised a number of high-growth start-ups in a variety of industries.
As Kashif dove into the field of functional genomics as the CEO of The DNA Company, it was revealed that his neural wiring was actually genetically designed to be entrepreneurial. However, his genes also revealed a particular sensitivity to pollutants.
Now seeing his health from a new lens Kashif dove further and started to see the genetic pathways that led to his own families challenges, and the opportunities to reverse chronic disease. His measure of success is not in dollars earned, but in lives improved.
In this episode, you'll learn:
• How understanding your genes can help you engineer your hormones
• What functional genomics is and how it can benefit you
• How to use genetics to optimize health and fitness
• Ways to reverse chronic diseases through genetic insights
• Tips for finding the motivation and energy to stay fit and healthy.
Don't miss out on this powerful episode with our guest Kashif Khan, Chief Executive Officer of The DNA Company and host of the Unpilled podcast. Tune in to discover how understanding your genes can help you engineer your hormones and stay fit and healthy!
(00:00): Healthcare is studying the habits of those with the genes who didn't get the disease. And teaching that to the people who don't know.
(00:11): So the big question is, how do women over 40 like us, keep weight off, have great energy, balance our hormones and our moods, feel sexy and confident, and master midlife? If you're like most of us, you are not getting the answers you need and remain confused and pretty hopeless to ever feel like yourself again. As an O B gyn, I had to discover for myself the truth about what creates a rock solid metabolism, lasting weight loss, and supercharged energy after 40, in order to lose a hundred pounds and fix my fatigue. Now I'm on a mission. This podcast is designed to share the natural tools you need for impactful results and to give you clarity on the answers to your midlife metabolism challenges. Join me for tangible, natural strategies to crush the hormone imbalances you are facing and help you get unstuck from the sidelines of life. My name is Dr. Kyrin Dunston. Welcome to the Hormone Prescription Podcast.
(01:05): Hi everybody. Welcome back to another episode of the Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kyrin. Thank you so much for joining me today. My guest today is gonna shed some light on why genetics are so important when it comes to women's health, particularly over 40. We haven't focused in this way on genetics and epigenetics in the podcast. So I thought it's super important to have KIF on the podcast to really shed some light. And I wanted to start with that quote because you know, we take for granted that what we have is healthcare in America and most developed countries, and we call it that healthcare, but really it's just disease management. It's actually not the creation of health. So I love when K, she K, she says this, healthcare is studying the habits of those with the genes who didn't get the disease. And teaching that to the people who don't know.
(02:01): We used to think that there was genetic determinism after DNA sequencing was discovered several decades ago, and the Nobel Prize was awarded to Watson and Crick. And then we had this genetic determinism where all diseases determined by genes, it's predestined. It's out of our control. We don't have to worry about it. And in fact, when I practiced regular ob gyn, I would've women all the time come to me and say, oh, my mother had a hysterectomy at 45. It's time for mine as if that were genetically predetermined. It's not. In fact, genes only dictate about 10, maybe at most 20% of your health. But it's what genes get turned on that matters and what genes get turned off. And this is something called epigenetics epi, meaning above your genes. It turns them on and turns them off. So what creates health is your life habits that either turn certain genes on that you want or turn genes on that you don't want or turn bad genes off or turn good genes off.
(03:08): So it's all about epigenetics. So we're gonna dive into that in great detail. He's gonna dive into the topic of breast cancer, how it's not estrogen that causes breast cancer. Hopefully you don't believe that because all men and all women on the face of the planet have estrogen. And so if estrogen caused breast cancer, 100% of all men and all women would have it. And we don't. So it's something else. And one of the things that it is, is what your body does with that estrogen. So we're gonna dive into that and that's genetically determined. And you do have the power, you have the control to turn those genes on or turn 'em off. So which will you choose? I will tell you a little bit about Kashif and then we will get started. So Kashif is the chief executive officer and founder of the DNA company.
(03:58): We're personalized Medicine is being pioneered through unique insights into the human genome. He is also the host of the Unfilled podcast. I love that name. He grew up in Vancouver, Canada in an immigrant household. And he has an industrious entrepreneurial spirit that he's had since he was a little kid before he started the DNA company. He advised a number of high growth startups in a variety of industries, but he's really, he dove into the field of functional genomics as the CEO of the DNA company. And I really love his unique perspective on this. Sometimes we insiders can't see things the way that outsiders do and he actually not only sees it, but can articulate their certain concepts importance in a way that I think is very impactful and unique. So please welcome Kashif to the podcast. Welcome Kashif to the Hormone Prescription Podcast.
(05:00): Pleasure, honor to be with you.
(05:02): So excited to have you. I love talking about DNA and epigenetics and what people can do to turn certain genes on or off. And I don't think this really is a part of mainstream medicine yet. So women wanna hear about this. They wanna know what's out there and available for me to really make my health the best it can be at midlife and beyond. But first I gotta ask, how did you become so passionate about working with human genetics?
(05:33): Well, we, we were a research company, but bringing it to the public, actually it was a female hormone issue that got me there and it was actually with my niece. So I've had my kids, three kids and my niece genetically tested who are all close to me to understand, you know, personalized diet, fitness, even academically, how is their brain wired hormonally, how is their body developing? What sports should they play? So I've learned a lot about how to personalize the parenting for them. And what happened is my niece actually had a anxiety crisis where she just collapsed and she actually hurt herself. I had to take her to the hospital. And I realized they're just like any concern parent uncle, like I was just reacting to the problem. Oh, she has anxiety. Oh, she has pain. And I was borderline almost about to accept that pill prescription.
(06:21): And then I realized, hold on, what am I doing? I have her dna, I have a deeper understanding of her biology. And so I realized that the three times that it happened was they were about a month apart. So I asked my sister or her mom, does this have anything? Like what's the timing of the menstrual cycle? And she said, you know what? You're right. It was right before it started. Every time, right before the menstrual cycle started, this is when she had these anxiety attack and crashes where she literally fell over, couldn't breathe. So I looked at her genetics and we've mapped out the hormone cascade to a T where we understand how you produce certain hormones. To what degree, how well do you clear them? How toxic, how they are clean, are they, she was void of estrogen. She was highly androgen dominant, didn't produce enough estrogen.
(07:05): And we know that at the beginning of that hormone cycle is when you have the least estrogens, right? Then you start to make them. And if you have less to begin with, then that delta value for is even lower. Like she has this very deep belly she goes into with no hormones, no hormones, right? And so that was one thing that, why did it happen then? Well, this was two years ago in the Toronto winter during covid lockdown. And she hadn't been outside in like four months, right? This was like 2020 winter. Pure lockdown never left. So she got zero vitamin D of the 30,000 genes that make up your body, 10% of them require vitamin D to function. It's actually another hormone if you really look at it correctly. Right? And so she already had this hormone issue, which we could look at genetically.
(07:56): She wasn't getting enough vitamin D, which triggered a 10% biochemistry, chaos. And then when you look at the genetics of her brain, she doesn't bind dopamine properly. So it's very easy for her to experience depression, anxiety, negative stimulus. Mm-hmm.
(09:03): Yeah, I love that story. It's very illustrative of the power of knowing your genetics. But yes, she would've ended up in a mainstream doctor's office on an anti-anxiety medication and probably a birth control pill. Usually any symptoms that are cyclic, we gynecologists wanna put every woman on a birth control pill, which basically just shuts the whole female hormone system down. But what most women don't realize is the, the complications they're gonna have from the hormonal balances that it cause causes. So it's not the way I go now as a functional doc
(10:07): Well, so first of all, you're right on what they said is anxiety pill plus birth control.
(10:13): Yeah.
(10:13): That was the prescription, right? And I said, no way. We're not doing that. And that's what triggered me to dive into our genome. So I can't tell you how many women, so let's look at breast cancer for example. When you think about genetics, that's probably the biggest area where women think about the genes as you know, brca the BRCA gene. And that's scary. Four letter word. And if you ask a woman, do you want bracker? No, no, no. I don't. I don't want brca. If you ask a doctor, what do you think about? Oh, scary, scary, scary. But if you ask them what does it do? They don't know, right?
(11:00): So either or, even if you have the worst version, it doesn't cause cancer. What it does is, does you lack the ability to fight. So we still need to ask the question, why did you get breast cancer in the first place, which is a female hormone issue that we don't understand or look at. Uh, in fact, you go to most cancer research websites and all these and they, they tell you, we actually don't know why. We're more more focused on how to treat it. So let's look at that example. Bad brer, why did you get it to begin with? This is one of many examples. So some women are, unlike my niece, the opposite. They're more estrogen dominant. So this is step one of three in that hormone cascade. You go from progesterone to testosterone to estrogen. That's what you do. There's some nuances in there.
(11:43): Other things you can do. But that's the general lame, right? Some women just convert into a heavy bucket of estrogen. That's what they do. Step two of three, you then need to create a metabolite, either two, four or 16. Hydroxy, estrogen. That's what you make it into. Two is great, nice clean stuff, four and 16, highly toxic, you don't want them, right? Then step three of three, now that you know you may be estrogen dominant and estrogen toxic, what are the detox systems that are supposed to kick in and clear that stuff and help me get rid of it, which is glutathione and ox antioxidation. Those are the two key areas. Step four, there's another step four we can look at, which is methylation, which is your antiinflammatory response. If you're not doing those things well. So if that's you estrogen dominant, estrogen toxic, I don't detoxify, you now get put in this bucket of high risk.
(12:35): But still not every woman gets sick. What happens? 85% of North American women, I can speak to North American data cuz that's where I am. Mm-hmm
(13:24): That toxic fire. That's the woman for whom you have the genetic profile. And you've also made the wrong epigenetic choices unknowingly that now you feel that fire so much that it causes inflammation. So why then is menopause the time when this happens? Why is that where you find most breast cancer? Cause now all of a sudden you don't have a menstrual cycle to get rid of that monthly dose of estrogen toxicity. And your body wants to protect you. It doesn't want it free flowing in the blood, causing inflammation to your organs and your, your endothelium, your vasculature, your veins. So it goes and stores it in fat. And where do you have fat in your breasts and what's in your breasts that was never designed to deal with that level of toxic insult is all these glands to deliver milk that get inflamed, get damaged, become cancerous.
(14:13): And that's the point when BRCA is supposed to start working right now, all of a sudden the tumor supporting gene is supposed to come in and fix the damage you did. Mm-hmm.
(15:00): Boy, you brought up so many great points in there cuz sheep, let's just go back cuz that was so powerful. I hope everybody listening really heard what he's saying. So number one, you said they're only concerned with how to treat breast cancer, not why you get it. And I hope everyone heard that because it's true the pharmaceutical industry and most researchers are not overly concerned with why you got breast cancer cuz they're not interested in preventing it. They're interested in treating it because unfortunately in our capitalist society, that's where the profit is. And also you mentioned the detox pathways, the 2 4 16 hydroxy, um, estrogens. And what most women don't realize is that their regular doctor is not gonna ever check those on them. But if you heard, because she said he was saying that this is vital to know as part of why did you get breast cancer. Cuz if you're detoxifying your estrogen down negative pathways, you're more prone to making toxic metabolites that will go on to create cancer. And that includes the 24 16 issue. There are enzymes involved with that, but also the, the glutathione and the methylation. And there were so many other things important in there that you said how women are afraid of brca and I can't even remember, I took some notes on what you said to, to comment on it. Anything else you wanna add to that? Cause I think it's super important what you said.
(16:32): No, I think you're right on that the toolkit, right? When you go to the doctor, doctor doesn't have bad intentions, right? They're just limited by the tools provided to them and what they're trained on. And what they're trained on is how to treat. So even if you get into their, if you ask an oncologist or doctor that you don't tell me why, they'll say, yeah, we do. We look, is it her, her two positive? And like what kind of a But all of those things only ever lead to which treatment do you need,
(17:00): Right?
(17:01): Right. The the, the only why you'll get is what directs a drug or a treatment, not here's why you don't need to be in the hospital. That's really the answer you want. Right? Healthcare should be, how do I stay healthy
(18:27): Right? That is a, a powerful point. And you're so right. And we take for granted what healthcare is because we're socialized into it from the time we're born. But if doctors really were concerned with the prevention of disease, they would be talking to you about diet, lifestyle, sleep, all these things. And it's not what we do. We've got a prescription pad. We do drugs and surgery. Drugs and surgery. And that's what we do. So the average woman is not having a BRCA test. She's not having her phase one and phase two liver enzyme detox pathways. Yeah. Uh, genetics mod profile. Done. What do you think are the most important tests for women to have when it comes to functional genomics?
(19:14): So this is self-serving, but we've built it, right? And why? The reason why we built it is cuz just like when my niece went through it, genetic tests don't serve hormones properly because you can't look at, so first of all, what does genetics? This gene means this, this gene means this, this gene means this. That's genetics, right? You got a report that tells you what version of what gene you have. And now somebody that has some knowledge will go interpret that somehow. But that's not the way the body works, especially when it comes to hormones. There's a, there's a cascade. It's not this gene does this. One step won't direct you. You need to know the full system flow. I make progesterone converted into testosterone. How quickly, how much testosterone do I make? Do I then convert that into dht? Do I clear it? Do I convert it into estrogen?
(20:00): And then what version of estrogen do I then make? So if you haven't mapped all of that out, you can't really make a call. And this is why genetics 1 0 1, which is what most genetic researchers do, hasn't really addressed hormones. Functional genomics, just like medicine is, what disease do you have? Let me give you a pill. Mm-hmm.
(21:17): Universal.
(21:18): Yeah, universal. Like the answer is you're supposed to have problems. It's your hormones, right? Like it's a, you're a woman, you're supposed to have problems. That's the belief.
(21:29): That is the belief.
(21:30): And why? Because it has been mapped the way that I just described earlier. This gene means this, this, she means this, this hormone means this, this pathway means this. The entire cascade has been looked at openly as this map. Where would you then read then you can determine exactly what's going. And you make this, like I said earlier, this very gray thing, very black and white, very certain. It is that certain. And now you know exactly what risks, what problems, how to prevent and how to have a wonderful menopause, how to have wonderful fertility, how to have a great menstrual cycle, right? It can be that way. And it is now more challenging and more problematic than ever because the load of hormone disruptors and chemicals we're dealing with is more than ever before. And this is also partly why the sort of medical practice has in advance because grandma's generation didn't have the problems that this generation has because they weren't exposed to this level of chemicals and horrible food and lack of sleep and all the other things that are co-factor to these hormone problems. So it's even more important ever than than ever before today to look at it deeply.
(22:38): Yes. So I know a lot of people get very excited about tests like 23 and me, I had it done a while back when it first came out and really wasn't impressed with the action actionable information in there. I mean, I don't really need to know that I have the gene that I can smell the asparagus in my urine after I eat it.
(23:02): You probably know already.
(23:04): I knew that already. I don't find that very useful. And it seems like most of these tests that, that are available online, or let me just say a lot of 'em are not actionable information. How can the average woman discern among genetic tests? What's worth my time, energy, and money that's actually going to give me actionable information that's going to impact my health? How does she know that
(23:33): It has to be a functional genomics test, right? What does that mean? Genetics is what does this gene mean? And unless a gene has one singular purpose, you can't really say anything about it. Functional genomics is of the 30,000 genes in your body, there's only a hundred that matter for most chronic conditions, hormones, brain detox, diet, nutrition, and a few other things, right? So what we've done is we've created a hormone panel and in that all that, you know, so the genetics of this gene does this and your, your piece smells because of asparagus. Great. How do I make hormones? How do you map that? How do you make it actionable? The reason why we're able to do that is the research itself. So most genetic companies, there's a researcher, our lab who receives your sample in the mail who then puts it through an algorithm and you get a report.
(24:25): And that researcher is studying the DNA in a Petri dish somewhere, right? We said that's exactly the problem. They never met any of their patients and talked to them. They don't actually meet them and say, how do you feel? How did this supplement work? What happened you when you ate this food? So that's what we did. We spent three years, uh, studying 7,000 people in, the majority of them are women. So we actually partnered with a number of clinics that dealt with breast cancer and infertility and hormone issues and all these different things. And we said, we'll work on the testing in our research and we actually wanna meet these women. And we sat down with them for hours, sometimes months, depending what the problem to document what, how are they eating, how are they exercising, what were the, what was their chemical exposure? And now those things are in the report and actionable.
(25:11): So when you log in, it's called the DNA 360. So when you log into the DNA 360 portal, yes you're finding out about your dna, but you're also being told, here's for this problem, anxiety keto diet, separated by the problem for anxiety. Here's your rank and here's the supplements that you need to take. Not that everybody needs to take take, but that you need to take. Here's the food that you need to eat, here's the habits you need to adopt. We hired Dr. BJ Fog, he runs the Stanford University Behavior Change lab. So he's a guru when it comes to behavior change. He wrote the book Tiny Habits book, right? We hired him. Yeah, it's amazing. So it's like how do you actually change your identity? So we spent a year with him taking all of what I described and then he put the behavior change insights into it.
(25:58): So it's easy. So it's like here's how you actually, here's what's wrong, here's how you fix it and here's how you actually implement it. The easiest way to implement it. So all of a sudden that's what action is, right? Action is not tell me what's wrong and then say good luck
(27:07): Right. Yeah. That's super important. I love what you said. I wanna reiterate that you basically said healthcare is studying the habits of those with the genes who didn't get the disease and teaching that to the people who don't know. And I, I think for everyone listening, you need to realize that you're at risk for some diseases and you have no idea about what you're at risk for because you haven't done a genetic profile that's actionable that tells you what you're at risk for. So you're just blindly going down the road. And then one day you might get a diagnosis of Alzheimer's or dementia or cancer or something and then people say, oh, it came out of the blue. And what I say is, it didn't come out of the blue, it came out of the oblivious because you didn't know. Because it's not the standard of care for physicians to be checking their patients, most of them, their genetics.
(28:11): And just imagine the power that you can have that you can get if you take action now, get this information and see, oh, I'm at risk for A, B and C. Let me learn what the people who were also at risk for a, b and C did who didn't get that disease. And then you can start doing it 5, 10, 20, however many years prior and maybe avoid that problem. And I know there's some people who are gonna reach out to me and say, Dr. Kyrin, well why, why doesn't my doctor do this? Why doesn't my HMO pay for this? Why all these things? And but a lot of you have heard me talking about this for so long. You know the answer. Right? And that's, we've talked about it today. That's not what healthcare is about. It's not what medicine is about.
(29:02): Yeah. And that's, that's part of, I mean, trap is the best word to call it. Part of the trap is, oh, it's not covered by my insurance. I don't, you've been, you've been taught in that there's an entitlement around healthcare, right? That whatever's covered is good for me and what's covered is not acceptable. So that's the challenge. 60% of American personal bankruptcies are from healthcare costs. Literally. Can you imagine two thirds of per us personal bankruptcies are from people that's worked their entire lives to give it all up to st try and stay alive. And then even that doesn't work. They have to go bankrupt cuz of how expensive it is to treat illness. So isn't it a lot more effective to instead of saying, oh, this few hundred dollars is not covered by my insurance, instead to know exactly how to not have to spend half a million dollars on treating cancer when you're 60. Right? And, and the, and the challenge with health is because of the way we've been taught, it's our belief is I can do whatever I want and when I break something, it's a doctor's job to fix me. Right? That's the challenge. And we believe that.
(30:13): We believe that.
(30:15): Then guess what? Then you're on the path to breaking something and going to the doctor to fix you. You've already made that choice. Or health can be, I'm gonna learn everything I could possibly do to never get sick. Right? And when you look at the people that are, that are uber wealthy, that are selling you all this stuff, they're not in a hospital at the last 15 years of their life. The queen didn't die in a hospital bed a month ago. Right? She was walking and being the queen. Right.
(30:59): Yeah, it's so true. And it was when you were saying that statistic about cancer and the cost to treat it at this point, one in two of us will get cancer. And if you're in a partnered or married relationship, that means one of you is gonna get it and it's gonna be a bill of about a quarter of a million dollars. And the yes, the statistics on bankruptcy and healthcare costs is, it's staggering. So let's get onto too
(32:16): Yeah. And I'll make sure to set up, uh, a promo code. I want to honor everybody for listening and you know, taking the time to learn how to be better. So we'll set up, I'll just keep it simple, you know, Kyrin Dunston, I'll make it like KD 50, you get $50 off the test. So I'll make sure that's set up. Awesome. And then that, yeah,
(32:34): And we'll put that in the show notes too. We'll have the link and the code. So don't, if you're driving, don't try to write it down
(33:42): We, when we studied those 7,000 people, we learned that there were six key areas. If, if we focus on those resolve most issues give you optimal performance and slow down aging. Right? So those are the six that we focus on. And if any anyone needs anything more beyond that, we recommend they speak to one of either their own clinician or one of our clinicians to dive deeper. If it actually is breast cancer or prostate health, we, a clinician should work on that. But the six areas are cardiovascular health. So everything around maintaining, cause that's, it's the number one killer and it's so easy to prevent. So diabetes, cholesterolemia, you know, hypertension, all that stuff. Then mood, behavior, everything about the brain. How do you think, how do you perceive, why do you not get along with that person? Why are you wired to be an accountant?
(34:31): You know everything about the way your brain works, truly personality mapping to a T so that you understand why you thrive in certain things and there's friction on certain things. Why do you have anxiety, depression, addiction, tendencies, which you don't need to have, right? The third one is hormones, which speaks to hormone dominance and toxicity, the thing we're talking about. But it also speaks to things like cell cellulite, hair, skin, uh, fat retention. Why do you hit plateaus of not being able to lose weight When for women, when do you work out, you know, what time of the month, when do you lift weights, when do you do yoga? Cause it, it makes a difference depending what's happening in your hormone cycle, right? To get the best result and not get injuries. Then we look at innate cellular health. So immunity and detox. What is your body doing to prevent inflammation, which is a root cause of disease in general.
(35:24): Mm-hmm
(36:13): So sleep is when you detox, it's when your brain and your glymphatic system detoxifies. It's when you make your hormone, it's when you make your mental hor uh, neurochemicals. Like, so if you're sleeping well, you're already solving a lot of problems, right? So, and then that's why we focus on that as an outlying thing. So those are the six areas we focus on. And if you do these six things right, you're superhuman. Yeah. You just, you just extended your life by 15 years just by doing these things because this is where disease comes from. And if you don't have chronic disease, then you should live healthy with energy and vitality.
(36:47): Yeah, and I love that you shared uh, mark Hyman, mark hs quote with me before we started. Your genes load, the gun, your environment, nutrition and lifestyle hold the trigger. It's so true. But I think that most people just aren't aware that what is the gun loaded with? That's what could I be facing? And I think it's so important to have information like a functional genomic profile that can help you make informed choices about nutrition and lifestyle. I know there are women all over looking for what, what diet should I eat? And we choose with our minds, but the truth is a lot of times our genetics have something to say about that, right?
(37:30): Yeah, for sure. You're first of all the way you're even perceiving and the choice that you just made mm-hmm
(38:21): We know how to speak to you. Like if I come with all the bad news, are you never gonna talk to me again? Right? Are you or are you like myself who's highly reward seeking because I can't bind dopamine, so it's very hard for me to experience pleasure and reward. So I'm overly yeah, I'm I'm overly uh, I'll do it too much and I'll burn out. Right? So we start and then, and then if you also know that about yourself, you start to understand that's why in this scenario this doesn't work. That's why I behave like this. So anyways, just about getting into choices, it starts with even understanding how you perceive.
(38:57): Got it. Yes. You're so right. And our perception is partly determined by our genetics. I think the point is well taken and I'm wondering if you can, you shared with me a quote from Seth Godin, the cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing. So as it pertains to the topic, we're discussing women at midlife, hormonal health and balance what I call hormonal poverty. What, how does this apply?
(39:25): Very simple. Most of us don't do anything about prevention cuz we don't think we can. Now that you know you can and if you still don't, something is coming. We just don't know what yet. The reality is that when we think of our ancestors, we think of grandma and grandpa, your DNA is 200,000 years old. So we are like people of 200,000 years ago. What does that mean? That the reality that we now live in of a highly industrialized chemical society is what, 70, 80, maybe a hundred years old versus 200,000 years of what we are designed for. So the short answer is you're gonna be sick, we just don't know with what yet. So the risk of just doing nothing means you've consciously made a decision to accept that you're gonna be sick with something. The risk of doing something is that maybe you just did the wrong thing and you didn't need to trial an error and figure out what's right.
(40:27): So start, start today. The earlier you start, I believe the sort of trifecta, and you hinted to this earlier, is you start with your genetic code because now you know what you're wired for, what choices to make. Then you go into epigenetics, which is environment, nutrition, light. Let's start bringing in the right habits. Then you get into tracking, which is let's, let's do blood work and let's do Dutch testing and let's figure out where is it not working out. This choice that I thought was right for me isn't actually moving the needle. So I need to know how to change it. So that's what you should do for healthcare. Initial mapping, genetic testing, here's who I am and here's my risk. Start to implement habits, here's the right choices for me and now I'm making changes slowly. You don't have to do everything at once as you can handle it. Start to make changes and then measure things. Work with somebody like yourself and keep measuring, work with Dr. Dunston and say, I wanna do this test, I wanna do this test. And then you'll start to see, oh, I move the needle. See reactive protein, way better. My inflammation is gone. But guess what? Estrogen toxicity is still there. Let me work on that. That's healthcare. That's you taking charge and making that conscious choice. Conscious choice and preventing,
(41:42): Yes. So important. K Chief, thank you so much for sharing all this wonderful information. I love your passion for this topic. It, it really shows and I think that everybody listening really has a good idea for how impactful a functional genomic test can be. I hope you will all check it out. We'll have all the information in the show notes with all the links so you can go get a test. It's a place to start. Just start. Take action.
(42:26): So unfilled was really built for our customers just to learn. So we got so many questions that we get regularly. We thought if we just give that answer to everybody as opposed to one individual. So the Unfill podcast, rev, you listen Apple, Spotify, just look up the Unfill podcast, you'll find us. And it's essentially us speaking to healthcare issues from the genetic perspective. That was season one, season two just launched, which is us interviewing a whole bunch of healthcare experts about various topics and they were awesome interviews. The the most recent one that just went live is with JJ Virgin about nutrition. And then we sprinkle our new uh, sort of genetic insights as she's talking and it's awesome. You'll also get a lot of information from Instagram. You know, me personally, I try and put stuff out there as I see problems. So cash con official, k a s h k h A n, official, find me Instagram and you'll learn as we go. Keep on going along. Every time you find something new, we talk about it until you'll keep learning.
(43:23): Awesome. Thank you so much for that and for this information, thank you for your passion about women's health and helping them to be healthier. Any last words of wisdom that you'd like to leave everyone with?
(43:36): Uh, well, you know, I did say earlier start, right? Mm-hmm
(44:30): Yes, I think that's wonderful advice and I look forward to hearing from you all listening, which ones or hopefully both that you've done and what changes you're starting to notice. Cuz sometimes it doesn't take much, just small changes. One little step can be so powerful Kashif Khan, thank you so much for joining us today. It was a pleasure. Thank you. And thank you all for listening to another episode of The Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kyrin. I'm so glad that you chose to join us today, and I know that you've learned some new information that you can put into action in your life to start making changes. Like has she shared with us that Seth Godin said, the cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing. So do something and then reach out on social media and let me know what you chose to do. Thank you so much for joining me, and I will see you next week. Until then, peace, love, and hormones, y'all.
(45:34): Thank you so much for listening. I know that incredible vitality occurs for women over 40 when we learn to speak hormone and balance these vital regulators to create the health and the life that we deserve. If you're enjoying this podcast, I'd love it if you give me a review and subscribe. It really does help this podcast out so much. You can visit the hormone prescription.com where we have some free gifts for you, and you can sign up to have a hormone evaluation with me on the podcast to gain clarity into your personal situation. Until next time, remember, take small steps each day to balance your hormones and watch the wonderful changes in your health that begin to unfold for you. Talk to you soon.
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Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
What Spinal Fitness Has To Do With Your Hormones
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Do you ever feel like your hormones are out of control? You're not alone. In fact, many women in their 40s and 50s struggle with hormonal imbalances. But what if I told you that there's a way to help balance your hormones naturally?
Spinal fitness has a lot to do with hormone balance. When your spine is out of alignment, it can put pressure on your nerves and cause hormonal imbalances. But when your spine is in alignment, it helps your nervous system function properly, which can help balance your hormones.
Joining us in this episode of The Hormone Prescription Podcast is Eileen Durfee, an inventor, businesswoman, and practitioner of spinal fitness. She has developed a unique system of exercises that helps people achieve proper alignment and balance in their bodies.
Eileen is here to share with us how spinal fitness can help balance our hormones.
Her journey to overcome her health issues led her to become an inventor and businesswoman, with six (6) utility patents and three (3) design patents, and more in process. She founded her own health company, Creatrix Solutions LLC, to create and distribute natural healing products worldwide. She offers various health solutions through online web stores, including spinal fitness equipment, near-infrared saunas, air purifiers, ozone generators, and healing food salts.
In this episode, Eileen shares:
The connection between your spine and your hormones
How spinal fitness can help balance your hormones
What you can do to improve your spinal fitness
And much more!
If you're struggling with hormonal imbalances, this episode is for you. Tune in now to learn how spinal fitness can help you balance your hormones naturally.
(00:00): Joseph Murphy said, “Whatever you give attention to will grow, magnify and multiply in your experience.” And my guest today, Eileen Durfee, says that this was key in her recovery from her myriad health conditions. And I'm gonna tell you about that evolution and what's important for you to know regarding your hormones and spinal fitness. Stay tuned.
(00:23): So the big question is, how do women over 40 like us keep weight off, have great energy, balance our hormones and our moods, feel sexy and confident, and master midlife? If you're like most of us, you are not getting the answers you need and remain confused and pretty hopeless to ever feel like yourself Again. As an ob-gyn, I had to discover for myself the truth about what creates a rock solid metabolism, lasting weight loss, and supercharged energy after 40, to lose a hundred pounds and fix my fatigue. Now I'm on a mission. This podcast is designed to share the natural tools you need for impactful results and to give you clarity on the answers to your midlife metabolism challenges. Join me for tangible, natural strategies to crush the hormone imbalances you are facing and help you get unstuck from the sidelines of life. My name is Dr. Kyrin Dunston. Welcome to the Hormone Prescription Podcast.
(01:17): Hey everybody, welcome back to another episode of the Hormone Prescription. Thank you so much for joining me today. I am really grateful to have my guest today and excited to just share her with you because this is very impactful information that you're not gonna hear about in a lot of places. But it's super important. And if you miss this step, you'll probably never get your hormones quite right, so you don't wanna miss it. But it's kind of one of these little known hormone facts that you need to know, like what does your spinal fitness have to do with your hormones? If you listened to me long enough, you know that I've talked about this before, but not all the time, and you almost never hear anyone else talk about spinal integrity and hormones. So we're going to get into that. I'm gonna tell you a little bit about Eileen and then we'll get started.
(02:10): She has a very extensive resume, so I'm gonna give you the highlights. But she's basically an inventor and practitioner. She has a engineering background in her brain is built, really built differently from a lot of peoples in that she's always thinking mechanics, how things work and how to improve things. So when she had her married health problems, which she will share with you in the episode, this engineering background really served her in coming up with solutions and particularly solutions around what is called spinal fitness. Not sure what that is. Stay tuned cause we're gonna tell you. And she even has some tips on figuring out your spinal fitness and if it's not great ways to help you improve it. So without further ado, welcome. I lead to the podcast.
(03:03): Well, thank you for having me.
(03:05): I'm excited for you to talk about your journey. A lot of the women listening are really struggling with their health. They're struggling to find answers and that's a part of your story. And it was through your struggle with your health problems that you overcame them and you really have developed a lot of programs and products to help other people. So I think it's very instructive. If you could share a little bit about your story briefly so that people know everything you've had to overcome and kind of some of the things we're gonna talk about today.
(03:42): Oh, I, I've been in pain my whole life from the time I was born to growing nine inches in three months in height and being ran over by a car. Then after I got a silver filling, becoming allergic to everything, having problems with candida, my hormones, Hashimotos, just hair falling out, psoriasis not being able to sleep. Just a ton of issues. And I just had this underlying feeling that, you know, my body wasn't made to have just necessarily medications that I tried diets and detoxification protocols and all these things and I started putting the pieces to the puzzle together so that my body could, you know, function, you know, without having so much medications and to, you know, have a more energetic life. Cuz really everything is about energy. We wanna be able to sleep well, wake up, have energy to li you know, live our life.
(04:48): And before it's like I didn't have any of that. And so I've tried a lot of gizmos. I mean a lot of the listeners probably have a lot of stuff that they bought that's just on the shelf in the garage. They're not using, you know, cuz it's like you have to develop this lifestyle and have things that are easy to use that you can feel a difference cuz there's no silver bullet to health. So I really looked at environmental toxins. You know, what you're breathing, what you're drinking, what you're putting on your skin. And then even if we lived in a bubble so to speak, we'd still have toxins, especially with a lot of genetic mutations that we have that we're not able to eliminate these things. So I developed gizmos to like help us do that. But a overlooked aspect really is how much energy does your body waste in holding your body? Erecting gravity, how many people have back pain, how many people have tight muscles? If we can just kind of improve that and open up our nerves to all of our organs, everything's gonna work better. And so I look at a whole body approach.
(05:57): Okay, thank you for sharing that. And you know, you've been through so much with your health, you listed so many problems. I think there are a lot of women listening who can identify with that. And Eileen shared her age with me before we started. She doesn't look her age at all and you could see her on the video. So she's doing something right. You mentioned something. So the, the podcast is the hormone prescription and I try to try and tie everything into hormones. We are going to be focusing on a spinal fitness and structure, but we're gonna tie in a lot of other health concerns into this episode. So you definitely wanna stay tuned. But I wanna start off by sharing something that you're probably not gonna hear in a lot of places. And this was taught to me when I worked in Atlanta by a very astute, intelligent chiropractor.
(06:51): As functional doctors, we go the next step as a mainstream doctor, when I, I just had a small toolbox of pill for every ill surgery, for every symptom. But then when I became fellowship trained in anti-aging, metabolic and functional medicine, I got a bigger toolbox and I started looking at the physiologic, biochemical and hormonal function of the body. And we worked with the body systems, but I didn't realize there was something else missing. And that was structural integrity. So Eileen mentioned as she was sharing her story about this kind of alignment that needs to happen to open up your nerve plexes, it also helped your blood vessels to flow more freely the blood through your body. And that means you're hormones, which is part of your nervous system if you've been listening to the podcast long enough, you know, that's the fact. And so it was this concept of when you are not aligning your musculoskeletal system properly, it puts these very small kinks in your nerves, your blood vessels, your subtle energy bodies, and it stops everything from working properly, including your hormones.
(08:02): So I wanna start the whole discussion from that perspective. I want everyone to get that how important this is. It's not, oh I slept funny and my neck's outta balance and I just need to go to the chiropractor to get it popped back because I don't want my neck to hurt. It's the fact that your body, and most of us, he showed me my posture was he imitated me and I have this hilarious picture of him kind of twisting and he is like, so all your nerves and vessels are twisted that way. So it's about your hormones functioning that crick in your neck, the fact that your feet are half a centimeter off, right? You have hip misalignment, which most of us have. Your hormones aren't functioning properly because of that. So I know I've said a lot, but I really wanna draw everybody's attention to the importance of this. So how did you zero in on spinal fitness through this huge health journey that you had? Eileen, let's talk about how you zeroed in on that and really how did that become a big part of your
(09:05): Recovery? Well, after being ran over by a car, I mean I'd been to neurologist, everything else they said I'd never be able to lift my hands. My arms up, shoulders up. It was like daggers being, you know, stabbed into my chest every time I took a breath. And I went to a chiropractor who did a lot of adjustments. But he taught exercises and not just exercises to strengthen certain muscles, but exercises that would get you an S-shaped spine. Now that's what's not known is the benefits of an S-shaped spine and why you want it, how to get it. Mm-Hmm.
(10:18): So you no longer have this pumping action to get nutrients in your disc or the waste products out. But if you do have that S shaped spine, it acts like a shock absorber where there's a pumping action where it pumps nutrients in, takes waste products out, keeps the spinal discs hydrated. So whenever you lose or don't have the S-shaped spine, then it's more compression and you go into disc degeneration and then you have tight muscles because people are really into stretching, which is great. Mm-Hmm.
(11:21): I wanna just interrupt you for a second cause a lot of people know what you're talking about, S shape, other people don't. So can you explain to them what should they be looking for to to know if they have an S shaped spine? What is that curvature?
(11:35): Okay, the curvature, when we're born, we're a C shape. And when grandpa's old, he's like a C shape, you know, holding onto a cane, right? So in between, you know, we're born with that C shape and what our body does is it develops these lordotic curves where we get a low back curve and a neck curve. Okay. So our spine is in an S shape or should be. Okay. And so the benefits to that are is in gravity. Like your hamstrings for instance, are only designed for running, jumping or like if you're gonna launch an object, they're involved in the thrust. Mm-Hmm
(12:38): So then like if you're gonna have a stride link, say you're a runner, if the hamstrings are tight because you don't have that a shape in your, you know, leaning forward. So you have all this extra pounds coming down as compression on your neck, you know, and all these things then that fast twitch muscle recruitment of the hamstrings are dedicated to keep you from falling flat, you know, because of gravity. And it will take it away. It won't let you have it for, you know, athletic performance. Mm-Hmm.
(14:25): Those are, that's like the evaluation. And I have a free PDF guide that you can download on how to perform this evaluation and what it tells you about the posture. And that is okay, how Dr. Sugar helped the New England Patriots pick players for years, they didn't spend much money on players cuz they were using his techniques to evaluate, you know, athletic ability because it's like a car with a bent crank shaft, you know, your motor's gonna seize, it's gonna, you know, and your spine is a mechanical device like a, a crank shaft in a motor. And so if it's out of tolerance, you're gonna be grinding up bone edges, deteriorating discs and you're not gonna have athletic ability. And so it's really kind of easy to tell if you have enough shaped spine or not and you'll feel it with tight muscles and limited mobility or maybe even pain.
(15:21): But I mean, I've been traveling a lot and I will sit in an airport when I'm waiting watching how many s shaped spines can identify. I mean, I was there for hours and I saw two people with an S-shaped spine. It is epidemic, it's a hundred billion a year problem for low back pain alone in America. So just think of all the energy you're spending fighting gravity. And we have a system where you can get the S-shaped curve, you know, before now, I mean even physical therapists, they didn't know how to give it to people or to train for people to have it mm-hmm.
(16:25): You know, you, you've gotta do stuff to reverse the effects of gravity. Besides the fact that there are exercises that are being taught to increase muscle that actually reduce the curves. They're detrimental. We're teaching the children wrong, we're not helping them develop an S shaped spine. So all this like what exercises? Like a regular, a regular sit up, for instance, you know, you, you bend and so you're creating posterior shear because the, there's these bones upper and lower on each vertebrae that have facet bones mm-hmm.
(17:29): But like if you wanna move a boulder for instance, you have a long bar, but you put the fulcrum really close down there so you can use a hundred pounds to move 500. All right. So what we do with these exercises, we put the fulcrum underneath the body, so we eliminate posture, your shear, and then we put a load on the body. So it's like where the fulcrum is not in the center. So when you put the weight on top of the body, it's creating where you have to have 500 pounds to move 100. So you're putting absolute tension on these certain muscles that with that curve, that fcr underneath you, it induces the curvature. So there's a sit up exercise, there's a, that works external obliques and that because of the groove in the cushion helps to pick segmental posture. So if somebody has a slight scoliosis or vertebrae sublux out to the left or the right, it's like a train on a train track, it lets a spin float catches the transverse process and it'll actually adjust your back as you arch over it.
(18:39): And then again, because of that absolute tension and that, you know, kind of like a half of a ball that you're, you're laying over, it's going to induce the low back curvature. Then we do a pelvic tilt, which he initially started having us do a standing pelvic tilt. You know where that is really good for the hips. You talked about people having legs unequal cuz you know, they'll have, you know, half their trip hip rotated forward like you know, our gas pedals on the right and if we're right handed, most right-hand people, their hip is twisted forward. Yeah. And that, and then that shortens that leg. And so what we can do to strengthen the hips is doing a pelvic tilt. But he had it where you lay over this cushion where you can put your L five, L four, L three in this groove and then you get your upper body taught where your recs muscles tight, you're putting absolute tension on that recs.
(19:39): Then you put weight on top of the body on your iliac hips. And when you do that pelvic tilt because of the direction of muscle pull and the leverage you've created it actually shes the L five vertebrae back on the L four. So if you have like a, her created disc like Luke Rockhold UFC fighter that, that Joe Rugged wanted to have, have spinal surgery, I went over there, taught him this exercise on the power cushion and within two weeks he got rid of his herniated disc without surgery. And so it's just using leverage physics, you know, compression and sheer forces in a good way. The problem without having a neck shaped spine is, you know, we talked about the facet bones. If you have bone on bone, there's no muscle to have to weaken. It's so strong, it's like a vice. And when you have that S-shaped curve, the sheer forces push bone on bone.
(20:39): As soon as you don't have the S-shaped curve, gravity reverses. So then it puts the strain on your ligaments and your muscles and your inner spins muscles. And people sometimes don't think about it, but the disc in your spine is actually a ligament too. So they don't stretch like a rubber band. When you have enough, you know, you got all those tight muscles, you got that back pain, that means you're putting, you know, some undue stress and tearing on your spinal disc, which then can herniate and, and people are, you know, getting back surgeries, infusions all because they don't have the S-shaped curve because the doctors don't know how to give it to people. But this was proven Dr. Sugar did like a 15 year study with Jennifer Stone and Bob beaten from the US Olympic team and Ron O'Neill, who was the trainer at the New England Patriots for 26 years.
(21:37): And then Smitty from York Barbell who was the Olympic heavy weightlifting coach. They all did this study. And for the first time since Leon Neuro DaVinci and Belli in 1680, they only did partial spinal biomechanics. But they did every single vertebrae in the spine in position calculating the mechanical advantage of the S shaped spine versus, you know, forward head posture, loss of curb or the straight military spine and determined all the compression forces and sheer forces at every vertebrae. And it was proven that there's a 15 to one mechanical advantage to have an S-shaped spine. And it they every much Huh? For
(22:29): Everyone. For everyone. Not just athletes,
(22:31): Right? Yeah. Every, everyone. And then they found out that with these four exercises that you do and you start with only five 10 reps, it, it's nothing like a huge dedicated program. They found out there's lung as your spine wasn't naturally or surgically fused, you could get the S-shaped curve in 12 weeks doing these exercises three to five times a week. Awesome. And I just came back from Las Vegas at the physical therapy in orthopedic conference and I had the equipment there, and I asked people to do 10 reps of four exercises, but I would have them bend over first and turn their head, you know, do the evaluation. The worst improvement I got of everyone that was there was two inches of reach bending over and one inch turning their head either way. The best I got was nine inches. Bending over their hamstrings were so tight, but in 10 reps of four exercises they got nine inches of reach and three inches in turning their head.
(23:39): Either way I had one gal, cuz these are people that are inflection, they're bent over working on people that are injured doing physical therapy exercises using their arms. This one gal did all the exercises. Day one, she came back at the end of day two and said, I always have pain under my scapula. I always have pain when I'm lifting my arms and I always have low tight back muscles. She said, I wanna tell you, I sat in classes for two days, had no tight, low back, had no pain in my scapula and I could raise my arms without pain. And that was at the end of day two, these exercises. That's the thing is is I'm 60 years old and I know the women that are listening, life keeps life and we've got a lot of stuff and commitments that we have to do and it's hard for us to make a routine to change our life, you know, And it really helps when we can do something once
(24:44): It's like, man, I really feel a lot better when I do these things. You know? And that's what's fantastic about spinal fitness is, is that you can beat gravity, you can get rid of that pain, those tight muscles. But best of all is again, like you mentioned earlier, is like when your nerves are pinched, you know, from our brain, all of the signals to our organs go through that. And you know everyone when when you got tight muscles and pain, you've got pinched nerves. So it's not getting, its optimal communication to form its function. And so you really do have to think that the structure is one of the most important things because it's also very an anti-aging. See a lot of people will do all kinds of stuff for anti-aging and there's just a lot of technology out there and I use a lot about myself.
(25:47): It's fantastic. But if you don't get the S shaped spine, you know, and your muscles are fatigued and everything else, your body's so smart, it's gonna help you. It's gonna start adding calcification on the front of these vertebraes to help it stand you, you know, to help you with gravity. Mm-Hmm
(26:28): Wow. So I hope everybody is hearing this. So maybe you're someone who's the majority of women that 40 to 60 and older have had episodes of back pain, if not chronic back pain. And so maybe that's you or maybe you don't have back pain and you wanna make sure that you don't get it or have any disc problems in the future. So at the end Eileen does have a download, like she said, where you can kind of do these tests for your s curvature and also some exercises. But one of the things I really notice in reading your bio and talking to you just before the podcast and also during the podcast, you have been through so much and you have this incredible engineering technical mind that has helped you to think about these health challenges that you've encountered in a really unique and technical kind of solution focused strategy way.
(27:26): And you shared some quotes with me that you love, I I wanna share this one by Joseph Murphy. And then I want to ask if you could talk a little bit about how you've had the mental toughness to go through the things you've been through and not only survive through them, but thrive and become so passionate that you've created innovative tools for other people. And the quote from Joseph Murphy, Mur Murphy who I love, is whatever you give attention to will grow, magnify and multiply in your experience. So could you talk a little bit about what that means to you and how this has served you and what other mindset tools you use to thrive through everything you've been through?
(28:09): You know, I've naturally been one of those people that no matter what's wrong or what challenges that are before me is a glass that's always half full and, and that there's always a solution. I, I don't know, I think it's, you know, because of my family environment, maybe how my father was so into perfectionism and you know, I sought his approval where my sister went the opposite direction. But I've just always had this drive that, you know, the answers never know there's always a solution. And then over the years I've, you know, done a lot of reading because it's like I, every single day I, I don't know, I have this hunger to learn, you know, and nothing ever stays the same and you just can't keep on doing the same thing over and over. So I'm always reading, always learning. And when I came across Dr.
(29:08): Joseph Murphy, I realized that the reason why I was able to get out of that bad situation and then to create solutions is because of my focus and the hope that I had. You know, which naturally came to me. But now I utilize that, those tools even more. Mm-Hmm
(30:16): Did I do this? Did I do that? You know? And so it's like when you really realize it, like my own daughter, she has all the this thought life and you know, and I just realized that, that I didn't have a lot of that. My thought life is about visualizing mechanically maybe how to build something to solve a solution. And it's like I do a lot of work in my mind that way instead of thinking about the worst thing or the fear or this or that. But I know that women in general, I'm more left brained, you know, they're more right brained and so they might really think a lot about things. And so I've really tried to, you know, help people realize, you know, just observe your thoughts. I think a really good tip would be to just kind of like observe your thoughts for a while.
(31:08): What are you, what are you really thinking about? What are you spending your time thinking about? And then maybe take steps to change or replace some of those thoughts. I mean, you know, you can get audiobooks of Joseph Murphy that you know that he's really fantastic. There's a lot of other people out there too. But our thought life can really even impact our hormones, our mood and emotions. Cuz everything is energy. So if we can transform our thought life, we're gonna transform our body, we're gonna transform our hormones, we're gonna transform so many things. And I think that was my strong point kind of naturally being wired towards that way of thinking. Mm-Hmm
(32:23): I love that quote. Little tiny hinges move giant doors. That's so true. You know, sometimes it can be so simple and you've offered so much important information for everybody here today, Eileen. I really appreciate it. It, I really, this is a pet peeve of mine because I think even a lot of us functional docs don't stress the importance of structural integrity of the mu low skeletal system. And we really do a disservice to people when we don't. So I appreciate you coming and sharing light on this. You've got a great gift. We'll have the link in the show notes, so if you're driving, don't try to write it down. We'll have it in the show notes and tell everybody what they'll get there. There are a few different downloads for free that they're gonna get, right?
(33:11): Yes. There's I think five or six documents and these were rewritten based on Dr. Sugar's work and it goes into exercises to avoid that can actually put strain and stress on your back and reduce your curves. And then ones that we encourage or how to do a modified instead of a standing curl with weight, sit down and do a preacher's curl with weight. So you take the stress off the low back, just tips like that. So there's document just about the exercises that to avoid and what we recommend. Then there's one on just how to do the Netflix flexion cuz you know, we're forward head posture where we're sitting at our desks. So there's just a simple exercise that you can do even with your fingertips or with the neck shaper device to help bring your head back, reverse the gravitational effects. And so there's a collection document, then there's a sit up document.
(34:19): Even without a power cushion you can actually take a sleeping bag with duct tape and create yourself that fulcrum to exercise over. Mm-Hmm.
(35:18): Then we can lay over these rolls. So we take gravity out of the picture cuz gravity is why you have tight muscles. So as your muscles loosen, it encourages increasing proper curvature. And we have special roll now that act like a brace where you're laying there, you actually hear your bone snap just laying the relaxing because when the muscles let go mm-hmm.
(35:57): Awesome. Thank you so much for those wonderful gifts, Eileen, Thank you for your journey and all that you've created to help people and for this incredible information. Thanks so much for joining us today.
(36:09): Well thank you for having me
(36:11): And thank you all for joining us for another episode of The Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kirin. I hope that you'll put into action something that you've learned here today. Frankly, I think each and every one of you needs to download the guides and see if you have the s curvature in your spine. And if you don't, you need to get about the business of working to get the S curvature back if you had it before, or to get it for the first time. Because not only will that help to eliminate back pain potentially, but you're going to help your entire biochemistry and physiology to function better, including your hormones. So if nothing else, I hope that you take action. Thanks so much for joining me. I'll see you again next week. Until then, peace, love, and hormones y'all.
(37:02): Thank you so much for listening. I know that incredible vitality occurs for women over 40 when we learn to speak hormones and balance these vital regulators to create the health and the life that we deserve. If you're enjoying this podcast, I'd love it if you give me a review and subscribe. It really does help this podcast out so much. You can visit the hormone prescription.com where we have some free gifts for you, and you can sign up to have a hormone evaluation with me on the podcast to gain clarity into your personal situation. Until next time, remember, take small steps each day to balance your hormones and watch the wonderful changes in your health that begin to unfold for you. Talk to you soon.
► FREE Exercise PDF guides by Eileen Durfee
Are You Ready to Improve, Restore, and Maintain an Ideal S-Shape Spinal Posture?
Instead of training and exercising in a way that accentuates or creates an "incorrect" neutral spine, use our FREE PDF guides (see below) to learn the exercises for improving, restoring, and maintaining an ideal S-shaped spinal posture!
CLICK HERE to download.
► Feeling tired? Can't seem to lose weight, no matter how hard you try?
It might be time to check your hormones.
Most people don’t even know that their hormones could be the culprit behind their problems. But at Her Hormone Club, we specialize in hormone testing and treatment. We can help you figure out what’s going on with your hormones and get you back on track.
We offer advanced hormone testing and treatment from Board Certified Practitioners, so you can feel confident that you're getting the best possible care. Plus, our convenient online consultation process makes it easy to get started.
Try Her Hormone Club for 30 days and see how it can help you feel better than before.
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Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Heal Chronic Pain With Your Breath & Brain
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Is chronic pain normal as we age? No way! It's time to take control and feel better with today's episode.
On today's episode, we'll be talking with Jane Hogan, a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Certified Yoga Teacher, and wellness educator who specializes in helping people heal chronic pain with breathwork and mindfulness. She'll be sharing her story of overcoming chronic pain and giving us some tips on how we can do the same.
About Jane Hogan:
Jane Hogan, "The Wellness Engineer," blends science and spirituality to help people release chronic pain using the mind, body, and breath so they can become empowered creators of their health.
Her personal experience of reversing crippling rheumatoid arthritis using natural solutions inspired her to leave a 30-year engineering career and become a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, Certified Yoga Teacher, and wellness educator.
Combining ancient wisdom with leading-edge science, Janes Wellness by Design Blueprint has helped hundreds of people release chronic pain naturally. She is the host of the Wellness by Design podcast and her empowering message has been featured on numerous podcasts and summits.
In this episode, you'll learn:
-Mind-body techniques to release chronic pain
-How to use your breath to heal your body
-Lifestyle changes that can help alleviate chronic pain
-And more!
If you're ready to start feeling better and take control of your chronic pain, this episode is for you. Tune in now!
(00:00): "Every day is a mini version of our life. How you start your day is important." Jane Hogan.
(00:06): So the big question is, how do women over 40 like us keep weight off, have great energy, balance our hormones and our moods, feel sexy and confident and master midlife? If you're like most of us, you are not getting the answers you need and remain confused and pretty hopeless to ever feel like yourself again. As an o B gyn, I had to discover for myself the truth about what creates a rock solid metabolism, lasting weight loss, and supercharged energy after 40, in order to lose a hundred pounds and fix my fatigue. Now I'm on a mission. This podcast is designed to share the natural tools you need for impactful results and to give you clarity on the answers to your midlife metabolism challenges. Join me for tangible, natural strategies to crush the hormone imbalances you are facing and help you get unstuck from the sidelines of life. My name is Dr. Kyrin Dunston. Welcome to the Hormone Prescription Podcast.
(01:00): Hi, and welcome back to the Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kyrin. Thank you so much for joining me today. You're gonna enjoy the episode today because we're talking about two very important things, breath and brain and how you can harness the power of these two, heal yourself of chronic pain and many health conditions. The science is very clear that your breath and your brain function are super important foundational manifestors of the physical health that you're experiencing. So why not take advantage of every tool that you can use or, I'm gonna dive deep today with my guest Jane Hogan, and she's going to teach you all about that. She's very passionate about it. She's done a lot of work in education in this area. Jane is the wellness engineer. She blends science and spirituality to help people release chronic pain using the mind, body and breath, so they can become empowered creators of their own health.
(02:01): Her personal experience of reversing crippling rheumatoid arthritis using natural solutions inspired her to leave a 30-year engineering career and become a functional medicine certified health coach, certified yoga teacher and wellness educator. Combining ancient wisdom with leading edge science, Jane's Wellness by Design Blueprint, has helped hundreds of people release chronic pain naturally. She's the host of the Wellness by Design podcast and her empowering message has been featured on numerous podcasts and summits. Welcome Jane to the podcast. Thank you so much for having me here. I'm really thrilled to be on your podcast. Glad to have you. Anytime we get to talk about quantum physics, energy medicine and all the woo things that most people think aren't things and I know are really the missing key to their overall health regimen and what's stopping them from healing. A lot of times I am in, and I know that that's something you love talking about. You're very passionate about it. It, and I've helped a lot of people with it. So can you tell everyone how did you become so passionate about the power of the mind and how it can heal the body and impact pain?
(03:10): Mm, really through my own health journey, I was an engineer, civil engineer, structural design. My little joke is I was a structural design engineer until my own structure started to fail. I turned 50 and I was like, 50 is fabulous. But then within about three weeks after that I developed severe joint pain. I had just come through this really stressful year, emotionally stressful. My mother had died suddenly, and I had a lot to deal with. I had to deal with the home and their collections and siblings, and it had been very stressful. I hadn't been sleeping very well, and so I was sort of on the tail end of that getting the house ready for sale and I just, my joints just got really my shoulders first it started, but it was so bad, had to go in a sling and then the next day it was the other shoulder and it kind of went around.
(04:03): It was my knees, my feet, I got orthotics. I thought, okay, I'm just at that age and my jaw, my hands started to hurt. I thought, okay, I just need the house sold and then everything's gonna be fine. I'll take it a little vacation, I'll be fine. But I got worse to the point where I could hardly walk, I could hardly like turn door handles. I was getting stuck in rooms cuz I couldn't turn the door handle. I, I couldn't squeeze shampoo outta the bottle. I was like almost getting to the point where I couldn't look after myself and really didn't know what it was. Nothing was really showing up in my blood work. Luckily I had my family doctor was kind of unusual because she suggested that food might help and that there were some foods that caused inflammation. So she mentioned gluten, dairy and sugar were really common.
(04:52): So I just cut them out of cold Turkey and I had like a significant reduction pain in just five days, which you know, if you know anything and I know you do about the gut microbiome and how quickly it heals, then that makes total sense. And so I kind of went on this whole journey. I learned about functional medicine. Eventually I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, but I saw a rheumatologist and I said, I'm kind of trying these other things and so I don't really wanna take the meds right now. I was a little scared of the side effects. So I continued on and I started looking at lifestyle and I thought, okay, it's food and lifestyle, then I'm gonna be fine. And so I kept on trying all these things and graphing them and charting them and seeing how I was doing. And I would get a little bit better and then I would plateau and then I would try something else, get a little bit better and then plateau.
(05:40): And I was like at least a year into the journey when I started actually I, I trained, I decided I wanted to learn more about functional medicine. So I signed up to be a, a health coach training for, to become a health coach. Not that I knew if I was gonna be a health coach, but I just wanted to learn more about it, and I could do it online. And I learned so much in that about the power of the mind and every month we had a mind body medicine component and then I realized that's what I was missing. And then I dived in further into the mind and then also looking at childhood trauma. I had to treat trauma like most people do. And anyway, the mind in addressing the mind and really understanding all of that and how it affects us energetically really took my healing then to the next level so that, that's not a short story but there you go.
(06:34): Yeah, thank you so much for sharing that. I know there are a lot of people listening who are are gonna identify because it seems like whether you're 40, 50, 60 for women, a lot of times it just happens pretty quickly, and we hit this wall. But I'm sad that this happened to you, but I love how you described how you couldn't even get out of a room cuz you couldn't turn the doorknob and there might be somebody listening who's dealing with that right now. And Jane shared a few quotes with me before we started recording that I love and I think that they really speak to this situation that you've just described Jane, and probably will speak to some of you out there. Everything is happening for you, not to you. And I love that because a lot of times when it comes to our health, when we get these negative symptoms, you know, we're midlife, we're gaining weight, our hairs falling out, we can't digest our food, we can't sleep, you name it, you guys know what I'm talking about and we think it's happening to us and it's something that's harming us. But really it's, I call the body her. She's trying to tell you what's wrong and she's, these are signposts to where the problems are so that you can fix them. And so you came in contact with this information that the mind has the power to heal the body. So what did that look like for you and your, your healing journey from rheumatoid arthritis? How did you utilize mine techniques to help you,
(08:00): First of all re that reframing that quote that you said there? Everything is happening for me, not to me. I think it's Byron Katie, I'm gonna give her credit for that anyway. Yeah, that it's just such a reframe that this was not, because in the beginning I felt like why is this happening to me? My life is outta control. This shouldn't be happening. I've been a good eater all my life. I've been athletic. Why is this happening? It's not fair. You know, all those kinds of thoughts and really afraid for my future. But to reframe it as this is happening for me, there's something for me to learn because what I kind of always knew and believe was that our bodies really are self-healing. They are, if we're having this breakdown or dis-ease or whatever's happening, these negative symptoms, then it's really our body calling for our help. And so it then, it really is happening for us because it's calling our attention to become a version of ourselves that's different than the version who created this illness or dis disease in the body. So it's waking us up, it's waking us up. So now, I mean I see this whole beautiful path that I've had to get me right here to be talking to you right now and I wouldn't have changed it. I know it was all happening for
(09:17): Me. To me, what you're saying makes perfect sense cuz I've been down the same path. But to a lot of people they're like, they have no idea what you're talking about Jane. So you say it's calling us to become a version of us that's greater, I'm paraphrasing than the woman who got rheumatoid arthritis or something like that. Some people are sitting there scratching their heads saying, I have no idea what she means. Mm. Can you explain that?
(09:43): Okay, so I'm gonna go down a little lesson in quantum science. I'll keep it really simple cuz I'm not an expert in quantum science. But I'll tell you a little bit about what I learned and then you'll understand why I said what I said. So quantum science tells us first of all that everything's energy including us, right? We are actually electromagnetic energy systems that are expressing through a physical human nervous system and a physical human body. So that might be like a lot for people to take in
(10:39): Stress is it it, I'm, I'm calling it negative energy. So it can be thoughts, it can be toxins, it can be foods that aren't healthy for us and so on. So we create this in, we are the ones creating that environment that's manifested in these cells reproducing this disease in the body. So going back to that, then if we've created it with the thoughts that we've had with the foods that we've been eating with the toxins we've been exposed to, then we can be the ones that can change that. So the version of ourselves that created the disease, I mean we didn't do it consciously. Obviously none of us have really been taught this, which is why I'm so passionate about speaking about it. So the version of us that it created, if we continue the same way, then we're gonna create more of that. So if we wanna change it, we gotta become a different person. You know, we've gotta create different energy so that we now create a a physical body that manifesting of the energy in a physical body that's going to be different. One that's gonna be creating health and wellness, not creating disease.
(11:50): Okay. So that's well said cuz I tell people that all the time, like the you that you are, you know, whatever it is that you're wanting to heal from, you know, irritable bowel depression, you know, hot flashes and can't sleep, perimenopausal sin, whatever they are, is not the same woman who can exist in this world and not have those symptoms. Like you have to be someone different.
(12:14): Yes.
(12:14): And when I say this to people, they look at me like I have three heads. They don't understand what I'm saying. And I didn't get it cuz people said this to me too back at the beginning of my journey and I didn't get it either. But now I get that the pain was calling me through the path to healing, to the purpose and to becoming who I needed to be so I could, you know, get off the five psychoactive medications and not need them, so I could regrow my hair and have a sex drive and do all the things. But I didn't understand that at the time. And, and in fact it scared me because I thought, well what are you saying? Like I can't be married. I was married at the time, married to the man I married to, I can't be a mom, I can't deliver babies, I can't do the things. So what do you say to those people who are thinking, what do you mean I have to change Jane,
(13:01): When we do get this disease in our body, and we're, you know, we're faced with this, it feels very powerless, right? You feel like a victim. And that's exactly how I felt. And we're also kind of taught in this culture that we aren't powerful. Like we have to go find, know the medications or whatever to take care of this. But really we are powerful when you think we're, we've like, the fact that we've created the pain or disease or whatever it is, shows us how powerful we are because we created it, right? So really I feel like this puts us in an empowered position and maybe that is a little scary for some people. In fact, there's a quote by Maryanne Williamson that I don't have totally, and it wasn't one of the quotes I mentioned to you earlier, but it's something like our biggest fear is not that we aren't powerful, it's that we're powerful beyond measure.
(13:51): And really that is where we are. But we, we also have to be careful with those thoughts too. Ki ki and that is that we can't sort of go into blame, say, wow, like why did I do this to myself? It's not that because those are negative thoughts that are creating negative energy, which are, you know, again, ourselves are gonna be bathed in it. So we wanna make sure that we're having the thoughts of empowerment that are so that we are going to manifest this, this healthier version of ourselves in this physical body. I hope that helps your audience understand that really it's coming from a position of power and it's putting you in a more powerful place.
(14:31): Yeah. So when, this was all a part of my journey too, and I didn't get it at first, but as I said, I, I leaned into the question and then that's when the answers and the understanding came and I realized that I couldn't be the person who said that I didn't, you know, have a sugar problem and continue to eat sugar, right? I couldn't be the person who just basically didn't love and nurture and care for myself the way that I deserved to and heal. And so those are a lot of things that I've changed. So let's talk about though, particularly when it comes to pain, do you think there's a special relationship between your mind, your thoughts that you think and pain in particular? Or is it any health problem?
(15:17): I probably say any health problem really. But sort of talking about pain in particular, I just hosted this some as I interviewed like 50 experts in who help people get outta pain naturally. And it was really co that there's kind of two broad categories of what causes pain and actually chronic conditions of any kind is what a lot of them said. And that is stress is one bucket and toxins are another bucket. And you could even kind of put them all in one bucket because toxins create stress in the body. But let's just talk about the stress for a moment. So the stress can come from our thoughts, can come from even thoughts that we're not aware of. In fact, a lot of it can come from thoughts that we're not aware of. I interviewed Dr. Bruce Lipton and he talked about subconscious thoughts and how that can lead to, you know, fit manifestation of physical problems in the body.
(16:12): And so many other experts too talking about like childhood trauma that we may not even have realized we were carrying these subconscious thoughts all the time. And how do you know that you're carrying you, it's kind of because we create these adaptive behaviors to make up for these things that hap may have happened to us or things that we interpreted as being fearful when we were little. I mean we don't even remember it, we don't have to remember it, but you'll see evidence because you'll have behaviors like perfectionism, people pleasing, always having to do, do, do go, go, go. So those kinds, feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, being critical of other people are critical of yourself or not being able to take criticism, you know, being ultrasensitive. So these are all just really behavioral adaptations that we created to manage the fear situations we were in when we were really little.
(17:09): But the problem is that that creates, you know, like an environment of fear in our body. So our cells are kind of bathed in this, you know, underlying things aren't safe and when things aren't safe, when the body thinks that things aren't safe, as you know, we're not going to be in that rest digest, parasympathetic state. We're gonna be more in the sympathetic state, which is when things don't run really well. And it's kind of like a, if you think about like an automobile is not, if it's not getting proper maintenance and you know, you don't put the right kind of gas in it and all that kind of stuff, it's going to start to break down obviously. And it's kind of like our, our bodies are the same way. So we got, could have this underlying stress that's keeping our, our system in that state where we're not optimally functioning and then that has a downward cascade effect of coming out as physical things in the body, you know, so that's what we're seeing. It might come out of pain, it might come out as hair loss. You mentioned it could come out as eczema, it could be anxiety, you know, all these different things.
(18:16): Yeah, yeah, a lot of the things you mentioned increase inflammatory markers in the body, increase inflammation, which then is, you know, negative feedback with cortisol plus the unconscious thoughts spikes the sympathetic nervous system. Everybody listening will remember. Keesha, yours has been on the podcast as well as on the summit talking about little T trauma and I love Bruce Lipton. I'll put a plug in for his book, The Biology of Belief. Yeah,
(18:41): And
(18:41): This is, this is one of my favorite topics because it is the emerging science. You're not gonna hear this at all at a regular doctor's office and it absolutely will stop you from achieving the health that you deserve from achieving the Pain-FREE state that you deserve from achieving the peaceful mind that you deserve. What would you say to those people who say, cuz I know what we'll get into, let's start with this. What are some of the steps that people can take to really start working with, I know you talk about mind or brain, breath and body. So what are the components of starting to work with these, the, the mind to help to heal your pain? I'll come back to my question
(19:30): Later. I think one thing that really works in the beginning is maybe because people are listening to a podcast like this is having hope. So having hope and belief that things can change because you know, if I just searched rheumatoid arthritis basically on the, I'm just gonna find a lot of bad stuff and nasty little pictures of gnl hands and things like that, right? So it's finding these different stories, seeking out these other stories of people that have gotten lost. So having hope is really important because that's, you know, that's kind of starting with our beliefs. I also, well I love talking about breath work too, because we need to calm ourselves down. We're going, most of us are going around in a constant state of stress and you mentioned we're creating the hormones of stress in our body, which then every single cell Bruce Lipton talked about, you know, are the antenna basically on the surface of every cell that's picking up on that environment, sending the information to the DNA to, you know, how to replicate what's going on out here?
(20:31): Well, it's a little bit dangerous, so like, let's make sure we're, we're setting up and, and putting up defense physiology, not not health physiology. And so yeah, so doing everything you can to create calm. So I love breath work because it's free, it's totally portable and it's the fastest way to get the body and mind and body into that parasympathetic state, right? To just kind of calm that nervous system right away. As soon as we start talking about breath work, a lot of times I find people just automatically, you know, they'll breathe through their nose and slow it down and notice, and right in that moment you're not ruminating over the past or worrying about the future if you can just like listen to the sound of your breath or feel your belly moving in and out and hopefully it's the belly and not the chest because the chest, again, if we breathe into our chest, which a lot of people are doing, that's, that's activating the sympathetic state. Whereas when we breathe into the belly area, so the belly is kind of moving in and out because the diaphragm is coming up, up and down, then we're activating the vagus nerve, which is the parasympathetic branch of the nervous system. So breath is a great place to start.
(21:45): Yes, I love that. I have a friend who says, if your mind is in the future with anxiety or the past with regret, you are on the present. And I love that. Yeah,
(21:54): I look on their present. Like, why would
(21:56): We do that
(22:32): That there's so much science behind this? And so we know this to be true, that when we slow down the breath, especially the exhale on pain, for sure it helps lower it. So when we slow down the breath, and there's plenty of studies on like mindfulness and how it helps with, with stress, anxiety, with pain. So even people with like fibromyalgia, people with cancer, it helps create that com. So it, when we do that, the body can like start to heal. And so when we're healing then our immune system for example, is gonna come back online, our digestive system is going to come back online, our endocrine system, our musculoskeletal system, our circulatory system, everything's gonna start working more optimally. And of course in that environment we're going to start to feel better. But even in the moment, just in that moment, we can just very, very quickly get ourselves into that parasympathetic state.
(23:34): And the faster you do that, the better. Keesha, yours told me this actually, that when we create cortisol, it takes 12 hours to dissipate it out of the body. The longer we keep ourselves in a stress state, the longer that's going to take. So it's just so important to try to stop it as soon as you can. Breath is a great way to do it. There's other ways, but you've always got the breath with you when you do that, you can just kind of create that calm state. So that's, that's why I love the breath so much. But there's other things people can do, whatever, whatever makes you feel good and gets you at the moment. So it takes a little bit of awareness too. So we want to be able to catch ourselves when we are having negative thoughts. So we are so lucky as human beings that we have this ability to be aware that we are thinking we can be aware of our thoughts. Now, if you're not used to it, it does take a little bit of practice, but that is something you can practice and that can help. What am I thinking of right now? And if you notice that you're ruminating over the pa or you're on your, your present, then you can go reset, reset. Bring myself back to, okay, just focus on the breath in this, this one I love is in this moment, I'm safe in this moment. Everything's okay. And that can just calm you right down immediately.
(24:56): Yeah, we're the only species that has metacognition. We can think about what we're thinking about and how we think, but a lot of us don't. We think the same, you know, 70,000 thoughts a day today that we thought yesterday. And so a really empowered use of your mind is to think about what you're thinking about, think about the things that you think about repetitively, the patterns and habits. And I really think this whole childhood trauma really unpacking that because I think it's estimated gab or Monte estimates that 97% of us have had trauma in our lives and that just means overwhelming feelings that we couldn't handle that's programmed our nervous system and our cortisol hpa access to be on overdrive, right? So let's dive into a few solutions. I know you've got a podcast we're definitely gonna share with everyone. Wellness by design that has a lot of resources. But let's dive into so some simple deep belly breasts. It's all about increasing your vaal tone, calming your sympathetic, increasing your parasympathetic, which is that heel and repair part of your nervous system. What are some other things that people could do, activities they could start doing today to start calming their mind and healing their body?
(26:12): A lot of people think that right away, I, I've gotta change what I'm eating and not that food isn't important because obviously we gotta give our our body the building blocks, right? For good health and hopefully not be bombarding it with toxins which take a lot of energy to deal with and can build up in the tissues. But even starting with feeling calm while you're eating. So when you're preparing food, like feeling good about it, being grateful with the food that you have, the ability to do this, sitting down with people that you love, having good conversations or if you're by yourself, just even just loving on yourself and feeling good while you're eating. Taking the time to eat slowly. So I love to say start with how you eat rather than what you eat. It's a great starting point because then you'll even, you'll be able to digest your food better and when you digest your food better, well then it can help calm the nervous system or the immune system down.
(27:14): So then you stop having this inflammatory response. So it's kind of two things, right? It's the, it's the mind i digestion kind of begins in the mind. So starting with feeling calm while you're eating and appreciating and feeling gratitude, just feeling good about what you're eating. In fact, there's I've heard that, you know, the Mediterranean diet has always been touted as being such a healthy diet. The people there, you know, eat, they eat all this food and they have longevity. But one thing they do a lot over there is they really linger over their meals, their family times. People are talking and laughing. And so I think that plays a a big part in it as well. So that's a great place to start. Start with how you're eating
(28:00): I love that. You know, just like sex doesn't begin in the bedroom, foreplay begins outside. I call that food foreplay. And like you said, digestion begins in the mind. So you've got to have food foreplay to get your digestion going. So start with how you eat, not what you eat. I love that, Jane, what else can we do?
(28:19): How you start your day is huge, right? Every day is like a little mini version of our life and we really don't know how many days we have. So how you start your day sets you up for the rest of the day. So I'm really big believer in starting the day, like even before getting outta bed, just tuning in with your body, noticing what you're feeling, if you feel anything that's kind of a little bit off and kind of sending it some love as if it's a small child. Imagine that you're breathing into it and like hugging it
(29:07): And so that's the mindset part. I love doing some of that. Having some movement in the morning is really good, especially if you can do it outside, cuz our eyes will get exposed to sunlight. So then it sets you up for sleeping better that night. And also just having that time where you're doing some mindfulness. So whether you are just sitting there doing some breathing or whether you do a guided meditation or a silent meditation, whatever it is, but you just take some time where you are getting your mind in that present moment and not thinking about other things. Now our thoughts will wander in of course, but you, you just kinda like, isn't that cute? Let them float away again like clouds and not judge yourself for it. So that probably leads to the next thing is just like being kind to yourself. We're, we're far too hard on ourselves.
(29:58): And so that's really important. So yeah, the morning I think is important. How you eat is important. Being aware of your thoughts, what are you thinking about all the time? Maybe you might wanna journal on that even like, you know, kind of sit down what's on your mind right now. Just write it all down just so that you're getting an idea of what you're thinking about all the time. And then is that kind like, are you speaking to you like yourself? Like you would speak to someone that you love, like a best friend? And chances are we may not be, so, might wanna turn that around a little bit. And Louise Hay was a real proponent of doing mirror work and that might seem a little weird to people to look in the mirror and say, you know, I really love you, however you are.
(30:41): I love you. There's a book by Mel Robbins called The High Five Habit, and she talks about the power of high-fiving yourself in the mirror in the morning because we have this association with a high five that's, it's always like, good. And it's like, who is celebrating And you know, you know you're doing awesome. So instead of looking in the mirror and feeling negative about yourself, you're high-fiving. It's kind of a pattern interrupt in the brain. She backs us up with a lot of science in the book as well. So even making that a little habit in the morning, like high-fiving yourself in the mirror instead of looking in the mirror and thinking the critical thoughts that so often we do, especially, you know, us women as we get older, we're probably looking in the mirror going, Who is that? And like, where do these wrinkles come from and all that. But instead, high five yourself, Look at me, I'm awesome
(31:43): Yes. You know, I love that. And I'm wondering if you can think of a client that maybe you've worked with who really didn't think that she had a problem with negative self-talk or self-love and maybe she worked with some of these tools and how that helped to transform her health and her life. If you could share that.
(32:04): Oh, you know, this is pretty much every client,
(32:08): Yeah. Because most people, by the time they come to me, they're already in pain. And so I know that there's always this emotional component to pain, a lot of time connected with these emotions. Louise Hay wrote a great book called You Can Heal Your Life. Emotions Connected with the Pain, Different issues, I guess Dise in the Body, Plus I know I, I'm a yoga instructor now, know a lot about the chakras and the emotions and things and, and how it's connected to different endocrine systems in the body. So I know that there's this connection. So pretty much every client, you know, we work on this and, and I see them change, it's so beautiful that to see them realize that they've been so hard on themselves and they don't have to do that, really teaching themselves love. And then when you have that, you can make better decisions for yourself because you love yourself, right?
(33:01): You're going to make better decisions. You're going to not mind taking the time to cook a meal that's going to be nourishing. You're not going to mind taking the time to do this little morning routine that's going to help help you or going out for a walk or whatever it is. So it starts with, with that like really loving yourself, taking the time to do the breath work. As I said, even with breath work, there's a lot of science behind this and especially breath work that's creates heart resonance, that the cognitive brain we think better and when we think better, we make better decisions. So it all starts to kind of tumble along and feel good. So I mean, one, one story that I just love is this woman that came to me and a lot of self-esteem issues and pain overweight. And after working with me for a while, I remember she said, I can finally bend over and tie my own shoes. And that like, I didn't even realize that that was going to be a thing for her that meant so much and it just kind of kept on going from there. But that you can just imagine how the feeling that that when she could finally tie her own shoes and how how liberating that felt for her instead of having to get someone else to do it.
(34:18): Yes, that's true freedom and you don't even realize that you don't have or appreciate the fact that you can bend over and tie your shoes until it's gone.
(34:28): Yeah. Or turn the door handle
(34:47): Yeah. And also you've got to tackle the toxicity. I loved how you shared Yeah. Its toxins in the body, which includes stress and includes the thoughts that you're thinking. And I think you've given a lot of people a place to start. Some simple things they can start doing to start turning the tide. You know, it's funny because back when I started on my healing journey, people would say things to me like, You're really hard on yourself, aren't you? And I would think, Are you crazy? No I'm not. And
(35:45): Exactly.
(35:46): And that's, that's really being hard on yourself. So everybody listening, hold the mirror up to yourself, look in the mirror. And if you really have a hard time looking in your own eyes and saying You're awesome, I love you, and giving yourself a high five in the mirror, you might be being too hard on yourself too
(36:15): Well, my Wellness By Design podcast is all about intentional living. And I created it because I wanted people to be who are finding themselves with disease or pain or inflammation in their body or lack of energy. I wanted them to understand that through intentional living, they can create health in their body again. So the guests that I have on talk about different ways of doing that, I talk about different ways of doing that. So that's what that podcast is about. I really love it. It's a little passion project for me and, and I'm really getting a lot of great feedback. I'm, I'm quite happy about that. And then my website is the wellness engineer.com and that's who I am. I was an engineer, now I'm the one, the wellness engineer and I've got a great little audio bundle if anyone wants to download it, it's, it's right on the main page or they can go to the wellness engineer.com/audio bundle.
(37:11): And I've got three file, three audios they can download. One is 108 affirmations for he health and Wellness because we can, we can reprogram our subconscious mind with affirmations if we repeat them over and over again. And especially if we feel them as well cuz how we feel is more important than just the words. I've also got a guided meditation for health and healing and then I've also got a heart resonance breath work that I guide people through. So it really creates that beautiful heart harmony and there's lots of science. A heart math institute has done plenty of science around how when we get ourselves in that state, how we think better, we feel better, we heal people get along better. There's so many great things with that. So that's three little gifts for them.
(37:59): Awesome. We will have that link in the show notes, so if you're driving, don't try to write it down. We will have it in the show notes when you get to your destination, you can click it and go there and sign up. And thank you so much for joining us today, Jane, and shedding some light on how we can help to heal our chronic pain and health problems by using our breath, our mind, and our body positively and really making that connection for everyone and giving them some tools to get started with. Thank you so much for joining us.
(38:34): Oh, Kyrin, thank you so much for having
(38:37): Me. And thank you all for listening to another episode of The Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kyrin. I hope that you've learned something today that you can put into practice to start changing the trajectory of your health and your life today. It really, a journey of a thousand steps begins with the first one. So you just gotta do one thing. So what's the one thing you're gonna do today? I wanna see you give a high five to yourself in the mirror. Say, I love you, you're awesome. I would love to see a picture of that and post it on social and tag us and we will look forward to seeing you. The next episode of The Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kyrin. Until then, peace, love, and hormones, y'all,
(39:18): Thank you so much for listening. I know that incredible vitality occurs for women over 40 when we learn to speak hormones and balance these vital regulators to create the health and the life that we deserve. If you're enjoying this podcast, I'd love it if you'd give me a review and subscribe. It really does help this podcast out so much. You can visit the hormone prescription.com where we have some free gifts for you, and you can sign up to have a hormone evaluation with me on the podcast to gain clarity into your personal situation. Until next time, remember, take small steps each day to balance your hormones and watch the wonderful changes in your health that begin to unfold for you. Talk to you soon.
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Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
The Single Most Important Factor For Body Comp and Metabolic Fitness
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Are you feeling frustrated with your weight, metabolism, or energy levels? Do you feel like you've tried everything and nothing seems to work?
If so, you're not alone. Midlife can be a challenging time for many women. Our bodies change, our hormones fluctuate, and it can be difficult to stay on top of our game.
But there is hope! In this episode of The Hormone Prescription Podcast, we speak with Dr. Ted Naiman about the P:E diet. This way of eating has helped countless women achieve their ideal body composition and metabolic fitness.
In this episode, you'll learn:
-What the PE diet is and how it can help you lose fat and improve your metabolic fitness
-The single most important factor for body composition and metabolic fitness
-How to create a personalized PE diet plan that works for you
-And more!
If you're ready to achieve your ideal body composition and metabolic fitness, this episode is for you! Tune in now and learn the secrets of the PE diet.
(00:00): Everything in life is on a U-shaped curve. Dr. Ted Naman.
(00:06): So the big question is, how do women over 40 like us keep weight off, have great energy, balance our hormones and our moods, feel sexy and confident, and master midlife? If you're like most of us, you are not getting the answers you need and remain confused and pretty hopeless to ever feel like yourself again. As an O B gyn, I had to discover for myself the truth about what creates a rock solid metabolism, lasting weight loss, and supercharged energy after 40, in order to lose a hundred pounds and fix my fatigue. Now I'm on a mission. This podcast is designed to share the natural tools you need for impactful results and to give you clarity on the answers to your midlife metabolism challenges. Join me for tangible, natural strategies to crush the hormone imbalances you are facing and help you get unstuck from the sidelines of life. My name is Dr. Kyrin Dunston. Welcome to the Hormone Prescription Podcast.
(01:00): Hi, thank you so much for joining me for another episode of the Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kyrin. My guest today is Dr. Ted Naiman and whatever diet you use, whatever is your diet religion, you definitely wanna listen to this episode because pretty much every diet gets this one thing wrong and it wrecks havoc with your body composition as you age. And your metabolic fitness bottom line is it's part of the reason that you don't feel 100% as you age. So you definitely wanna listen up. He's got some great science for you on macronutrients and what you need to be doing to maximize this informational input into your body because yes, the food you eat is actually information that informs your body. So it is calories, but it's also nutritional information in the form macronutrients, micronutrients. And then it also has this subtle energy tea or prana, whatever you choose to call it, flowing through it as well.
(02:03): So you want high quality food, but if you're not picking the right one, then you want to listen up to Dr. Ted Naiman on the PE diet. He's gonna tell you what PE means. He's also going to tell you why everything in life is on a U shape curve. And this is super important. So many of us are living at one point of the U or the other point of the U and he's gonna tell you why everything exists on a U-shape curve, how this affects your health, and mostly how to optimize your U-shaped curve. So I'll tell you a little bit about Dr. Ted Naiman and then we'll get started. So Dr. Ted Naiman is a board certified family medicine physician in the department of Primary care at a leading major medical center in Seattle. His personal research and medical practice are focused on the practical implementation of diet and exercise for health optimization.
(02:55): And he's the author of the PE Diet. Basically when he got into practice and he saw the high rates of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, et cetera, he was extremely frustrated because in our medical training we don't get education on nutrition at all, just like we don't get education on hormone. And so he really started diving deep into the research to see what he could do to help his patients. And he came up with a PE diet and it's pretty revolutionary and brilliant. And like I said, whatever your diet religion, this will apply and it will help you. So please welcome Dr. Ted NaIman to the podcast.
(03:34): Oh wow. Thank you Dr. Dunston for having me. I appreciate it. So
(03:38): Let's start with how you became so enthralled or what helped you to understand, because you're traditionally trained, like I am in your medical schooling, and we didn't get training in nutrition. We didn't get information on what's important, how, why protein's important, macronutrients, micronutrients, really we didn't get that. So what led you to really dive more deeply into this topic and expand your knowledge about it?
(04:12): Oh yeah, I, well, thank you. And I've been interested in diet pretty much my whole life. I had kind of a unique background in that I was raised as a Seventh Day Adventist, which is this crazy religion where they are mostly vegetarian. And I ended up going to a Adventist medical school at Lo Linda in California, which is one of these famous plant-based meccas and everyone's vegetarian or vegan. And so I kind of grew up and was indoctrinated with all of this sort of like, you know, plant based is the best sort of thing. And so I was kind of interested in, in diet from the beginning, but I also realized that, you know, most of the people around me on a plant based but diet were not really healthier than anybody else. And I wasn't really healthier than anybody else. And then I went to my residency and I ended up meeting all these patients with like horrible diabetes and just horrible obesity and all these huge complications.
(05:09): I got introduced to a patient who went on a low-carb diet and had this massive weight loss and reversed diabetes through all his pills away. And, and he had done this with basically just eating a bunch of meat, and I'm like, Oh wow, this is, you know, maybe this pure plant based thing is not the entire story. Maybe there's more to it than that. So I've that was about 20 years ago and ever since I've just been researching the heck out of diet and exercise and health and body composition. And I've kind of come to the realization that there are all these levers that drive, you know, how much or how little people eat. And it's really transcends this plant versus animal thing, which is where I started out from. And it also kind of transcends low-carb versus low fat, which is something I was stuck in the middle of this eternal low-carb versus low fat war for a long time. Mm-Hmm.
(06:08): Well, you know, it's interesting you say plant versus animal because I think that a lot of people become very reductive and think that that's what determines whether you're eating a healthy diet or not. Are you vegan, vegetarian, lacto pescatarian, right? Do you eat animal animal protein or not? Do you eat animal protein or not? But the truth is, you can be a vegetarian or a vegan and have a very unhealthy diet. You can be a carnivore and eat plant-based and have a very unhealthy diet, and you can do both of those and have a healthy diet, wouldn't you say?
(06:45): Absolutely. So there's, there's just so many examples out there of really bad plant-based diets or really good ones. And the same thing for low carb fat and the same thing for carnivores and every single diet you can do it wrong, paleo and you name it. And there are plenty of examples of how that could be helpful in certain circumstances and unhelpful in others. And each of these diets has something that's kind of driving the success that a lot of people see with them, but then other ways that you could do it wrong, which basically makes that particular diet religion not the entire answer in and of itself. And you really have to kind of rise above all the diet tribes and religions and look at what's driving success in all of these. And then you've got some rules that you can go by and be successful on any diet pattern really.
(07:37): I love how you call it diet, religion, people. I've read data that says that people find it harder to change their diet than their religion
(07:49): Yeah. I mean they're pretty much the same thing, honestly, why do
(07:51): You say
(07:52): That? Usually when we don't really understand how something works, we have to give it this sort of mystical religious flavor, right? And I think nutrition's been in the dark ages forever and nobody really quite has understood it in the past. And so we have to mystify it and we have to make it sort of magical and religious like, you know, paleo. All I know is that if you make sure it's paleo, you're going to lose weight to be healthy. It just has to follow these little rules. I don't really know why, but that's just how it works, you know? So we have these like almost religious level beliefs about diet when, when we don't really understand it. But much like religion, nobody really knows what religion is. So we have to make stuff up and be very mystical and mysterious about it. And so dye is the same way and it's really kind of out of ignorance cuz we don't actually know, you know, we're just guessing.
(08:42): I love that. I love that analogy. I've never heard that. That's great. All right, so let's back up. You mentioned the PE diet book that you wrote. So tell everybody what that is. What does it stand for? What does it mean? What led you to write this book?
(08:56): So the PE diet, this stands for protein versus non protein energy. And it's really just based on the work of professors Robin Heimer and Simpson, these two researchers in Australia who stumbled across the protein leverage phenomenon and published this about a decade ago. And protein leverage is this extremely powerful phenomenon where most animals on earth will eat until they get enough protein and only then will they stop eating and it supplies from like insects and fish and birds and mammals and all the way up to humans, definitely humans. So it turns out that humans have this super powerful protein leverage phenomenon and you basically eat until you get enough protein, and it's really unique among the macronutrients. So if you look it up the entire planet, there are people who eat tons of carbs and hardly any fat, and people eat tons of fat and hardly any carbs, but protein is just extremely conserved throughout all groups on the planet.
(09:54): Everyone's dialed in at, you know, like 15% protein and they're all eating very exact amounts of protein. And it turns out that if you give animals a protein dilute food, they basically have to over consume calories to get enough protein. Maybe if you give animals a higher protein concentration food, they just automatically eat less protein energy. So protein percentage is probably the single largest factor when it comes to how many calories you're eating on an adlib diet when you're just basically just eating mm-hmm.
(11:03): I think that they are, and I, I, I don't know, but you working with women over 40, I really think that most women believe they are getting enough protein. I think that they underestimate how much protein they actually need. And I know a lot of women who they, they'll eat one egg, you know, a hard bold egg for breakfast and they, they'll say that's enough. Or they'll have a few little pieces of chicken on their salad, and they think that's enough. So how come we're so confused about how much protein we need? But first off, would you agree? And it sounds like you do, but Yeah, Yeah,
(11:39): Well absolutely. And, and so everybody's eating enough protein to be alive by definition. Mm-Hmm.
(12:33): And that's where you have the highest insulin sensitivity and the best metabolic health. So pretty much every woman who comes to see me has the same goal. They want more muscle and less fat. They might not realize this, but that's what they want, both for metabolic health and reversing diabetes and anything related to insulin resistance and also just to feel good and look good naked and all these things, right? It's all about body composition, more muscle as fat. And what happens when you look at the protein versus energy ratio of your diet? Protein is supporting your lean mass and carbs of fats are supporting your fat mass. And so when you eat a higher pro-protein percentage of your diet, you just automatically get more protein and less carve in fats and you're improving body composition automatically. And what's driving that is basically protein leverage.
(13:22): And that you can take any animal, any omnivore mammal and just increase the protein percentage of its diet, and it will automatically eat less calories. That's extremely powerful. It's almost linear from like 10% to 30% of calories from protein. You have this extremely linear reduction in how many calories people eat with a very powerful gear ratio. It's like 10 to one for every calorie of protein you eat. You eat 10 fewer calories of carbs and fats between this 10% to 30% protein range in human diet. And just extremely powerful mm-hmm.
(14:45): So let's talk about something that's very popular right now cuz it popped in my mind cuz it's all their age. Everyone's doing intermittent fasting and they're so people are very proud of how small their eating window is. And one of my biggest concerns is, well, one is the stress on the cortisol when you fast that long, but also protein, can you get enough protein when you're intermittent fasting? Can you speak to that, those
(15:12): Issues? So intermittent fasting is definitely, it's on a u-shaped curve where like a, I like a light amount of intermittent fasting. I pretty much never recommend over a 16 eight where you have an eight hour eating window and a 16 hour fast. And I think doing a little bit of that might help people get more in touch with hunger and fullness and at least feel slightly more comfortable operating in a lower glycogen state where they're, you know, living off a stored body fat. But you really don't wanna push that too far because a bunch of stuff happens. First of all, as you get hungrier and hungrier when you do go to refeed your food choices are not as good. It's, you're not necessarily reaching for the skinless chicken breast and the salad you're eating like a whole jar of peanut butter.
(15:58): If you, if you shove your eating window down into one hour, you get so hungry that your food choices are not quite as good. The other thing is, if you're trying to build muscle at the same time as losing fat, which is recomposition, which is what everybody should constantly be trying to do forever, it's really hard to have optimal muscle protein synthesis when you don't have amino acids available. So if you're eating really small windows and you're trying to work out and build muscle, you might not get as far as you could if you had a wider eating window and more amino acid availability. If you're eating more protein more often, you get more protein synthesis basically. There's also muscle protein breakdown where the longer you go without eating, the more muscle protein breakdown you get. Cuz your body needs amino acids from somewhere.
(16:45): And if you're not eating carbohydrate, you have to manufacture it out of amino acids, which means breaking down some muscle at some point. So anyone who's had any kind of starvation event, their, you know, half of their weight that they're losing is skeletal muscle and half is fat. So as you go longer and longer without eating, the more of the weight that you lose is lean mass that you don't want to lose. So extended fasting is not that great. You're gonna lose half of it as lean mass. You're gonna get super hungry and refe on basically peanut butter. You're going to have no muscle protein synthesis during that period of time. So you, you really wanna be careful with intermittent fasting and I like just a little bit of it, just enough to kind of know what it's like to be actually hungry, if you know what I'm saying. And but I'm not a big fan OFin fast. I don't recommend it. You're absolutely right. There are big problems with protein adequacy and what you're really trying to do is maximize muscle and minimize fat at the same time, which means you do need to eat and you do need to eat protein. You're just trying to improve the ratio of protein and non-protein energy.
(17:51): Yeah. Okay, great. Thanks for addressing that. And I'm wondering if we can jump back to, we talked about how people don't have protein awareness, they think that I ate an egg, I'm good, but it only has six grams of protein and if you need 120 grams in a day and you've really got a lot of eating to do, so everybody listening is probably wondering, well, how do I know if I'm getting enough protein? So what would you tell them, Ted? How to know how much protein they need? And then next would be how to know how much to eat. Because I think that a lot of people don't like using calculators or measuring things and they wanna be able to eyeball the toe. What are some rules of thumb to make sure they get enough, but starting with how do I know how much I need?
(18:38): Well, first of all, you know, the goal is eventually for everyone to just eat without having to track anything. Like, you know, you eventually don't wanna have to track, you just want to eat and not have to worry about macros or anything. But I think everybody should track their macros at least for a week or two. Just to re just have the awareness of, oh wow, I thought this was a high protein food. It's really just mostly fat, you know what I'm saying? You eat the hot dog and you're like, Oh, that's protein. Oh it's actually like, you know, 15 grams of fat and five grams of protein. And a lot of people, what they think is protein is really mostly fat or very little protein. So tracking, learning how to track for a week or two is, is critical and I recommend that to all of my patients.
(19:21): And you, you do that so that eventually you won't have to track basically. But when it comes to protein, if your goal is to really get the, if you're exercising, if you're doing resistance training, you know, let's say you're lifting weights twice a week and you're trying to add some muscle and lose fat at the same time and every single person on earth should be doing exactly that. You probably want, if you want optimal muscle building and you want optimal protein satiety for fat loss, you basically want to eat one gram per pound of protein one gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight. Now that's not what you weigh now, that's not what you wanna weigh. That's, that's what you should weigh if you had perfect body composition at your height. So you go by your height, it's like, how much should I weigh if I was a model, if I was in perfect shape, You know what I mean? So like I'm five 10 and ideal body weight for a five 10 male is 160 pounds. And so I would aim for 160 grams protein day, one gram per pound of ideal body weight, not actual weight, but what you should weigh if you were flawless, basically,
(20:27): And I just wanna, I'm gonna intro interject in there for women, if you're a hundred pound, I'm sorry, if you're five feet, you should weigh average body, ideal body weight, it would be a hundred pounds. And for every inch you are over five feet, add five pounds. Now that's just an average, but I know some of you're wondering, well, how do I know what my ideal body weight is? So I wanted to give you a little quick measure that you can use. Go ahead.
(20:53): Absolutely. Yeah, that's perfect. Thank you very much. I have that in the book and that's a brilliant point. Women should weigh a hundred pounds of five feet and then five pounds for every inch. So if you're five five, you should weigh 125 pounds. That would be ideal. Perfect. weight. And that's a really good rule of thumb for how much, how many grams of protein. So five, five women would want 125 grams of protein for men, you get an extra 10 pounds. So men should weigh 110 at five feet and also the same as women, five pounds for every additional inch. Another, we care about men on this five in particular, but that yeah, that's just basically a really good rule of thumb is a hundred pounds, five feet and five pounds for every inch. And I think that not only is this amount of per protein gonna allow you to build the most muscle optimal muscle growth, but it's mostly gonna get you the highest satiety per calorie.
(21:44): So you're just automatically eating less. And our thin, And so a lot of people are like, Oh, I can't eat, you know, I'm eating 60 grams of protein now. I can't eat 120 grams of protein. And the secret is basically leaner proteins. If you eat most people, the proteins they're eating now have a, has a lot of fat in it. And so they're like, Oh, I could never eat twice that much. It could never eat twice as many eggs or twice as much red meat. Oh, well those foods have, you know, equal grams of protein in fat. If you get something that's higher in protein and lower in fat like a non-fat Greek yogurt or a skinless chicken breast or a piece of fish or some shrimp or something, that's a super lean protein egg whites, you know, way powder, it's a very easy to eat them much protein and you're just way less hungrier downstream of that.
(22:30): Okay, awesome. So now they know based on their ideal body weight, how much protein they should be getting. Let's talk about how they can, So I, I like what you say, everyone should check it for about two weeks. I think there's no better thing to study than yourself. What is it Shakespeare say to the unknown self to be true? Well, how can you be true to yourself if you don't even know yourself? And you've got to know what you're actually eating. And I think studies have shown that we are notoriously incorrect when it comes to estimating the number of calories that we eat, the different types of macronutrients, the distribution that we eat. We think we're doing so much better than we are
(23:30): Most of your meat is going to be 25 grams of protein for every a hundred grams of meat. You know what I mean? So if you ate a pound of average meat of any kind, you're gonna get 25 grams of, I'm sorry, a hundred grams of protein. So like a pound is 450 grams and about 25% of that would be protein. So like a pound of meat is a hundred grams of protein or, you know, four ounces of chicken or fish or something is gonna be, you can basically take 25% of the weight and that's your protein amount. So like four ounces is a hundred grams ish and that gives you 25 grams of protein. So like you said, like you're serving the size of your hand, it's gonna be, you know, 20, 25 grams of protein. That way you don't have to really weigh or measure anything.
(24:17): It's, I think it's fine when you're tracking to just kind of estimate because at least you're gonna get in the ballpark. None of this macro tracking is super, super accurate. So even if you're just kind of roughly estimating, you'll have a much better idea of which foods are getting you closer to your protein goal faster and which ones kind of aren't. You know what I'm saying? The, those are some good rules of thumb. Like just, you know, estimating, you know, four ounces is gonna be 20, 25 grams of most meat, but then any sort of packaged food, who knows, You have to look at the label. You people need to learn how to read labels because you, you're like, Okay, I'm gonna eat some yogurt yogurt's healthy. You just walk in the yogurt aisle, you grab your yo play and this crap has like six grams of protein and then 33 grams of carbs, 25 which are sugar, and then like 10 grams of fat.
(25:09): And it's like, what it really is is like more sugar and fat than a candy bar and the same amount of protein like Snickers bar versus yo play yogurt, very similar. Like it's just hideous. But next to it, you know one I, you know, there's a hundred yogurts and yogurt aisle, then you've got your like boy coast triple zero, which is, you know, 15 grams of protein for like no fat at all, and like six grams of carbs or something really, really good. Or there's your foer zero, which is just like pure protein. And so you really have to look at the labels and, and I talk about that in the book a lot. You're basically looking at the ratio of protein grams to carb in fat grams and you, you pretty much want, you know, the higher you can get on the protein and lower you can get on the carbon fat. And that was super important to start looking at labels, have label awareness, look at the grams of protein compared to the grams of carbs and fats. And you'll realize some of these foods are really just carbs and fats. There's almost no per in them. And I think this is a, another super important skill that everybody has to learn is just labeling Are
(26:14): There certain ratios that you like to see or certain kind of cutoff absolute numbers ratios that you tell people to look for?
(26:24): Absolutely. Right. So if you can, well, first, if you can get protein to 30% of your calories, you're pretty much gonna reverse every pre-diabetic or type two diabetic on the planet. You just basically can't overeat when your protein gets this high. If you can get your protein to 40% of your calories, you're basically guaranteed fat loss when you're eating this food. So the, this 40% protein is an amazing goal. And the way you can tell, you can just look at a label and tell if it's 40% protein or higher, you take the grams of protein, and you multiply it by 10, you just put a zero on the end and then you look at the calories and if 10 times the protein is equal to or greater than the calories in in the food, it's at least 40% protein or higher.
(27:10): So like you pick up your triple zero yogurt, right? And it's got 15 grams of protein and 150 calories and 15 times 10 is one 50. So now you've got a food that's exactly 40% protein, right? 50 grams of protein and 150 calories, that's a 40% protein food. You're, you can pretty much just eat that food and steadily lose weight all the way down to your ideal body weight. You are going, this is going to be a fat loss food for anyone. And that's a really good rule of thumb when you're looking at packaged foods and just, you want the, you know, ratio of protein to calories to be as high as possible. And when you start doing that with different packaged foods, you quickly realize that 99% of them are abject garbage and are mostly just non protein energy, just refine carbs, refined fats dumped in the food supply, creating protein and nutrition delusion. So it's just empty calorie, everybody's ever eating it and we got an obesity epidemic. So yeah, it's, it's but that's a really good rule of thumb that people should
(28:14): Check it out. I love that. Thank you so much for that. Everybody listening, we will put this in the show notes, so don't try to write it down while you're driving your car
(29:07): It was personal as well. I mean, like I was, I used to have just hor horrible body composition. If you look at my before and afters, you know, I've really come a long way. So it, it's
(29:36): Yeah, I love that. Me search
(30:28): So if you've been struggling with any of those hormonal imbalances or maybe the symptoms of them where you're waking up in the middle of the night or you're tired in the afternoon or your hair's falling out, or you have no sex drive, you, you guys know these symptoms cause we talk about them all the time. Body composition speaks directly to your hormone. So I wanna encourage all of you to start working with your protein and get your protein to adequate levels. Before we wrap up Dr. Ted, I'm wondering if you can explain what you meant by this quote that you shared with me before we started. That everything in life is on a u-shaped curve. What does that mean?
(31:08): I think the intermittent fasting I was talking about before is a really good example where if you, you know, intermittent fasting is, is for sure on a U-shaped curve where, you know, on one end of the U you've got like constant eating all day, you know, nonstop. And on the other end you've got eating, you know, one meal a week or something extreme, you know, and you're, you're, you're really gonna get, have problems on either side of that. And the sweet spot is somewhere in the middle where you're just optimizing the return on investment. It's like cardio, right? Like if you do no cardio ever, you're literally 12 times higher risk of Alzheimer's dementia and your all cause mortality goes through the roof and you're basically just gonna die, right? So that's one end of the U-shape group. But then if you're an ultra-marathon or, and you're doing Ironmans and you're doing, you know, more than several hours, more than two hours of high intensity cardio every day, your risk for cardiac arrhythmia goes way up.
(32:07): All cause mortality goes, you're literally gonna die a little bit younger and there's this sweet spot where you do like, you know, 15 to 45 minutes of cardio a day and you're just giving the maximum return on investment and it's right in the center. You know what I mean? It's like, it's like this curve where really bad stuff on either end and then somewhere in the middle is a really good sweet spot zone where you get the very best return on on your investment protein percents the same way. If you're way too low, you're just gonna massively over calories. But if you're too high, if you try to eat 50% protein, 60%, you're just starving out of your mind. You're constantly hungry. You can get so thin, you basically die of rabbit starvation they call it, which is what explorers got when they had nothing but like rabbits and deer and super lean, meaty you basically can't live on that.
(32:56): And so there's this, there's this really sweet spot, you know, maybe about 30% of calories from protein where your body competition's perfect and every, you feel good and everything's working great. And so all of these factors are on a u-shaped curve, like, like carbohydrate intake. If you eat absolutely no carbs ever, you have this kind of weird carbohydrate hunger where you end up overeating calories from fat. And so it's not optimal for body composition. You're also having to create all your glucose out of protein, which is not very protein sparing, and you might be not optimally building muscle because you don't have the same amount of protein. Then also if you're eating, you know, tons of carbs, you're basically not very fat adapted, so you're just having to eat a lot more often and your blood sugar is going up, down, up, down.
(33:43): But there's this kind of sweet spot, you know, where you're, you know, eating a hundred grams of carb a day, a hundred or maybe one gram per pound, and you're, you get enough carbohydrate to run all the processes in your body and spare protein for muscle building, but you're not like, so higher, so low that bad things happen. Same thing happens with fat. You know, if you, your fat's way too low, you basically, your hair falls out, you have no sex hormones and you're, you know, you feel horrible and you're basically gonna die if you don't have enough central fatty acids, but the fat percentage of your diet is too high. You just basically don't get enough satiety and you're always hungry for like a little bit of carbohydrate. So there's like, everything, all this stuff is, is on this curve and you're trying to find the middle part where you're optimal.
(34:29): And the answer is never like zero anything or a hundred percent anything. And that's why I don't like people to say, Oh, if low carb good, then zero carbs the best and super high fat is the best. And that's how we get to like these really fringy, you know, zero carb, keto carnivore, whatever things all, and we've all done it. Like, I was like, you know, I've tried, I've done all this stuff. I was zero carb, I was keto, I was carnivore, I was plant ba, I was vegan, I've done it all. And we, we tended drift to the extremes on the ends. And that's never really the answer. It's always somewhere in the middle. And you have to find that kind of sweet spot where you get the, the maximum benefit for the minimum effort and where you kind of all the dials line up. And I, I think you, I've heard you talk about like, you know, the 12 o'clock in the center, right? The range is where you wanna be and everything's like that. You don't want to be super high or super low.
(35:25): Yes. Okay. I think that is an excellent summary. You want moderation, and I think you can only achieve that for yourself if you study yourself and you know yourself. So I'm a big fan of using tools to understand what your personal body likes and what it doesn't like. Using a continuous glucose monitor, tracking your food for a while, trying different exercise activities, you know, maybe hit weight training, Pilates, yoga, whatever, swimming and seeing what works best for your body. But I love what you're saying. It's, it's in the middle. Don't be extreme and you're so right. I think whatever it is that we, whatever our exercise religion is, whatever our diet religion is, we do tend to be excessive and extreme about it. So let's all come back to the middle. Let's eat more protein and let's get more balance. Thank you so much Dr. Ted for coming on the show today and sharing this super important information with everyone. Tell everyone where they can find out more, where they can get your book and all, all the things
(36:32): Go. Thanks. Well, I'm my primary care doctor here in Seattle and my, my practice is full, my practice is closed. I don't really work with anyone directly, but I've written all this stuff down in a book called the PE Diet, and you can find that@thepediet.com or ted naman.com or just anywhere online where books are sold, like Amazon or what Kindle or any of those places. I'm also on the socials at Ted Naman on Twitter and Instagram and stuff like
(36:58): That. All right. We will have all these links also for you in the show notes, so you don't need to try to write them down. And we'll have a link to his website and to the book. Thank you so much for joining us today to thanks for having me, and thank you all for joining me for another episode of The Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kirin. I want to ask you to take action on the information you've heard today. Just be 1% better and strive for consistency and that moderation Dr. Ted's talking about. Pick one of the things that we've mentioned and just start doing it. How could you get more protein in your diet? Start reading labels, start doing the calculation that Dr. Ted shared with you. It is super simple. It will literally take you seconds and the more protein you have, the fewer calories you're going to eat, the better body composition you're gonna have, the better hormone balance you're gonna have, and the better you're going to feel and function, jump on social media and tell me what you've decided to do and the results that you're getting. I can't wait to hear it. I will see you next week. Until then, peace, love, and hormones, y'all.
(38:07): Thank you so much for listening. I know that incredible vitality occurs for women over 40 when we learn to speak hormone and balance these vital regulators to create the health and the life that we deserve. If you're enjoying this podcast, I'd love it if you'd give me a review and subscribe. It really does help this podcast out so much. You can visit the hormone prescription.com where we have some free gifts for you, and you can sign up to have a hormone evaluation with me on the podcast to gain clarity into your personal situation. Until next time, remember, take small steps each day to balance your hormones and watch the wonderful changes in your health that begin to unfold for you. Talk to you soon.
► The P:E Diet Book (Digital Version) by Dr. Ted Naiman
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Thursday Oct 20, 2022
How Loving Yourself Cultivate Ultimate Hormone Balance
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Have you ever wondered how to get your hormones in balance? If you're a woman in her midlife, you're probably already feeling the effects of hormone changes. But don't despair! Dr. Sonya Jensen is here to tell us all about how we can use self-love to achieve ultimate hormone balance.
In this episode, Dr. Jensen shares her insights on how the way we feel about ourselves affects our hormones. She also provides practical tips on how we can start loving ourselves more, in order to achieve better hormone balance. If you're struggling with hormonal issues, this is the episode for you!
About Dr. Sonya Jensen:
Dr. Sonya Jensen is a Naturopathic Physician with a mission to change the way women understand their bodies and themselves. She believes that women are the center of their families and communities, and by supporting them, we are creating a ripple effect that will support the whole.
Dr. Jensen is a mother of two boys, an author, yoga teacher, podcaster, workshop and retreat leader, as well as the co-founder of Divine Elements Health Center, The Longevity Lab, and The Health Ignited Academy, alongside with her husband, Dr. Nicholas Jensen. Her background in cell biology and lived experience with Ayurvedic Medicine in her home has given her insight into the human body that helps her serve the women and families she works with from multiple different lenses.
Dr. Jensen believe it is everyone’s birthright to live a happy, healthy, joyful, and abundant life, and she's honoured to help her community move from a state of simply surviving to genuinely thrive.
In this episode, you'll learn:
-How our feelings about ourselves affect our hormones
-Why self-love is essential for hormone balance
-Practical tips for how to start loving yourself more
-How hormones are related to the nervous system
So tune in, and learn how to get your hormones in balance with self-love!
If you liked this episode, please subscribe to the Hormone Prescription Podcast and leave us a review! We appreciate your support!
(00:00): The relationship you have with yourself is the most important one in your life. Your hormones tell your story, the imprints, the traumas, and the victories.
(00:10): So the big question is how do women over 40 like us keep weight off, have great energy, balance our hormones and our moods, feel sexy and confident, and master midlife? If you're like most of us, you are not getting the answers you need and remain confused and pretty hopeless to ever feel like yourself again. As an o g Yn, I had to discover for myself the truth about what creates a rock solid metabolism, lasting weight loss, and supercharged energy after 40, in order to lose a hundred pounds and fix my fatigue, now I'm on a mission. This podcast is designed to share the natural tools you need for impactful results and to give you clarity on the answers to your midlife metabolism challenges. Join me for tangible, natural strategies to crush the hormone imbalances you are facing and help you get unstuck from the sidelines of life. My name is Dr. Kyrin Dunston. Welcome to the Hormone Prescription Podcast.
(01:04): Hey everybody. Welcome back to another episode of The Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kirin. Thank you so much for joining me today. You are gonna love my guest today. As much as I love her after you listen to our interview. She is a soulful physician who is passionate about helping women with their health and their hormones and to live more empowered and embodied lives. Sound familiar? I believe in all the same things. And we have a lot of similar interests in training. So I'll tell you a little bit about her, and then we'll get started, and we'll talk in the interview about the quotes that I shared with you at the beginning from her about your relationship with yourself being the most important one in your life and how your hormones tell your story. If you're not sure about what that means, stay tuned and we'll dive into it.
(01:53): So Dr. Sonia Jensen is a naturopathic position in Canada and she's on a mission to change the way women understand their bodies and themselves. She believes that women are the center of their families and communities, and by supporting them we're creating a ripple effect that will support the whole. She is the mom of two boys. She's an author, yoga teacher, podcaster workshop and retreat leader, and she's the co-founder of Divine Elements Health Center, the Longevity Lab, and the Health Ignited Academy with her husband, Dr. Nicholas Johnson. She has a background in cell biology and her lived experience with Irv medicine in her home has given her insight into the human body that helps her to serve the women and families she works with from multiple different lenses. She believes it's everyone's birthright to live a happy, healthy, joyful, and abundant life. I believe the same, and she's honored to help our community move from a state of simply surviving to genuinely thriving. Welcome Dr. Sonya Jensen.
(02:54): Thank you so much for having me. Such an honor and I'm very excited about our conversation.
(02:59): Me too. We have so many joys and loves in common and you really approach women's health from such a deep spiritual place, which I do too. I wanna dive into that, but I wanna start with how you came to have this perspective because not all physicians who work with women and work with women in their hormones work with women in their health. Really it's very, a very mechanical approach in the mainstream. And so how did you come to have this deeper appreciation for what's going on with women's health?
(03:38): Yeah, thank you. It's a great question and I think for me, just from the beginning, I've just had a very curious mind about humans in general and how we operate and why we make the choices we make. And just observing, you know, myself and my culture and understanding the stresses and traumas that I went through growing up and how that impacted my health really didn't become clear to me until I was actually in naturopathic school and in training. And the beauty of naturopathic school is they do really teach us to look at health from a different lens, like very holistic, but it still doesn't hit that spiritual, that emotional piece that's actually impacting our health and our everyday relationships to others, to ourselves and our hormones. So as I started working with women and started to see their stories unfold in front of me initially, you know, you have your training so you're doing all your differential in your mind and trying to figure out, okay, what's the best next step?
(04:37): I'm already like 10 steps ahead even as they're telling me their story. And it really wasn't until I feel like I became pregnant with my first son and I really paused and started to recognize changes in my body and started to be just so present in myself that that forced me to be present with the women that were in front of me. And what that did, it actually created a trajectory of healing for me. And I went down this healing path of becoming a yoga teacher, understanding how my trauma started impacting me and my hormones in my youth from having cervical dysplasia to P C O S, to all these things and thinking, oh, there were just physical manifestations. But realizing that physical manifestation came from something deeper. And as I started to pause and listen to women's stories and connecting the dots for them, I started to really understand like, this is such important work that we're not uncovering enough as physicians or even as women. We're not even aware that we can ask these questions and understand that how intimately connected all of this is. So really, I have to say it was, it's my patience that have given me this opportunity to learn more.
(05:48): Yes. I love, you know, how the journey becomes the teaching and the lesson, the patience teach us. And it's, that's part of my story too, but it took me a month a lot longer
(07:05): Yeah, I think our relationship, or I feel that our relationship dictates everything cuz that self-talk that we women especially have, as soon as we wake up, we look at ourselves in the mirror, and instantly we have criticism instantly we have a to-do list instantly. We're already thinking about what others might think or what we need to do to meet others' expectations, whether it's our partner or our children and even ourselves from the conditioning that we've received through observing the women when we were growing up, or the conditioning that was just passed down from generation to generation. And so all of that sets us up to have these sets of beliefs about who we are and how we're supposed to present ourselves. And in that I think we lose this ability to understand who we actually are, who we were meant to be in this lifetime, in this body.
(07:57): And instead we're just playing these roles that we're given and wearing these masks that we have to put on in order to just navigate our days. And it really, I feel, isn't until we understand that we're doing that, that we have these roles that we're playing, these masks that we're wearing, that we can start unleashing some of those. And then through that we start to understand, okay, what's actually important to me? How do I define success? What does health actually look like? What do I want to dream into my life? What's my self worth? All of those things will dictate our actions and will dictate how we even are relating to our partners or to ourselves. And I think that in itself will then imprint itself into ourselves and our bodies. And then the body starts to speak, right? Like the more women deal with autoimmune disorders and cancers than men do. And so when you start to unravel some of those stories of like, why is our self fighting ourself? Why are these cancer cells producing themselves and creating these whole new communities? Like what about us is so disconnected that we've forgotten our true essence cuz we've learned to really shun that voice or not listen to it cuz there's so much noise in our environment. Mm-hmm
(09:30): Yeah. If we can just go to the simplicity of how our nervous system works, right? We have a sympathetic nervous system, the parasympathetic branch and the sympathetic is our fight or flight, it's our, you know, the one that we rely on for protection to run away from that dangerous situation that we might be in and in our perceived mind when we're triggered by something, this could be a smell, this could be a conversation, this could be a look that a partner gives us. And all of a sudden we're taken back to a moment when we're young and maybe we were scolded for doing something or maybe we had a big T trauma, these micro things that may have happened. Wake up your brain, this amygdala, your emotional center, and then tell the brain, Okay, I need, I need, I need to understand what's happening here.
(10:14): And then the hippocampus comes in, which is your memory center. They start talking to one another. They fuel your hypothalamus, which then tells your pituitary gland to give the reaction that your physiology needs in order for you to survive this moment. And when we're doing that on a repeated basis, again, this could be making lunches for our kids, taking, dropping them off to school and then to soccer and then to this. And we're in this race, but the body's like, wow, she's in danger all the time. So I have to give her this cortisol, I have to give her this adrenaline in order for her to make it through her day. And so we create this pattern in our physiology, which then tells our sex hormones like progesterone and estrogen and testosterone to take a backseat. Cuz it's not about creating life or healing or resting, it's about surviving right now.
(11:01): So well said. And I, I think that, I was talking with a group of women yesterday. I met at a yoga retreat and I met this group of women and of course the topic with women always comes back to hormones. Cuz if you, yes, you can't meet a woman who doesn't have a hormone problem, it, it just doesn't exist. And I was explaining to them, you know, that the hormones originate in your central nervous system, they're part of your nervous system and most people don't get that. And you also shared this quote with me that I love hormones tell a woman's story, the imprints, the traumas and the victories. So can you talk about how hormones are related to the nervous system, that whole system you just talked about? I think you touched on it, but I really wanna make sure everybody listening gets it. Mm-hmm
(11:55): Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No that's beautiful. And you know, if we understand our hormones are responding to our environment. So that's our internal environment, that's our external environment, that's our emotional environment, chemical, physical, all of it. They're basically messengers that are communicating a message that they're receiving and then relaying it to another cell. So if we think about it in terms of stress, everybody understands stress. When we're under stress, immediately the brain's thinking, okay, what can I do to support her? And the thing that it can do to support us, the hypothesis will tell the pituitary gland to then talk to our adrenals to secrete cortisol. And cortisol, Again, it's a necessary component of our system, it's part of our circadian rhythm, it's necessary for energy, it's necessary as an anti-inflammatory at some points. But when we're overusing it, when we're overutilizing it, our progesterone, which is one of our sex hormones that actually regulates our cycle, it's anti-anxiety.
(12:52): It's, it's the one if you feel like you know you need a warm hug, progesterone gives you that warm hug
(14:05): Yes. So well said. And I know some women are thinking, well I hear about stress management is important for my hormone balance. I know I'm supposed to meditate, I can't shut my mind off. So they don't, I'm not really gonna do it. I hear people talk, they hear me talking about probably you talking about
(14:50): Yeah, I think helping women bridge that gap in a sense that just what we're doing, just this conversation, right? Teaching, teaching women that this is science based, right? It's our nervous system, it's our physiology, it's all of that. But it's so impacted by our life and our choices and all the things that are going on in our every day. And so in my book I created a quiz and it speaks to the triangle of disconnect because I feel like every disease process, everything that we suffer from is because of disconnection. And so what it did is defined three archetypes. So once the diva, the other ones the duchess, and then the other one is the damsel. So when you do this test or quiz, you kind of understand, okay, how do I actually operate cuz we don't even know sometimes because it's so autopilot, we don't know which archetype we are operating in in that moment.
(15:45): So the Duchess, just to describe it a little bit, she's like the CEO of our family or even of our business. Like she's got her schedule, she's getting up at 5:00 AM am doing her workout, getting the kids ready, like she's super organized. She's really got everything covered on the outside because she's in that race all the time and not really able to sit in her feminine energy at all or have any softness towards herself. She's usually suffering with like insomnia or digestive issues or of course hormone issues which stem from that. And then you have the damsel, which is like the community builder. I mean she's the one that everybody goes to. She's the one that brings people together. She will put herself last and everybody else ahead of her and she's usually the one that's not using her voice to communicate what's going on.
(16:32): So now we see thyroid issues because she's not communicating and there's usually some sort of cyst growing within her. Or these women usually have some sort of cancer because they just haven't been able to express what they need. The diva is the tricky one cuz she's the one that's been playing the roles and wearing the mask even tighter than the others. Cuz she may look like everything is okay on the outside. But her inner world is very chaotic. She probably went through a trauma that didn't, that created this inability for her to feel safe in her body. So when we start to understand, but she has gifts too. I mean she's the life of the party, right? She's the one that glows and is radiant. And so I find when we can identify where we sit and we might be all of them in some moments, we can use the gifts of these roles in mass and we can then understand if I play into this cuz it's not my essence, I may create this cascade of hormone changes because my nervous system is going to be impact and my brain's going to think I'm in danger.
(17:37): I'm not relaxed in my body, so my hormones can't do their job well, therefore I have symptoms. So I think teaching women that it's not normal to have horrible PMs and migraines before your period. It's not normal to have really dry vaginal area and really bad hot flashes when you're transitioning. We've normalized all of this. And so I think when we understand that it's not, we can then reverse engineer like, okay, where did this stem from? And you know, the western medicine can't deny that because it's science based. It's, it's your physiology.
(18:15): Yes. I love that. The diva, the damsel and the duchess. So everybody think about what roles you are playing and which, which do you identify with. And I love that you highlighted the, things which aren't normal. I recently did a TED talk and I had this refrain, Could menopause be the cause? Because I see so many women, and maybe you do too. I'd love for you to share your experience. They, like I said, you get a group of women and they're all talking about, Oh I get migraine headaches. Oh I never had an orgasm. I don't care if I ever have sex again. Oh my hair is falling out. Oh I have dry eye. Oh I've got irritable belt. Like all these things. And sometimes they recognize that they, these problems are hormonally based, but more often they're running from doctor to doctor specialist to specialist neurologists for their migraines, gastroenterologists for their irritable bowel. Never realizing that hormones play a role. So I really want everybody listening to hear what we're saying. And I love that you highlighted like, PMs is not normal, disman or a pain on your period is not normal. But we have normalized it, it's common in our culture, but it's not normal. So how do you speak to women about ho the, the vast array of problems that hormones can cause.
(19:38): Yes. So before we even get into, there's something that you said there was really important just like a group of women together and what we're talking about, right? And this might be like a cultural thing. I think there's a like a bigger thing going on here where we, we tend to want to talk about our problems to connect and what can happen sometimes in a healing journey for a woman. She gets so identified with her symptoms because it gives her reason to take care of herself. It gives her reason to connect with her neighbor or her girlfriends that without it sometimes it's hard to move through life because now it's become part of our identity. So I think the first thing for us women to do is like, okay, what are the things that we're actually celebrating with each other? Or does misery like companies so much that we want to talk about our problems?
(20:26): And I think there should be a safe place for us to be able to communicate all that's going on. And I think we also have to question like how much of of that am I keeping in my life? Because that is what gets me connection or that is what gives me permission to tell my husband or my partner that hey, I need to go get a massage today. I need to go do this because I have this thing going on. So I think reframing what self-care and self-worth and all those things are. So a part of that, I just wanted to touch on that before stepping into the the hormone piece. Cause I think it's, it's just a reframe that I think all of us women kind of need for ourselves.
(21:01): Absolutely. Thank you for doing that.
(21:03): Yeah. And then when it comes to, so how do we like educate women that everything is connected to hormones? Well, when we think about, I'm just gonna bring up stress again cuz that's just so common. Like I'm under stress, I've got a deadline, I've got insomnia, I've got all these things going on. These hormones are the ones that are taking the message from your brain that your brain has received this message from the outside world and your internal world and now has to tell your organs to secrete these hormones. To bring that message to the next piece in order for the body to function the way it needs to go without hormones. So for example, when you're eating food hormones are at play, your glucose and your insulin. Insulin is a hormone. And we don't realize that, you know, as we're aging and stepping into menopause and all of a sudden we have some weight in around our belly, and we're eating the same that we did maybe 10 years ago and not being able to digest like we did before.
(21:56): Cuz insulin is shifting. If insulin is high, your testosterone is low. And for women we need testosterone. It's for our motivation, it's for libido, it's for lean muscle mass. So now the everyday things that we do all connect back to hormones, what we eat, the pesticides that are sprayed on our fruits and vegetables look like estrogen, which is a hormone. The products that we're using on our skins have hormone disruptors which change our hormones. Everything in our environment, in our thoughts and beliefs in our physiology is impacted by hormones or, or is impacting the hormones.
(22:36): It's so true. And I talk with women every day, they say, but kirin, I don't know how to do it differently. My life is my life. I've got two kids. Um, I've got a partner, I have certain responsibilities at home. I have a job, you know, I've got an an ill elderly parent, I have to care for, I have my commute. That's not gonna change. I have all these things in my life. My life is set up this way. How in the world do I even start to tease it all apart and do it differently? Yeah. So where do you start? Where do you tell them to start? Yeah.
(23:13): Yeah. One moment at a time. I mean the first thing is recognizing stress is always going to be there. Life is the, this is life. But how we respond to it can be a choice. So bringing in daily habits, habit stacking I find is helpful. So everyone's brushing their teeth in the morning. So while you're brushing your teeth, maybe you have a mantra written on your mirror that you're repeating in your mind when you're brushing your teeth. So there now you've just given yourself some me time to connect with something a little bit bigger than you. Maybe you have a non-negotiable every day. So I actually get women to make a joy list. So you have your joy list. What are the things that give me joy? And it can be something so simple for me it's a cup of tea. So then I make sure every day I'm having a little bit of time to myself with that cup of tea.
(24:00): So now that's bringing calm into your nervous system. So it's retraining that pattern that is go, go, go. But instead it's reteaching the mind that hey, no, she is pausing, she is stopping. So now maybe in between the trigger and the response, there'll be some space and time for her to not react with that anxiety and that rush that shows up in her world. So starting with these simple things, maybe it's not taking something away from your diet, maybe it's adding something good, maybe it's adding like a greens powder, maybe it's adding some more healthy fats. Maybe it's adding something so that you feel like you've done something that day for yourself and that in itself feels like a victory. So then you desire it more. So you start with one thing, then the next thing and the next thing. Even with detoxifying our environment that impacts our hormones, I always say start with one room.
(24:52): Maybe we start with the bathroom and we look at the products for using. But you do it in stages, so it doesn't feel overwhelming, and it feels like this lifestyle shift that you can do. I've got two boys, two businesses, you know there are so many things that we all do. And I think the moment we realize we are worth it because we have this one vehicle and this lifetime to have the experiences that we want to dream the life that we want. So our job, it is our duty to take care of this vehicle.
(25:21): Yeah. I love this other quote you shared with me. By creating a morning routine, you are not only priming your body and mind for the day, but giving your soul a gift of nourishment and love. Mm-hmm
(26:06): Yes. So when we have a conversation with somebody, we're watching something and all of a sudden we start to feel this like inner emotion coming up. Maybe it's rage, maybe it's anxiety, maybe it's something else kind of fueling our brain to react. Maybe the reaction is sadness, maybe the reaction is irritation in that moment in between there, in between that input we have like a millisecond to decide are we going to react to this or are we going to observe our own reaction and then respond to it. So there's a famous quote by Dr. Victor Frankel. He um, wrote the book, Man Search for Meaning. And there's another book called The Choice by Dr. Edith Edgar. And they're both Holocaust survivors. So he speaks to freedom and how freedom actually lies in that space between a stimulus and our response to that. Cause we've all been through it, someone says something and we react and we realize after like, oh you know, that's not how I wanted to show up but because I felt the way I did, I showed up that way.
(27:13): Maybe we, you know, maybe it's with our kids, we get irritated because it's a week before our period or you know, the, we haven't slept well and we're reacting to life instead of actually responding. So I find when you give ourselves space in the morning or whenever it is for you, it practices that we get to practice that so that in our everyday moments when there's a trigger that shows up instead of reacting right away, we can take a breath and we can pause and then we can choose how we're going to react. Cuz I do feel like that's true freedom cuz we're not now, we're not reacting because something else is taking over. It's not controlling us, but instead we're in the driver's seat of our life when we do that.
(27:54): Right. Thank you for explaining that. And that was certainly something I had to learn on my healing journey cuz when you're triggered, that's your sympathetic nervous system. Mm-hmm
(28:38): Mm-hmm
(29:28): So you're just placing your hands on your body and you're just breathing and that's easy, we can all breathe. Right? So once we start that and then they kind of get to the next level like, oh yeah, that was easy. I could do them. Okay, now that you've done one to three minutes, why don't we try five minutes or 10 minutes or why don't we break it up, do it in the morning and do it in the evening. So we start creating these little habits and then educating the women on, you know, all the choices we're making throughout the day are going to fuel those hormones. So when you choose something, when you're about to choose a food or what you're going to watch or conversation that you're gonna have, ask yourself a question, Is this going to nourish me? And if the answer is no, maybe we make a different choice. If the answer is no and we still do it, then maybe no later without any shame or judgment we ask ourselves, Huh, I wonder what that was about. So I find the more we question, the easier it becomes to remove judgment, to remove shame, but to really just observe who we are. And I find that's key to falling in love with yourself again, cuz that morning is that time to fall in love with yourself, which is so important.
(30:34): So I love that you just said that because it's really tossed around love yourself. You have to love yourself first. All this, but talk about what does that mean, self love? I think that people could use more clarity on that.
(30:49): Yes. Yeah. It's triggering. It's like, well how do you do that? What does that even mean? And for me, and I'll speak to just from my experience and the women that I've worked with, it's when I'm making choices that fuel me instead of deplete me. So when I'm making a choice to eat food that I know are going to energize myself, I'm loving myself. If I choose to go somewhere out of obligation, I mean I come from a really big Indian family, we have weddings every week and there's all this stuff going on all the time. And if I'm going because I have to, I'm not loving myself At that moment, it's an obligation. But if I'm going out of joy and wanting to connect with my family, then I'm loving myself. So I think it's in our daily choices and that shows us that we are worthy, that it's our birthright to be in joy and we can fall in love with ourselves and love ourselves and it's through those choices.
(31:43): Yeah. I always say that self-love is a verb, it's not a feeling. Mm-hmm
(32:44): Yeah, so that, I actually observed when I was sitting in Spain one day. Yeah. And I was just watching people and I was watching these elders and they're like, you know, arm in arm dressed up on a Sunday afternoon making out on the bench, you know, just like in their like true bliss. And then you see them going and having their taps and their, and their wine and things. And I'm like, hey, this culture that eats at like 10:00 PM or midnight drinks all day,
(33:39): Cuz we've made it through the day, right? And we all have our things questioning, Okay, what if I didn't have that wine? Would I still feel deserving of rest? Would I feel deserve of a walk around the block? What is that giving me? And often women by themselves, I don't even have to say anything they know, they already know, right? No, it's not serving me. It actually gives me insomnia. I can't sleep well then my digestion's off the next day and now I have no energy. And it's this vicious cycle. So once we start changing that relationship with that thing that we think is helping us, then all of a sudden we can shift that relationship. And then later on maybe we bring it in once in a while and it's more about a having it for joy rather than depending on it to escape.
(34:20): Yeah, I know that's true in my life. I used to have the wine to wind down and then when I got on this path, I said, Well that's not healthy. It's hurting my gut. It's unbalancing my blood sugar. It's causing all kinds of problems. So I started doing yin yoga in the evenings to wind down and I, I couldn't believe that, you know, an hour of yin yoga would restore me to feel better than a glass of wine. So that replaced. And then the coffee in the morning, I stopped that and I started going for real vigorous hit training in the morning. And that got me the energy that I needed and just replacing habits one by one and really making conscious choices. So instead of trying to escape my life, and I also wanna give a little hope to any woman out there who is, as I described earlier, but ki I've got, you know, all these responsibilities, this is my life, I can't do it any differently.
(35:16): I used to think the same thing and people would say to me, Well you should just stop delivering babies, right? Just do gynecology. No I can't. Women depend on me. You know? And I couldn't see how I could do it differently. And I worked with this one life coach back then, and she had me, she said, Just, I want you to write every day my life is and how it feels. Peaceful, joyful, free, all. And I thought she was crazy. But I just kept writing it. I kept writing it. And you know, fast forward a decade, my life looks completely different. And it is all those things that I wrote about. And so I think if you really focus on your intention and what is the feeling you want to cultivate in your life organically, these things start to change and you start making more empowered choices. Yeah. What do you think?
(36:07): Yeah, yeah. I mean it's like that example, all of a sudden you think about buying a red car and then you're seeing red cars everywhere. Whereas before you thought there's no red cars around, of course I'm gonna get a red car. And it's the same thing with this like self care and manifesting the kind of life that you want. And it's, as soon as you focus on it, it's like what Tony Robbins says, What you focus on grows. So as soon as you start focusing on all of a sudden these opportunities show up, conversations, podcasts that you're listening to, things start to come into your life that give you the signal or this like nudge towards that direction that you're trying to move towards. But are we listening to them is the other question. So we can we pause enough to kind of see what they're trying to speak to us and are we listening to that inner voice too that's trying to tell us the same thing?
(36:51): And I think when you do something repeatedly, I mean yoga get training, they teach this too. Like when you're doing a meditation for 40 days, 66 days, 90 days, like there's an actual change that's happening in the patterning of your nervous system. So we're changing that relationship you were speaking to, you know, doing that hit work out in the morning, that's giving you that real dopamine rise for a longer period. So you're feeling that joy in your brain instead of this like a quick dopamine that we get from, you know, put into cart and then go on on Amazon or somewhere else that we might be escaping life from. And so I think, yeah, what you said is key that we really, we are all busy, we have these full lives and that won't change, but how we respond to it, we can change.
(37:42): Yes. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with us today, Dr. Soya. I'd love for you to tell everyone about your book, your podcast. We won't have a link in the show notes to Dr. Sonia's website. Dr You Jensen, j e n s e n.com. She has a free download there she's gonna tell you about. So tell everybody about all the places they can find you and all the wonderful things you've created for them.
(38:10): Thank you. So you can find me on Instagram as well, Dr. Sonya Jensen there and the website and my book, Woman Unleashed, it's Revive or Release Your Story, Revive Your Hormones, Reclaim Your Freedom. And it was, it's a lot of me that's in there, my story and also my patient stories and how we just linked everything in this conversation too. So it's, it's kind of a self-discovery book that you can utilize and every chapter has a pause moment that allows you moments to reflect or to understand yourself better. And if you go to the website, put your email in, you will get the first three chapters, which has the quiz in those first three chapters. So you can figure out if you're a diva, a duchess, or a dance. Yeah,
(39:32): Absolutely. Thank you so much and thank you for all the work that you're doing and for this platform too. You're changing so many lives and it's, I just love seeing women empowering other women. Thank you.
(39:43): Thank you. And thank you all for joining me for another episode of The Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kirin. Look forward to seeing you next week. And until then, peace, love, and hormones y'all.
(39:56): Thank you so much for listening. I know that incredible vitality occurs for women over 40 when we learn to speak hormones and balance these vital regulators to create the health and the life that we deserve. If you're enjoying this podcast, I'd love it if you'd give me a review and some subscribe. It really does help this podcast out so much. You can visit the hormone prescription.com where we have some free gifts for you, and you can sign up to have a hormone evaluation with me on the podcast to gain clarity into your personal situation. Until next time, remember, take small steps each day to balance your hormones and watch the wonderful changes in your health that begin to unfold for you. Talk to you soon.
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Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Could Leptin Resistance Be Your Key To Unlocking Midlife Weight Loss?
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Do you find yourself struggling to lose weight, despite diet and exercise?
It might be time to look into leptin resistance.
On this episode of The Hormone Prescription, Dr. Bindiya Gandhi joins us to discuss this little-known hormone and how it could be the key to unlocking midlife weight loss. Dr. Gandhi shares her expert insights on leptin resistance, how it develops, and what you can do to overcome it. If you're looking for answers to your weight loss struggles, this is the episode for you!
Dr. Bindiya Gandhi is double board certified physician in Family Medicine and Integrative and Holistic Medicine. She is Atlanta’s Weight Loss doctor and by helping you uncover and tame leptin resistance can turn even the most unsuccessful dieter into a success. She is a media expert and has been featured in The Daily Mail, MindbodyGreen, PopSugar, Clean Plated, Well + Good and more.
She completed her family medicine training from Georgia Regents University/Medical College of Georgia June 2014. She completed her undergraduate training at the University of Georgia with Bachelors of Science in Biology and Psychology in 2004 and her Doctor of Medicine at American University of Antigua College of Medicine in 2010. She completed an Integrative medicine fellowship at the University of Arizona with Dr. Andrew Weil in 2016. She also completed Functional Medicine Training with the Institute of Functional Medicine in 2017.
Her interests include integrative, holistic and functional medicine, women's health, preventative medicine, international medicine and health care reform. Shes also a certified yoga instructor and reiki master. She used to practice emergency medicine as well. Dr. Bindiya is a media expert and contributor to numerous sites including The Daily Mail, MindbodyGreen, PopSugar, Clean Plated, Well + Good and more! When she's not working or writing you can find her in the kitchen cooking, doing yoga or enjoying time with her family & 3 girls
In this episode, you'll learn:
-What leptin resistance is and how it affects weight loss
-How to tell if you're leptin resistant
-Tips for overcoming leptin resistance
-And more!
So tune in and learn how you can finally start losing weight, even if you've been struggling for years.
(00:00): Dr. Bindiya says, If you never try, you will never know and don't underestimate your worth. What does this mean when it comes to your health at midlife? Stay tuned and find out.
(00:14):So the big question is, how do women over 40 like us keep weight off, have great energy, balance our hormones in our moods, feel sexy and confident, and master midlife? If you're like most of us, you are not getting the answers you need and remain confused and pretty hopeless to ever feel like yourself Again. As an ob gyn, I had to discover for myself the truth about what creates our rock solid metabolism, lasting weight loss, and supercharged energy after 40, in order to lose a hundred pounds and fix my fatigue. Now I'm on a mission. This podcast is designed to share the natural tools you need for impactful results and to give you clarity on the answers to your midlife metabolism challenges. Join me for tangible, natural strategies to crush the hormone imbalances you are facing and help you get unstuck from the sidelines of life. My name is Dr. Kyrin Dunston. Welcome to The Hormone Prescription Podcast.
(01:07): Hi everybody. Welcome back to another episode of the Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kyrin. Thank you so much for joining me today, we're gonna have fun talking about an aspect of weight loss resistance that you might not have heard of and that has to do with leptin. Don't worry if you don't know what it is. We're gonna dive into it, me and Dr. Binda and let you know so you'll have a full understanding and you'll get some ideas and knowledge and support and inspiration. And after all, that's what we're here for. So she will give you a big dose of that. I'll tell you a little bit about her and we will get started. You're gonna love her because she's not only knowledgeable, she is board certified in family medicine as well as integrative and holistic medicine. She studied with Andrew while who is amazing if you know anything about him.
(02:01): And she completed functional medicine training with the Institute of Functional Medicine in 2017. She's also a media expert and she's been featured in the Daily Mail, Mind Body, green Pop, Sugar, Clean Plated, Well and good and many others. Mostly she's Atlanta's a weight loss doctor, but she works with people remotely all over the country and by she can help you uncover and team and resistance and she can turn even the most unsuccessful dietary into a successful one. And she's here to tell you how and how the missing ingredient is leptin. Welcome, Dr. Binda Gandhi, thank you so much for having me today. Super excited to talk to you about leptin resistance. It's something that we really haven't talked, I don't think at all about on the podcast, and it's super important for women at midlife who are trying to lose weight. So I'm excited to dive into this topic. You know, for me, everything's about hormones and this is one that I have neglected to discuss. So I know a lot of people who are regular listeners are like, Yay, Dr. Karen, finally time, you're talking about leptin resistance. So let's get into it. But I wanna start by having you share with everyone how you honed in on leptin as being the biggest block for women at midlife to lose weight.
(03:21): Oh, you know, such a great question. You know, first of all, leptin is a hormone that is fairly a newer hormone, right? Not many people talk about it. You know, you can go to your endocrinologist and they're not even gonna wanna test this hormone. So just a little background about leptin, you know, it's a hormone that is actually produced by your fat cells and it's important because it communicates with your brain. It's basically our satiety hormone. And this hormone basically tells us if we're full or not. And this hormone is actually impacted by so many other hormones that you probably talk about already, like your thyroid, your estrogen, your progesterone, your insulin. So it's very important to kind of understand what's going on with this homo hormone individually, but how it's also being impacted by the other hormones. So this is why I love talking about it, and I really got into this because when I first started helping patients, a lot of people would come to me because they were struggling to get pregnant and they were having fertility issues. And I started noticing a link between leptin and fertility and then started doing some research and realized, hold up. There's more to the leptin story than just how it impacts fertility. It's also impacting not just our weight, it's impacting so many different aspects of our bodies. And this is why I'm so glad we're talking about this today cuz it's such an important hormone and people need to know about it.
(04:46): It is, and thank you for backing up because some people are like, Le left, what? We've never heard of it. And so we really should start with what is leptin? So thank you for explaining that. It's your satiety hormone and how does it interact with other hormones. So I talk all the time, we talk on the podcast, the Hormone Prescription podcast about what I call the six main metabolic driving hormones, which include your three sex hormones, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, your thyroid, your cortisol, your insulin, your D H E A. And then there's leftin. And we probably should touch on Grillin too. Yes. Because some people we do touch on melatonin sometimes, but not as being one of the key drivers. But lein is the satiety hormone. Thank you for explaining that. And where does it come from in the body where, how does your body make it? How is it used? How does it work?
(05:41): Mm-Hmm.
(06:35): Grin actually ends up being low and leptin is high. So they work, you know, kind of against each other. Not in a bad way, but like with each other, but like their opposites. So it's really important because Gorlin is actually produced by the stomach of the GI tract, and leptin is produced in the hypothalamus, which is part of the brain. So that's just kind of a little bit about the two hormones and how they work. But it's essential to kind of understand background of it because then you can understand how it works with the other hormones. Kind of like the ones you mentioned, thyroid stress hormones, your cortisol hormones, insulin. So it really does impact so many other things. Leptin is actually metabolized in the liver, right? That's, we know this is where our sex hormones are, are metabolized, right? This is where insulin is metabolized. So this is where our t3, three T3 is metabolized, right? So it's really kind of important how it works with the other hormones and where
(07:34): Great point. So let's dive into that. I know there's some people who are thinking, well, let me see. She said when you're full, your, your leptin goes up. So can I just take some leptin and feel like I'm full all the time? But I gotta ask you that first, cuz I know I'm calling it out. I know my people and I know some people are thinking that right now. So if you can address that, and then let's dive into after that, what are all the things that leap an impact?
(08:01): Yeah, so let's talk, I mean, there are some tips and tricks we can do to kind of keep your body feeling full, right? Like we can definitely talk about, which I'm sure people have mentioned before, have heard before, like for example, drinking water before you eat your dinner or your lunch kind of like starts keeping you full and feeling a little bit more satiated. Eating a lot more fiber, keeps you a lot more satiated, right? So your body feels full there. So there's things that will do that. There is no medication on the market that will keep you full. There are medications on the market that decrease your appetite and there are medications on the market that can improve your leptin and we can talk about that a little bit later. However, there is no prescription FDA anything approved on the market that will directly impact your leptin to make you full earlier, if that makes sense.
(09:07): Yeah, so we'll start off with thyroid, cuz I feel like so many women at all ages of life have a thyroid issue, right? Whether it's Hashimotos, just hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, whether it's overactive, underactive, unfortunately it is, it is a common problem. So when I look at the thyroid and when I'm, what I'm specifically looking at is I'm actually looking at t3, reverse t3, free t3, total t3, because that gives me a different picture. All right? So I'm gonna get a little technical. So guys, bear with me. Okay? When we talk about our thyroid metabolism, and I'm talking about, I'm looking at your t3 s your T3 free T3 s are impacted by many things. One is stress, okay? Chronic stress, like the pandemic or whatever chronic life changes are happening, right? So chronic stress. And the other thing that is impacting your T3 metabolism is a lot of times if we've been on restrictive diets, okay?
(10:09): So the link between leptin and our T3 metabolism happens When we've been on these restrictive diets for long term, most people, Dr. Karen, have been dieting, especially females have been dieting since their teens, whether they realize it or not. And unfortunately, our culture is all about yo-yo dieting, right? Many of us have tried, including myself, we've all been guilty of different diets to see what works for us, right? So we've been, we've tried slim fast, we've tried the special K diet, and I'm speaking for myself. I've, I'm pretty sure we've tried everything in the book. Right now it's keto, paleo, this, that, like, I don't even know the names of what's been out there, Low fat phase, whatever, right? So because about yoyo dieting, that has messed up our thyroid metabolism. And that's also one of the reasons why we have become leptin resistant, okay?
(11:01): Because of the dysregulation in our metabolism and the dysregulation of our body. So when our body thinks we are starving, when our body thinks that when we have cut calories, essentially, you know, we're trying to do that because the old adage was you have to, you have to starve yourself and you have to over exercise, and that's the only way you're going to lose weight. Well, now we know that's inaccurate, right? Because when we were doing all of those diets and those things, what we were essentially doing is messing up our communication with our brain and our bodies and our, and our fat cells. And this is why we would lose weight initially in the first week. And then we would hit a weight loss stall because the leptin communication started getting dysregulated and disrupting. And that's why we, we couldn't lose weight anymore. That's why diets work short term and then we're like starving and we're like, Oh my God, I need to eat everything in the book. Right? That's a little bit of what's happening right now, The what's happening. Okay,
(12:00): Got
(12:00): It. Because of all the long term havoc on our metabolism, and because we've been kind of, and this diet craze for many, many years, our thyroid metabolism has also changed. And this is why thyroid impacts lectin.
(12:14): Okay? Yeah. Very close relationship there. And I'm wondering, you mentioned leptin resistance. Can you tell everybody what that is? And then the next question they're gonna wanna know is, how do I know if I have that? So let's talk about what is leptin resistance?
(12:28): Yeah, love, love, love this question. So leptin resistance is basically when there's that miscommunication happening between your fat cells and your brain, this is probably the reason why your body is not getting the memo or your brain is not getting the memo that you're full. So maybe you're overeating, right? Or maybe eating a larger portions, like you just can't control your appetite kind of thing, right? The other thing that's happening is when you're eating, you don't feel full and an hour later you're wanting to eat again. You're like, Oh, I'm hungry. I need to, I need something else to eat. Or you're constantly snacking. There's definitely some telltale signs, and this is why, guys, I have you take my free, you know, 11 question quiz. It's at dr binda md.com/quiz. You just answer these questions and it'll kind of, it'll kind of help you identify, are you potentially left in resistance?
(13:19): Are you left in sensitive or left and clear, right? Because it's kind of important to understand, do you have some of these symptoms? Majority of us probably have some of these symptoms. We're craving the sugars and the carbs all the time. We have high triglycerides, we have maybe elevated blood pressure or whatever it is. And some of that stuff is all correlated and connected to leptin resistance. So go ahead, take the quiz, let me know. But that's the first thing. The other thing I would say is working closely with ideally a functional medicine provider, like I mentioned, your primary care doctor unfortunately, is not going to know what to do with this information or even be able to help you with this. A functional medicine practitioner is probably able to kind of guide you and say, Yes, I'm happy to check this number and I'm, I know how I can help you with this.
(14:01): Even an endocrinologist, like I mentioned earlier, who manages hormones, they don't, number one, check this lectin level. And number two, if they check it, they're not gonna really help you or give you the right protocol either. And I, I wish they would, but again, this just, this is a newer hormone and, and not much known is known about it. So if like when I, with my patients, I automatically do a blood test and I'm testing their leptin number. If your leptin blood level is above 11, then I can definitively say, You know what? Your definitely in resistance. If it's below three, you're lept in, you're on the other end of the spectrum. So, and if you're between the perfect number is actually between seven and 10. That's ideally where we'd like every patient to be. Now not everybody's going to reach those perfect numbers, and that's okay. It's, it's everybody's fine. But what I like to do is track this number. So a lot of patients will come to me and they've got leptin numbers in their fifties. I've got patients that have leptin numbers in their hundreds. So our job is to kind of bring that number down to as close as possible to 11. And that's how we do things.
(15:09): Okay? So blood test for leptin, and thank you for giving some idea about ranges so people can know. And then definitely check out the quiz. We'll have the link in the show notes. So if you're driving, please don't try to write that down. Just wait till you get parked and you can click the link in the show notes. All right. So I do wanna touch back on other things that leptin interacts bit and interacts with. But while we're on the topic, say somebody does have a lectin of 50 and they come to you, what is your general approach to start improving their lectin sensitivity?
(15:47): As you know, as a functional medicine practitioner, my job is to kind of understand and to get to the root cause, right? So we can start identifying what is going on. I can, I can look at it and say, Yep, leftin is off, but the next question is, what else is off? You know, I'm also looking at all the other hormones and I'm trying to see how they're interacting with wettin. I'm also analyzing what their hemoglobin a1c, their fasting insulin is to kind of see do they have some insulin resistance as well? Do they have some inflammation? Because once I can identify some of these things, then I can hone in on a specific protocol to bring this number significantly down. So it is a very, it is a very holistic 360, you know, lifestyle, diet supplement approach. I mean, it's, it's, it's very comprehensive to, to what we're doing, right?
(16:35): Sometimes we're, I, I would definitely wanna bring this up and, and sorry if I'm going all over the place, but sometimes people think that, you know, they need to be intermittent fasting and they, they think they need to be starving themselves and that actually can make their left and number worse, right? I often, I often see this when people are like, Oh, I decided to intermittent fast and then I see their leftin number go from like 20 to 26. So there's different things that, that start happening, but we definitely want to pay attention to their other hormones and then putting them on a program and protocol that's specific to them. And so sometimes that means, I'm telling you, you're actually going to eat more food. And people are like, What? What will you have to do? What? And I'm like, Yeah, you know, all this time that you've been intermittent fasting, it's actually slowed down your metabolism and has been one of the reasons why there's a miscommunication with your body because your body thinks you're starving. So it's holding onto extra weight and calories that you give it, right? So we, we start kind of like refeeding a little bit.
(17:31): Yes, I love that we have to eat more, not less to lose weight and to boost our metabolism. And I love that you mentioned intermittent fasting and leptin, because intermittent fasting is all the rage right now. And I see so many women who are intermittent fasting and initially they, they do lose weight, but then they hit a plateau, like you described, like with most diet and
(18:35): Oh yeah. Okay. I'm so glad you brought this out because it really is something that I, I think we need to again, educate a little bit more about. So again, like you said, there are some people that do really, really well with intermittent fasting, different phases of your life. You know, intermittent fasting unfortunately can impact your hormones. So in a good way, in a bad way, right? And yes, there's so many great benefits of it, but for example, if you're cycling, if you're a woman who's currently cycling and you are trying to have a baby or that kind of thing, intermittent fasting can actually be one of the reasons why you are having trouble getting pregnant, right? The reason is, when it comes to intermittent fasting, there's different, first of all, there's different types of intermittent fasting, right? There's the fasting mimicking diet and there's all these different protocols, right?
(19:21): 24 hour fast, 36 hour fast. Like, and these things can be very extreme for the body. When we're intermittent fasting. Short term, you'll definitely see results. But when it starts being long term and now you're doing 16, eight fast every single day and you are not taking breaks, you're, you don't have the metabolic flexibility that's going on, what ends up happening is your body thinks you're starving, right? When your body thinks you're starving is not sure when it's gonna get fed again, it's like, whoa, what's happening? When am I gonna get food again? Oh, not until tomorrow at 2:00 PM okay, I'm going to hold onto every single calorie. I'm gonna hold onto everything. So the thing that the tool that was working for you before, the hammer that was now helping you, you know, put that nail in place is not, what ends up happening is the body starts holding onto the fat and holding onto every calorie.
(20:11): So now you become even sensitive to every time you eat and you feel like, Oh, I feel like I'm gaining weight or I feel like I'm doing the same thing, but I I weigh the same, Like I should be lose continuing to lose weight. No, cuz you're, you're, you've essentially just changed your metabolism and I've actually slowed it down. And that's what that, that's essentially what's happening here. The other thing that that really helps with that's happening with intermittent fasting is you're causing yourself to have not only a slow down metabolism, you're causing yourself to have other hormonal imbalances and your body's just getting confused, right? Your T3 and your free T3 start getting affected and your thyroid starts kind of slowing down. So, so many different things are happening at the same time and not always a good thing.
(20:56): Yeah. And it affects your cortisol stress hormone. Most people don't realize that,
(21:00): Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Yes. Oh my goodness. Yeah. And this is why I always say, you know, it is a hormetic stressor, but more importantly to Dr. Karen is when you're in a stressful situation, like if you are taking care of elderly parents or you're taking care of young kids, or you just started a new business, or you just got fired from your job, whatever it is, whatever life stresses you're going through divorce, that's not the right time to start intermittent fasting because your body's already in a stressed state. Now, add on intermittent fasting, you're asking for cortisol and adrenal disruption.
(21:33): All right? So we had to get that out of the way. And what other interactions do you think it's important for people to know about when it comes to leptin in their body? What other organ systems, hormones does it interact with?
(21:49): So we kind of touched upon it already. Mm-Hmm.
(22:36): You know, we can't live in a bubble. I wish we could all somehow be Buddhist monks and just be like zend out all the time. It just doesn't happen with our lifestyles, right? Especially as females, because we take care of so many people and often we forget to take care of ourselves, right? And all that stress really impacts all our, our hormones, our adrenals, our cortisols, everything. And so understanding some of these basic things and having the right tools in place can really start not only helping those numbers and those levels get better, but in comprehension it, it'll also start decreasing your leptin resistance as well.
(23:14): Yes. This is so important. You mentioned self care in there. So I have to say I'm at a yoga retreat in Massachusetts this month and working and attending the retreat and there's so much support for your self care here and just classes and education and experiential experiences and you know, I think that I know about self-care and then I come to a place like this and they take it to a whole other level. And it really is just highlighting for me, India, how much we lack self care, even in my daily life where I think I'm doing a good job and I come to a place like this. And I notice that in some of the yoga classes that are restorative or again, slower gentle yoga classes, I'm so impatient. My brain is constantly going, Oh my gosh, they're going so slow, I'm going to lose my mind.
(24:39): No, you're absolutely right. And a lot of it is you nailed it is, you know, we have dual checklists and we're like, Oh, the doctor told me to do self-care, so I'm going to get a massage and oh, I check that off. That doesn't count guys.
(24:58): Right? And so I think foundationally every episode of the podcast, I'm just gonna be harping on everyone or just giving an invitation to really explore what is self care? What is adequate self care for you? So I want to invite everybody listening to really start leaning into that question. And you will get answers when you lean into the questions. Dr. Binda shared a few quotes that she loved with me before we started the episode, and I wanna weave some of them through this episode because they're wonderful. The first is don't underestimate your worth, which you are worthy of having the best that love and life have to offer. And that starts with your self care. And another quote is, if you never try, you will never know. And so I wanna ask everybody to close your eyes if you're not driving or operating heavy machinery, and just take a few deep breaths in and out and ask yourself about something that you've considered or are considering embarking on and you're nervous about, Should I, shouldn't I?
(26:12): Or you hear me talking about leaning into this question about self care and you're thinking, Oh Karen, I don't have time for that, But you're worth it, number one. And if you tried to lean into this question, what benefits could you reap? I mean, I've really regained a connection with myself that I, I hadn't even realized I was missing by being at this retreat. So I don't wanna proselytize too much. I just wanna give an invitation. What if you, you tried and you found out that something could be the real needle mover. What if you hear Dr. Bindi talking about lectin resistance and you're like, Oh, I think I'll reach out and take her quiz and get tested and find out if that's my problem. And I'm wondering if you could share Bindi, because you just have a newborn who's 16 weeks old, you already have two other children, you have a full time medical practice. What are key components of your self care practices that really help you stay healthy?
(27:14): You know what, I started this routine actually when I was in medical school and I, you know, I tried to be as consistent as I can with it. Obviously sometimes having kids, you can't do all the things you used to be able to do. But every morning, Dr. Karen, I start off by meditating. And so at this point I've been doing it for almost, I don't know, 15, almost close to 20 years. And it is what gets me going in the morning. It's how I start my day and it is very, very important for me. So I started off doing five minutes a day and I started off like with not really knowing what I was doing. And I would listen to YouTube videos at the time. And now I, I've progressed, I personally like guided meditations cuz it helps me keep focused sometimes, kind of like you, I I have the monkey mind and so if I try to meditate by myself, my brain will kind of get into, Oh, these are the things you need to do today.
(28:09): You know what I mean? And if I have some sort of audio in the background, it helps me stay focused. So that is one thing that I think is, that's my thing. That's what I do. That's what that, when I do that in the morning, I am grounded and I feel like I can handle it. And especially since I have two toddlers, my mornings can quickly go in any, any direction. So I need to be able to keep my cool and stay grounded. And I will tell you the days I do not meditate, like because I wake up late or because because my baby, you know, I, I don't get enough sleep and I'm like rushing or whatever. My temper is definitely shortened the days I don't meditate.
(28:48): Yes, I notice when I don't meditate, my day is more challenging, I will say. Yeah. Yep. And I invite anybody who hasn't tried it, who's just been suspect. There's so much research backing how meditation improves your health. You're including your hormones starting with your yes. So I encourage it. And I'm wondering before we wrap up, if you could share a story of a patient who might come to mind. I know of all the thousands of patients I've treated over the years, there's some that really stand out as being the poster children for certain hormonal imbalances. And I'm wondering if you have someone who really had been struggling, maybe searching for answers and she came to you and wow, it all ended up being about lectin that you could share with everyone.
(29:36): I treat both males and females in our practice and one patient really sticks out to me. She actually was 64 female, 64 years old and was actually diabetic at the time. Came to see me, it was I think last November, October, November, and just struggling. She had been to the con through the conventional route, struggling with her weight, struggling with everything. She was kind of frustrated by the system, had tried diets on herself in the past, nothing worked. Or if it worked kind of like many, many people, they wouldn't stick. She'd lose 15 pounds, then only gained 20 pounds back, right? So it was that yoyo effect. So I started working with her about November of last year and I put her on a very extensive protocol, you know, adjusting her diet and things started moving in the right direction. We started decreasing inflammation. We started seeing, now she's no longer on, she was actually on Metformin and Genuvia at the time, which her diabetic medications now she's not even on any diabetic medications at all.
(30:39): So her A1C went from a 6.8 to now 5.7. So she's still kind of in that pre-diabetic phase, but she's not requiring medication, which is much like, that's an improvement. So, you know, we definitely adjusted a lot of things with her. Her biggest thing that I wanna kinda shed light upon that really made a big difference. Dr. Karen was actually helping her with stress management. So she was 64 years old and was having issues with about being about to retire, having a little stress without with that. And then her daughter ended up having a baby. So she was kind of like feeling a little overwhelmed because she was helping her daughter with the newborn. So there's all these different stressors in her life going on at the same time. But once we were able to hone in and kind of help her with her mindset and help her kind of find the right type of lifestyle modifications and diet that was perfect for her. The weight started coming off, inflammation started decreasing. Insulin resistance obviously has improved significantly and she's feeling much better. The other thing I will add that we did do for her, which I think really helps balance her a lot too, is we did start her on some hormone replacement therapy. And again, that was something that she was kind of afraid to do before and that also kind of helped stabilize her.
(31:59): Awesome. Well it sounds like she embraced this other quote that you shared with me today can always be the first step to something great by reaching out to you and doing something different and really digging deep to find the root causes. So I'm super glad she did because everybody listening may or may not know how severe a hemoglobin A1C of 6.8 is. I mean, that's pretty drastic. And getting it down to 5.7 doesn't happen in most diabetics. They just are put on medications and told, you're gonna be on this forever and you're gonna be at risk for kidney failure, liver failure, heart attack, dementia. Exactly. Amputation, all these things. And I had a professor when I went through my fellowship who used to say that, that that was basically the mainstream prescription. You know, congratulations, you have diabetes, you get a team jersey, you'll have it forever.
(32:52): You'll be on these medications and here's what you'll have to look forward to. And that's not the case. Mm-Hmm.
(33:27): You know, one thing I will say is, guys, an anybody listening today, one thing that I really wanna encourage is many of you have probably listening and you're like, You know what, I'm gonna try doing this on my own. I think I have this, I'm gonna do this on my own. And I promise work closely with a good integrative and functional medicine provider, doctor, because I promise when you work with someone who is able to learn about you and can personalize it, you're gonna get the best result. And so stop trying to do things on your own.
(33:57): I mean, you know, I love that you said that. It's so true cuz people will hear this and be like, searching on the internet, Where can I get a leptin blood test checked? And I mean, people, I see people do this all the time and then they get the information and then now what? Now what? I never get the results that they could have. Yeah. And you know, I, I have this one coach and he always tells me he's a business coach. He says, Kirin, do you know the difference between wealthy people and not wealthy people? And I say, No, what? And he says, Wealthy people understand that time is their most valuable asset, not money. And so they are willing to invest to gain more time and get the fast route. Yeah. And get the best help. And not wealthy people think they can do everything themselves, but yes, who has that time kind of time, right?
(34:45): Yeah. So important guys, if you're listening today and you're suspecting that you have a leptin issue, by all means reach out to me, you know, have a virtual practice. I'm happy to help out. But even if it's not me, you know, just work with someone because essentially you cannot do these things on your own. A lot of you guys have tried for so long and there's a reason why you've unfortunately failed. So just trust and find the right practitioner, and I promise you will get the best results of your life.
(35:12): Those are very wise words. Thank you so much for joining me today, Dr. Bindiya.
(35:18): Thank you so much, Dr. Karen. This was a pleasure and
(35:21): Thank you all for joining me for another episode of The Hormone Prescription with Dr. Kyrin. Hopefully you have learned something today that you can put into action to improve your health. I want this to be informative, hopefully a little bit entertaining. But if you don't take action, nothing changes. And today really can always be the first step to something great like Dr. Bindi said. So what steps will you take? Please reach out to me on social media, on Facebook and Instagram and let me know and let me know about the results that you are getting. Thanks so much for joining me. I will see you next week for our next episode of the Hormone Prescription. Until then, peace, love, and hormones y'all.
(36:05): Thank you so much for listening. I know that incredible vitality occurs for women over 40 when we learn to speak hormone and balance these vital regulators to create the health and the life that we deserve. If you're enjoying this podcast, I'd love it if you give me a review and subscribe. It really does help this podcast out so much. You can visit the hormone prescription.com where we have some free gifts for you, and you can sign up to have a hormone evaluation with me on the podcast to gain clarity into your personal situation. Until next time, remember, take small steps each day to balance your hormones and watch the wonderful changes in your health that begin to unfold for you. Talk to you soon.
► Are you a leptin-resistant? Find out in Dr. Bindiya's Quiz. CLICK HERE.
► 5 Ways To Improve Your Weight Loss Resistance Free Download - CLICK HERE.
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